Security measures stepped

Rumors of impending important announcement on TV

Radio Zamaneh: Iranian opposition websites report that security forces have been deployed in all the main squares and central areas of Tehran, as the minister of intelligence prepares to make a television announcement regarding recent developments in the country. "Special Guards have been deployed in Vali Asr Square, Vali Asr Street, Enghelab Street, Azadi Street, Park Way, Shahid Beheshti Street, Haft-e Tir Square, Sadeghieh Square and almost all other main squares in the city," Kaleme website reports. In addition, people are being prevented from standing on the streets, and anyone who stops for any reason is attacked by batons and forced to leave. Other opposition websites such as Saham News and Jaras have confirmed this report and write that a kind of "unannounced martial law" appears to be in place in the city. Saham News reports that some business and store owners have been told to close their stores earlier than usual, leaving many people perplexed >>>

Huge security presence in key areas of Tehran:


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
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IRI getting paranoid or what ?

by Rea on

Tell the truth I almost believed Khamenei was to be parachuted downtown Teheran. Hence, all the security.


underestimate your enemy at your own peril....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

The regime is very angry and upset and somehow confused and unsure. Yet, what they did today -testing the water before diving in- was a clear sign we are not dealing with a Mubarak or even Gadaffi. These guys are clearly preparing the ground-slowly, and surely- for  a final showdown with the opposition. Any little doubt I had about this regime backing off under public and internal pressure, is gone now .

 We are looking at a very bloody ending now I'm afraid for this regime. The point of no return is reached for both sides.  In the end though we, the people shall win and they, the dictators will lose, because we are right and they are wrong

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


My guess is revolutionary court and hanging the same day

by choghok on

I really think that Ahmaghi and Ali Geda are going to use that worlds attention is somewhere else and by putting so much in force in Tehran allowing a quick mock court like the one with Khalkhali and murder the two the same day. I think they calculate tehran would be in unrest then and so they have gathered all their power there. they could also wait some weeks till norooz so tehran gets empty. but I think in coming days, what else is the reason for the build up, it cost them a lot.

Shifteh Ansari

I agree, JJ

by Shifteh Ansari on

The fresh round of protests have completely devastated them. They are trying to intimidate people and keep them at home. This could be possible for the short run, but if they keep having to invest energy and funds into this, they will not be able to sustain this status for a long time. The arrests, the very heavy prison sentences, the executions, and the rhetoric of the past 20 months have all aimed to intimidate people so that they wouldn't come back to the streets. Now they have a situation before them where people are planning not just what they will do next week, but for weeks to come.

It may seem like a sad time for the people of Iran. But it has never been a sadder time for the Islamic Republic of Iran, let me assure you. They have shut themselves out of any possible reconciliation with the people, and nobody gives a damn about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad anymore. It is Khamenei people are after, and this cannot be a pleasant thing to have to cope with.

The fake video clips he was talking about, used to "discredit" the real protest videos leaking out of Iran, are produced in a huge organization inside IRIB which was established this years with that exact agenda, to fight the media war.

They are also actively producing fake news and posting them wherever they can in order to further discredit and demorallize the citizen journalist networks in full swing.

The amusing thing is that these people have access to unlimited resources which they have usurped in order not to help the Iranian people, but to safeguard their own existence. And here, people with bare hands and without a dime, keep fighting them on a daily basis, and winning. Yes, people are winning. That's what I think.

Jahanshah Javid

Next? Hollywood!

by Jahanshah Javid on

After Moslehi's interview, the channel is showing "Shooter", a 2007 Hollywood flick dubbed in farsi. And what is it about?

"Mark Wahlberg plays a marksman living in exile who is coaxed back into action after learning of a plot to kill the president. Ultimately double-crossed and framed for the attempt, he goes on the run to track the real killer and find out who exactly set him up, and why."



امالقرای کهریزک کاران


اینطور که حاجی مصلحی میگوید، نظام پر برکت که "عمودش ولایت" و رهبر اسلامیستهای تجاوزگر جنسی است ، نه تنها امالقرای کهریزک کاران است، بل امالقرای فتنه است. مبارک باشد

Jahanshah Javid

More threats

by Jahanshah Javid on

The interview just ended. Moslehi only made threats. But I have a feeling they mean to carry out of those threats. They don't want to take any risks. They are scared :)

Jahanshah Javid

Extraordinary "communication war"

by Jahanshah Javid on

25 Bahman has been a huge headache. Obviously. Then why would the Intelligence Minister come on prime time TV and devote so much time to it. Despite all the claims that nothing happened and there were only a few protesters, this man is clearly not very happy. He goes out of his way to weave stories about how everything is under control and that the evil American, Zionist, Monarchist, MKOist "communication war" has failed.


and the cowardly scum bag got the reaction he deserved!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Marg Bar Dictator! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Shifteh Ansari

The commentators on Balatarin say he is retreating...

by Shifteh Ansari on

The commentators on Balatarin say that by bringing the guards to the streets and making the earlier announcement about "important announcements" on IRIB tonight, they were trying to measure how the public might react. As fresh protests have been planned on the internet just during the past few hours, they may have retreated for now.

Read this: //


سلاح های غیر متعارف


وبسایت جرس گزارشی منتشر کرده است از "هشدار گروهی از پزشکان به سازمان ملل پیرامون استفاده حکومت ایران از سلاح های غیر متعارف" در برخورد با معترضان.


مشاور ارشد میرحسین موسوی می گوید


 وبسایت کلمه؛ مشاور ارشد میرحسین موسوی می گوید: "جو فوق العاده امنیتی و تبدیل تهران به پادگان نظامی که از چند ساعت گذشته از طرف نیروهای امنیتی در شهر حاکم شده است و تکرار اتهامات وقیحانه از رسانه های اقتدارگرایان نسبت به رهبران جنبش سبز علاوه بر اینکه نشان از استیصال و ترس اقتدارگرایان است از برنامه های احتمالی و مشکوک آنها نیز خبر می دهد."

Shifteh Ansari


by Shifteh Ansari on

This Minister of Intelligence is regarded as one of the dumbest people in the cabinet. The Ministry of Intelligence is not under this guy's control, but is controlled by a group within who don't listen to anyone, but the coup managers. That group not only manages the Intelligence Ministry, they also control the Iranian Judiciary now.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks Shifteh. Watching live... what non-sense... "CIA, Bahais, Monarchists, Monafeghs" responsible for protests :)

Shifteh Ansari

"ضد انقلاب، بهایی، سلطنت طلب"

Shifteh Ansari

That's how he refers to those who participated in the protests.

Shifteh Ansari

He says they have arrested a CIA agent in Tehran on Feb 14

by Shifteh Ansari on

He says the best thing that has helped them in finding the seditionists has been the internet.


هیچ چیز حکومت دروغ را نجات نخواهد داد


هم زمان با حضور حیدر مصلحی، وزیر اطلاعات ایران در شبکه سه تلویزیون این کشور، مخالفان در صفحه فیس بوک ۲۵ بهمن نوشته اند: "حکومت کودتا در شبکه سه مشغول پوشاندن هراس خود است...هیچ چیز حکومت دروغ را نجات نخواهد داد... خوب به آنها بنگریم، در چشمانی که دیگر از بی شرمی و ترس کم سو شده چشم بدوزیم... به دروغ هایشان گوش دهیم و به یاد بسپاریم... آنها هیچ نبودند، آنها هیچ نیستند."

Shifteh Ansari

He says we have arrested an armed MEK member

by Shifteh Ansari on

who was responsible for "the assassinations." He says this individual is providing "very good information about the sedition."

Shifteh Ansari

He says the protesters were the shopping crowd, not protesters

by Shifteh Ansari on

He is attacking the Mousavi speaker, Ardeshir Amirarjomand as an MEK member, and Karroubi speaker, Mojtaba Vahedi.

Watch here: //
Go to IRIB3


Is this how the IRI government follows their presidents decree?

by Bavafa on

Wasn't that clown just saying that people should be free to express themselves and governments should not use force against them!?!?!?!?

Of course he is not fooling any of the Iranian people, those who have been on the receiving end of the IRI regime know very well about his BS regarding democracy and freedom in Iran.


Shifteh Ansari

Doctor Mohandes, it's on Channel 3

by Shifteh Ansari on

I'm watching it here:



IRI: "Mousavi escaped Iran!"

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

وزیر اطلاعات ایران، اردشیر امیر ارجمند، مشاور ارشد میرحسین موسوی را به همکاری با گروه مجاهدین خلق متهم کرد و گفت که به کمک این گروه از کشور "فرار" کرده است. او همچنین مجتبی واحدی، مشاور ارشد مهدی کروبی را به ارتباط با آمریکا و بریتانیا متهم کرد

Shifteh Ansari

Go here and watch live , pick IRIB 3

by Shifteh Ansari on

Heydar Moslehi is talking. Watch it live here:


choose the tab for IRIB and go to IRIB 3.



by Doctor mohandes on

There is no such thing going on right this moment.

I am flipping through all of them and there is not a particular announcemnet is being made...

Must have been a rumor. That is a quite Brilliant tactic that is being employed. they are putting everyone on notice while nothing is reaally happening.



by yolanda on

I make a prediction here:

IRI will beat up these 2 guys and force them to confess that they are traitors and are supported by Western powers....


But why?

by Doctor mohandes on

Would they want to intentionally anounce that knowing damn well that they would be throwing a lit match into a room full of gas?

If they really wanted to arrest them, they would have done it by now, without feeling obligated tocome up with any proof!

Shifteh Ansari

We will know soon enough...

by Shifteh Ansari on

Heydar Moslehi, Iran's Minister of Intelligence, live on IRIB as we speak. He is making "important announcements," according to an earlier teaser.

Jahanshah Javid

Indeed something is up

by Jahanshah Javid on

This is not ordinary show of force. They are expecting protests or trying to scare people off. But why? It probably has something to do with imminent disclosure of "documents" linking Mousavi and Karroubi to U.S. and Israeli plots. And their subsequent arrest.



by yolanda on

I agree with RG that it may have something to do with Mousavi and Karoubi!
Arrested? executed? moved to jail?

Joe L.

then i cant go this spring

by Joe L. on

lets see what happens. have tickets to go this spring and travel with friends to northern iran.