Opposition leaders committed "treason"

Says Judiciary Chief


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"اعتصاب سراسری در کردستان"


وبلاگ خودنویس از احتمال "اعتصاب سراسری در کردستان" در روز یکشنبه (اول اسفند) و "در اعتراض به قتل عام جوانان کرد" خبر داده است.

David ET

رسانه شمایید

David ET

رسانه شمایید: بهترین راه سقوط رژیم، تشویق به اعتصاب سراسری و خانه ماندن تا سقوط رژیم است. این روش، کمترین هزینه برای مردم و بیشترین ضربه راا به ارکان رژیم تا سرنگونی میزند. 


G. Rahmanian

It's in the news section

by G. Rahmanian on

and in Iran people are cautiously happy about the "rumor."

Mash Ghasem

Rozbeh jan , if this is true ,which most probably is , it could

by Mash Ghasem on

act as a precursor to a genuine "revolutionary situation" period, as properly described by Vladimir Illyich, thanks for the post.


واقعا این دوچرخه چه از وسط رد شده!


نمیدونستم این دو تا برادر اینقدر شبیه هم هستن....وای به حال این ملت!!


قول عدم تیراندازی از سوی اعضای سپاه پاسداران


 "قول عدم تیراندازی از سوی اعضای سپاه پاسداران" تیتر گزارشی از روزنامه دیلی تلگراف. این روزنامه گزارش می دهد که افسران ارشد در سپاه از فرماندهان خود خواسته اند ضمانت دهند که مجبور به تیراندازی به سوی تظاهرکنندگان ضددولتی نخواهند شد.

 به گزارش دیلی تلگراف در نامه سپاهیان آمده است: "به مردم خود قول می دهیم که به سوی برادرانمان که خواستار بیان اعتراضات مشروع خود علیه سیاست ها و رفتار رهبرشان هستند تیراندازی نخواهیم کرد."

 دیلی تلگراف می گوید که در این نامه از محمد علی جعفری فرمانده سپاه خواسته شده که دستورالعملی برای خویشتنداری سپاه و بسیج در مقابل معترضان صادر کند.


سرودی برای جنبش سبز ایران


I saw this youtube clip for the 1st time and it moved me:

//www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQs0ljjLglI would be nice to have this link on as many websites as posible so all inside iran could see it too.


Mulla Kosh

by Doctor mohandes on

Do you even know or HAve you thought through what you are proposing??

You start off all excited and all fired up and then you start to dive down finding out two consecutive flaws in your plan!

Why didn't you Just come out and say from the very beginning you did this solely to mock abarmard?

Sangeen tar boodi That way.


I wish I was there to join

by Bavafa on

I wish I was there to join these brave group who are taking a stands against Mullahs.

The fact that all rank and file of Akhoond has come out so forcefully against this demonstrators/upraising, it is a clear indication that they are scared shitless. What is happening in ME, Iran in particular, is making me to be proud and hopeful that maybe this is our time to take our country back, much like Egyptian.



I say it again...

by comrade on

-How would you know if a regime is sick?

-By checking the political temperature of its judiciary body.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



IRR and you are disgrace to Humanity

by karoon1 on

You have been lying to poor Iranians for 30+ years, just like your lunatic fascist mentor (khomeini), murdered its brightest and bravest children, created the largest prison in the world(Iran), took the country 200 years backward, enough is enough. It is time to be deposited to waste basket of History.

tehran e Azad

oppposition protest

by tehran e Azad on

شورای هماهنگی راه سبز امید باصدور بیانیه ای از مردم ایران دعوت کرد روز یکشنبه، اول اسفندماه، به منظور هفتمین روز شهادت دو شهید تظاهرات ۲۵ بهمن و همچنین بزرگداشت یاد و خاطره سایر شهدای جنبش سبز،در تجمع های تهران و شهرستان شرکت کنند.


Go for it Mulla-Kosh...

by Arthimis on

Go for it Mulla-Kosh... Godspeed...


I have an idea, please

by mullah-kosh on

Please let me know what you think of it:

I want to create a website, and post the pitcures of people like this on there with a bounty on their head. Kind of like they used to do in good ol Texas. The bounty would have to come from contribution which will be kept confidential. There is a lot of mistrust amongst Iranians so I am not sure the latter part is feasible. Also the legality of having a website like that is defintely in question. But imagine if this guy had a 30000 bounty on his head, you don't think there is a good baluchi, a kurdish brother, or a Tabrizi javan mard that would take care of this animal.
As Abarmard said, this would be my way of contributing to the Iranian progress. First let's get rid of the leaches, then we can worry about the other problems.


New call for protest

by Amir19 on

Iranian oposition groups have called for a new protest against IRI and it's thugs this Sunday at 3 pm in all cities of Iran. These times are not the time to be passive. Any Iranian with an ounc of dignity has to do what he/she can to get rid of this tyrannical regime. We are united and we are part of the 97% of Iranian people whcih are against this regime. Let's not forget that.

Mash Ghasem

شجاعت داشته باشيد ما را محاکمه علنی کنيد

Mash Ghasem

28بهمن :پيام جديد کروبی: شجاعت داشته باشيد ما را محاکمه علنی کنيد

دويچه ‌وله: مهدی کروبی در پيامی که توسط مشاور وی در اختيار دويچه‌وله
قرار گرفت، اظهارنظرهای روزهای اخير مقام‌های حکومت را «ساختگی» خواند و
خواستار محاکمه خود در «دادگاه‌هايی همچون دادگاههای زمان شاه و دادگاه
گلسرخی و طالقانی» شد.

پيام جديد مهدی کروبی درباره حوادث روزهای بعد از تظاهرات ۲۵ بهمن۱۳۸۹، توسط مشاور او مجتبی واحدی منتشر شد.



Shah and Kennedy Video Ironic Darius Kadivar

by AlexInFlorida on

Kennedy says our interests are the same, the freedom and prosperity of our people...

well it seems USA national interest trumped the iranian peoples national interest.

God bless the Shah, he was an Angel for Iranians.  If Believing in Irans history and culture are an act of treason in Iran, then most of us are traitors.  Today we are the majority, even though we have no support or possibility to defend each other from the hands of islamic evil.

The USA wants mullahs to stay in Iran to keep iran backward and economically uncompetitive.  They supported khomeini with hundreds of millions of dollars before they sold him to the Iranian people, with their free media.

US politics is not really politics, but one of plain betrayal to all Iranians and Iranian Freedom, its history and culture.

It was okay for the USA to organize against the communists and against the Shah, but now mullahs are in control obama has conveniently decided to be neutral with respect to iran in terms of aiding opposition, when the people are facing an organized mafia.  Thanks Obama.

Their occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan speaks volumes of their agenda.

Curse Americans even more than the mullahs and radical fundamentalists they back.




some one tell this towel head

by mahmoudg on

To play with himself (actually it will good because that means he is not molesting some ones child).  your time is up and so is the filth the Quran has put into his mind.

Darius Kadivar

So this is the other "Kennedy" brother ... (N'est Pas Zakaria ?)

by Darius Kadivar on

CNN´s Fareed Zakaria interviews iranian politician Larijani - 21 Nov.2010 P1



  Ask Not what the Crown Can do for You but What You can Do for the Crown !    


The Shah of Iran and President Kennedy