Child Struck by Electric Fan

Moharram gathering in Bandar Abbas


more from Pejman7

Just look at the dumb rag

by Simorgh5555 on

Just look at the dumb rag head holding the baby in the air. God forbid the child was hurt but you can imagine how these sick backward people will relish his death as marytdom and a symbol of God on a holy day. Shia Islam is nothing but a death worshiping cult whether it is attending public hanging, beating themselves in the chest and head every Muharram, buiding fountains of blood or flocking to the shrines of their dead saints expecting miracles. Every death is celebrated and unites their community. Every death is seen as the will of Allah without even questioning once what a selfish God they worship who takes lives and causes misery. The sooner this death cult is wiped out of our Iran the better.


ajab rahmi kard be bache

by azadi5 on

yek mosht gaav. akhe bacharo barayeh chi mibarin to in divoneh khoone?


I hope to god the child is ok

by Milan on

He'll probably start his own "fan" club:)


Khak bar sare har chi olagheh

by Vattan on

bunch of idiots


Did Hossein want this?

by choghok on

I guess some of them would say it was God's will.