Khoshkel e Khoshkela

1965 film starring Fardin


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Dr. Mohandes

Hate to Butt in

by Dr. Mohandes on


Perhaps not my place to say anything, But i really think mr. tavana has it all wrong.

Tavana. That is quite a narrow-minded (no pun intended) view to take ragarding this issue. granted that iranians have been deprived of those same "under belly " related things that kept them alive, nurtured their livelihood, and provided our society with a healthy dose of entertainment. Was nothing but pure old , if filthy and disgusting entertainment. And i am just wondering what was so wrong with that? The choice was always there. You could have shunned it or you could have made a die hard follower of yourself and start a celebrity cult!

Compared to the precious gem of the culture!! that predominates through our society today and that everyone is expected to follow and enjoy without having the freedom as to even utter a peep, I am sure anyone who does not approve a rigid mind set would appreciate. 

 You really think reading a meaningful book would have ruffled their feathers? Really? What about today? What else do they do to you besides oh gee. i don't know. Gouging your eyes, Flogging you on the ass and other parts of the body.... 

Your mentality is the same type of mentality that brings about opression on a society which could lead to Radicalism finding its was into it. Any openning, any whole, through which someone can vent frustration is met by outmost humiliating and damning reaction.

 I guess we should be happy and feel that we are so freaking lucky, that we are "allowed" "have permission" , deserve , to have all the "priviledges" that everyone else in any other god forsaken country in the world, would view it as their right. 

Well, it was not supposed to be my place, but i guess some space opened up for me after all.



Rostam - e - zaal

Tavana you are still an idiot

by Rostam - e - zaal on

If someone follows your logic, India should have had 1000 revolutions and they have no Shah. Also according to the Mullah's the Shah killed not more than 2500 in his entire rule, including the uprisings in the north and Jaleh Square etc...

Now, FYTI, I grew up here, I am not a Shahi but am really surprised at those who are losers here and there and keep blaming thier shortcomings on the Shah. Now go read Baghi's report on the killings of the Shah and his regime.

That is why you are still an idiot.


Dr. Mohandes

roozebeh jan

by Dr. Mohandes on

Naz e nafaste!!

Once a pathetic , good-for-nothing, criminal, pure and absolute human fith and garbage loser, Always a loser. Know what i am saying??:)))) 

Dis: Non of what i just said applies to any of the highly respected and honorable IC commenters. Swear to god man.  

Dr. Mohandes

Of charandiat INdeed!

by Dr. Mohandes on

Pendar e nik

Historic Awakening Indeed. 

I guess for those with criminal mentalities anything that even remotely resembles some disgusting filth, and passes itself off as a governing body, would amount to nothing short of a Historical awakening.

Yeah. Why don't you go pat yourself on theback and Open some vodka and drink up.



Tragically Comic!

by Tavana on



"If the Shah and his Ilk as you say, had asked that you to read a book if you would??? The answer is no. As if I were to ask you to read, your
blind prejudice and hearsay would prevent you to do so."

Such profound!! statement only & only comes out of a Fardin lover! Indeed! Shah & his Ilk would censor anything 'thoughts related!' Everything! Fardin & alike were only keeping people busy with anything connected with their 'under bellies.' These were naked truths about Shahis and such had nothing to do with prejudice, hearsay, & 'idiocy.' Savak would also take out the eyes of anybody reading a 'meaningful' book!


بگو مرگ بر فردین!


آره اصلا همش تقصیر اون خدا بیامرز فردین بود. هیچ ربطی‌ به یک مشت ساواکی بی‌ وطن که دست به دست این بی‌ ناموس‌های وطن فروش اسلامی انجمن حجتیه و غیره دست به قلع و غم بهترین و رشید‌ترین جوانان ایران زده بودند نداشت...


دم فردین گرم


قدیمها یه دفعه تو متل قو دیدمش. برامون دست تکون داد و بوق زد. حالا
گیریم که فیلمهاش قدری بند تنبونی بود، ولی‌ کارکترش همیشه صادق و با صفا

Rostam - e - zaal


by Rostam - e - zaal on

The Iranian people were mesmerized by the Mullah's and their false God's, superstitions and backward ways. Dont blame the Shah for Fardin being popular. He was also an Athelete who represented Iran at the Olympics, I suppose you wanted him to stop working to prove you are correct??  Is it not the time to grow up and ask if the Shah and his Ilk as you say, had asked that you to read a book if you would??? The answer is no. As if I were to ask you to read, your blind prejudice and hearsay would prevent you to do so.


Fardin, One of Our Finest

by Faramarz on

Thank you Bahram Jaan for this clip.

Fardin has a special place in the hearts and minds of Iranians. If people ever met him in the US or back in Iran at his rug shop, they would know what a humble and beautiful person he was.

He is absolutely one of our finest. May God bless his soul.


Of charandiaat

by پندارنیک on

The late Fardin and his ilk were part of Shah's pathetic, depoliticizing scheme in order to keep the Iranian people in a coma, so to speak......Not only did it not work, it also backfired with a historic awakening.......

Rostam - e - zaal

Tavana you are an idiot.

by Rostam - e - zaal on

If we follow your reasoning, then India should have had 1000 revolutions. They have more poverty, more problems that we ever did and still make the most jovial films full of dancing girls and have become great in that genre of cinema with line ups weeks long. 

And what you say is so funny like the Shah and Svak involved themselves in writing scripts for movies.

Grow the Eff up dude. 


مشکل این پشکلا!


بجای آگاهی سازی ملت شاه و ساواکش اینجور پشکلا را بخوردشان دادند و دادند و ار فردین و امثالهم خوشگل تراشیدند تا مشکلات  مردم را بستوه آورد و شد دوباره روزی ازنو. یک سری پشگل جدید شدند مشکل برای همان ملت فردین دوست!