Iran Cancels Suez Canal warship move

Ships near the Saudi Red Sea port of Jeddah

BBC: Plans by two Iranian warships to pass through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean have been cancelled, says an Egyptian official. The unnamed official was reported as saying the plans had been withdrawn, without giving a reason. He said the ships were near the Saudi Red Sea port of Jeddah. Israel had reacted angrily to the plans, with Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman warning that it could not "forever ignore these provocations". He said the vessels were planning on sailing to Syria - an arch Israeli opponent in the region - though this has not been confirmed by Iranian authorities. The Suez Canal Authority was "informed today about the cancellation of two scheduled trips of two Iranian warships and no new date was set to cross the Suez", an Egyptian canal official, who declined to be named, told Reuters news agency. >>>




by Rea on

Yes, Israel is definitely paranoid at times. But it's not suicidal. So, hopefully, things will work out.



by Delavar1 on

You said " Smart move by IRI to divert attention from what's happening in the country."

 I think Israel at times is paranoid enough to make the wrong move. If Israel attacks those ships , it will be the end of pursuit of freedom in Iran by Iranian demonstrators. Then the Islamists terrorists lkeaders of Iran will kill every Iranian soul that moves.

I hope Israel is smart enough not to do anything.


In fact, the 2 ships have been allowed thru

by Rea on

Smart move by IRI to divert attention from what's happening in the country.


Veiled and Lover

by norooz on

Hey, i just noticed it isn't Love, it is Lover and that makes me more accurate.

You are not very smart. You keep missing my points.

I wrote, you have gotten pregnant during this debate. where did i say Lover got you pregnant?

Do you really want me to explain? You don't have the stomach for it!!!

Just go read the links and stop crying!!!



by LoverOfLiberty on

norooz: "While you two were making love, I took a few minutes and sent you some names. not that it make any difference for you Zionist lovers."

Actually, you cited two links to websites rather than "some names."

So, since you didn't cite any actual names of any (supposed) Israeli Jews who (supposedly) armed Saddam's Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War, your assertion is clearly not supported.

(In your mind, would someone be a supposed "Zionist lover" if they support a negotiated Two-State solution between Israel and the Palestinians that is considered just or fair by the majority of both Israelis and Palestinians?)

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Now you are being a good Muslim. Insults; false claims and so on.

  • First of all I am a man not a woman.
  • I do not know LOL's gender and have no sexual interested in her/him.
  • If I did being a man it is physically impossible to get pregnant. Do you know how this may be done? We could patent the technology for getting dudes pregnant. I know a good patent lawyer. How about we patent it; then split the money 50 % / 50 %?
  • Anyway what is wrong with pregnancy? Are you afraid of a whole army of anti-Islam crusaders?
  • I have disagreed many times with LOL. It just happens that we do not degenerate into name calling.
  • You up to a civil debate or are you gonna do this.


Veiled and Love

by norooz on

While you two were making love, I took a few minutes and sent you some names. not that it make any difference for you Zionist lovers.



Veiled, you wrote, I thought about it. No. it is definitely your Antisemetism. I took six Alkasltzers and it re-read your post. It sounded as bad as before.

Alka Seltzers won't do you no good, you have gotten pregnant during this debate.  


So, what was the point of this "marine exercise" ?

by Rea on

Testing new government in Egypt ? Rasing temperature in the region?

By the same token, who gives a damn about what Lieberman's got to say regarding Suez or Mediterranean. He owns neither.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I thought about it. No. it is definitely your Antisemetism. I took six Alkasltzers and it re-read your post. It sounded as bad as before.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


He won't mention any because there are none. Don't you recognize anitsemetism when you see it? 



by LoverOfLiberty on

norooz: "By "so called smart Jews" i was referring politicians and rich capitalist Jews who are in US, Europe, Australia, Israel and some other places."

norooz: "Selling arms to desperate Iran just as they sold to Saddam was so profitable that even the so called smart Jews couldn't resist." 

So then, what were the actual names of the (supposed) Israeli Jews who (supposedly) sold Saddam weapons during the Iran-Iraq War, as you imply with these statements?



by norooz on

Be honest!  What is making you sick is the truth, because you don't have the stomach for it!!!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Your antisemetism is really making me sick. Please at least put on a pretence will you? I mean this level of open hatred of Jews is unbecoming. I know you are a "Good Muslim" and just following the path of your prophet. But it does not look very good.



by norooz on

Iran Contra Affair?  Is that all you got?

Where did it mention that Iran bought weapons from Israel or they helped Iran? But as I said and you agreed, if Iran ever did out of desperation it was a wiser decision than being invaded and defeated by Saddam, There were rumours, but the truth of them haven't been proven.

By "so called smart Jews" i was referring politicians and rich capitalist Jews who are in US, Europe, Australia, Israel and some other places. Do you think they didn't know about US selling arms to Iran? Many US officials are Jewish. Kissinger is a top advisor along with many other Jews, but the deal was so profitable they couldn't resist. Hitting two birds with one stone. profiting and getting us killed.  


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Soosan Khanoom

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do not see any reason why your "song" was deleted. I may disagree with you but I do not want to see your posts removed. Repost it please.



by LoverOfLiberty on

Why don't you just say which "Jews" you believe (supposedly) armed Saddam's Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War, as you have implied?

Regarding your most recent question, I suggest you study the history of America's "Iran-Contra Scandal."  Here is a good place to start:


Soosan Khanoom

why did they delete the link

by Soosan Khanoom on

why did they delete the link to the " illegal attacks " song that I posted ? 

come on .......  what is up with you people ?  



by norooz on

You wrote, I believe Iran at the time had little choice in the matter but to have to make deals to some degree with American allies, including Israel, regarding obtaining military hardware,

If you continue writing, you will answer all you questions yourself and save me some times.  

Do you have any evidence to your belief that Iran made deals with Israel to acquire weapons?



by norooz on




by LoverOfLiberty on

I believe Iran at the time had little choice in the matter but to have to make deals to some degree with American allies, including Israel, regarding obtaining military hardware, particularly since Iran had mostly American-made weapons/equipment in her arsenal at the start of that war.

(Heck, the US even sold 2000 plus TOW/HAWK missles to Iran in '85-'86, albeit covertly...until the Iran-Contra scandal exposed that activity.)



by LoverOfLiberty on

norooz: 'Where do you see word Israel in there? I wrote "so called smart Jews".'

Ok then, who exactly were or are the "Jews" you were referring to in your statement? 



by norooz on

Iran is helping two nations and you opposing it, what would you have done if they helped every country on your list?  Don't you say that shouldn't be any of our business?  You sound like some in oppositions who say, na ghazzeh, na Lobnan but Egypt, Algeria, Yemen and ........

You cannot have exceptions. Human rights is international.  You cannot win this war by defending human rights in one case and being against it in some others.  If the opposition in Iran had condemned west and Israel for their misconducts and defended all nations human right, they would have been in a much better position, but they gambled and traded off.

Most likely i am wrong and you are right. 



by norooz on

You wrote,  I doubt you even have a single piece of evidence that supports the assertion that Israel supplied Iraq with any form of weapon during the Iran-Iraq War.

But, giving you the benefit of doubt, where is the evidence that supports this assertion?

My comment was:

"Selling arms to desperate Iran just as they sold to Saddam was so profitable that even the so called smart Jews couldn't resist."

Where do you see word Israel in there? I wrote "so called smart Jews".

Where is the proof that Israel sold arms to Iran to help as Veiled suggested?

Isn't that interesting that you ask for the proof for one, but not the other?

Is there not enough proofs against Israel that you ask for one more?  I am sure it will make no difference to you. You will just disappear for a few days and reappear with the same nonsenses again.



The side/footnote...

by Cost-of-Progress on

Bosnian muslims received food from the mullahs?

BIG deal! Did they receive millions of dollars in "aid"? Hell no. Because they were not the proxy army that the alliance of reesh-o pashm has secured by bribing the very arabs that hate our guts.

What did Iranin mullahs do for their Chechen bro's? What are they doing for Darfour? (nevermind those in darfour do not belong to the religion of peace)

Wake up....






Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Israel did not supply Saddam with anything. The only weapons Saddam got from Israel were a couple of bombs they dropped on his reactor! 

Israel did supply Iran with spare parts for its USA built jet fighters. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Nothing makes IRI and Israel allies. It is Iran and Israel which are natural allies. Both are non Arabs in a region full of Arabs who hate them both. The best way to survive is through a mutual alliance of Iran and Israel.

Just imagine an alliance of Iran and Israel will make them both invincible: no need for the West. I know Muslims do not want to hear this: but it is reality.

Regarding Bosnia: Yes I know IRI did help Bosnian Muslims. I will not deny that fact.



by LoverOfLiberty on

norooz: "Selling arms to desperate Iran just as they sold to Saddam was so profitable that even the so called smart Jews couldn't resist."

Actually, Saddam's military equipment just prior to the Iran-Iraq war was mostly supplied by the Soviet Union. 

And, I doubt you even have a single piece of evidence that supports the assertion that Israel supplied Iraq with any form of weapon during the Iran-Iraq War.

But, giving you the benefit of doubt, where is the evidence that supports this assertion?



by norooz on

What makes Israel and IRI allies? That they both have killed innocent people, one inside and the other outside? You just might have a point there. I don't like such alliance. 

Israel sold arms to Iran without green light from west?  Iran even cut any relation with south Africa. So internationally speaking, they have tried to do the right thing, while domestically they have done some of the worst.   

As for Bosnian Muslims, Iran had sent food and help to them as well.


Iran-Israel have at least one thing in common

by Cost-of-Progress on

Arabs hate them both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






by norooz on

I hope they didn't deleted your comment. I don't think that is an insult. I have even said, if people use profanity that doesn't involve family, i don't care, as long as they don't cry when I answer them.  So feel free!