Zakaria: Middle East Revolts

People in the region taking control of their lives for first time in 1000 years


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maziar 58

amir khan

by maziar 58 on

what else we have learned from arabs like aashura tassuaa

and we added few sign on our flag and brought in a 1000 bassiji and more ghameh zan ...

i don't think we'll have yazeed for next muharram.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Joe L.

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Joe L. sounds too much like Sargord.

Yes, I have also noticed the same thing 


Joe L. sounds too much like

by vildemose on

Joe L. sounds too much like Sargord.


Buckle your seat belts

by statira on

Iran is next. The two bloody dictators, Ghadafi and Khamenei will go down to gether.

G. Rahmanian

How Amusing!

by G. Rahmanian on

Those who had very little to do with the revolution now talk as if they actually carried it out on their own! Those who tell the opposition outside Iran they don't know what Iranians inside want, claim a bunch of mullahs and their goons, stuck in the 7th century, indeed know what the people of Iran want.


As an Iranian,I am proud of arab youth

by Amir19 on

After seeing how the arab youth and ordinary people got rid of their dictators in such a short time, I for one, as an Iranian, am very proud of them and sometimes I wish our parents in Iran also had some of the courage of these people. I know most young Iranians are doing the best they can to get rid of the Satanic Republic Of Iran, but wehre are the older people, the high profile people like actors and directors, the lawyers, the university professors.  Now is the time for all Iranians to come out and united send this regime to hell. I hope tomorrow, at 5 pm in TEhran, we witnes another Ashura 88. I have no doubt it will be like that.

tehran e Azad


by tehran e Azad on

We need true free democratic elections in Iran, and who ever wins we all have to respect the out come, till the following elections.

Monarchists, nationalists, Mojahedin, Islamists, democrats , greens, ,,,,etc .  EVERY political group should be able to participate in these free elections.

Soosan Khanoom

Amir Parviz , We lost too

by Soosan Khanoom on

Amir Parviz ,

We lost too many souls .... we went through a bloody revolution ........ we went through hell  to get rid of Shah now you are suggesting like a  "Shah for fun "  kind of government ..... why ?  so they get royal wedding in the streets and live in beautiful palaces ..... sounds good not get them involved in politics but just have them for fun ... i guess .....on the expenses of poor people .... 

grow up leave that era behind .........  Elvis is dead : ) 


We Need a Monarchy In Iran by the people

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on



Secular Monarchy

Only then can we again enjoy the Freedom that existed during the time of the late Shah. 


Not a bad analysis, but maybe a tad too optimistic

by Bavafa on

I hope these changes can take place in ME sooner then later. Most importantly for me, I hope change of regime/system can take place in Iran as Iranians have been desperately waiting and wanting it for some time now.



To Fareed Zakaria

by masoudA on

You are too ignorant about the ME affairs to issue commenteries like this - just keep cashing Soros paychecks, they shall dry out soon. 

As for the Arabs - they have always been in charge of their own affairs - because nobody cared - until Oil was discovered at the turn of the last century.......Us Persians have a history of fending off Arab aggressions in our southwest borders - documented agressions which go back to Sasanids era indicates constant Arab raids and assaults of our villages to steal all they could. 

you had/have it all wrong CNN boy. 


الأَعْرَابُ أَشَدُّ كُفْرًا وَنِفَاقًا


The below is also noteworthy for the "ignorant" who commonly associate Islam & Quran with Arabs! Even though that is dated 1400 years ago, are not the Arabs today are still considered as Arabs? Are not we as "Persians" still look into "Persians" of 2500 years ago in search of "Cyrus the Great?" AZ FAZAL'e PEDAR MA RA CHEH HASELL!!

"The (bedouin) Arabs are the most tenacious in (their) refusal to acknowledege the truth & in (their) hypocrisy........(Verse 97, Section 9, Quran)"


To: Joe L. You got some of it right

by Amir19 on

Hey Joe, I am an Iranian who was for the 1979 revolution but no matter what made it go astray, what we have in Iran is a satanic, tyrannical, blood sucking, anti-Islam, Anti-humanity regime and we Iranians will have to get rid of this regime BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

so, don't tell us to sit idle because we know what is best for Iran.


الله اکبر از بی‌غیرتی ما اگر رهبران و کشورمان را از


الله اکبر از زبونی و بی‌وجدانی دیکتاتورها که برای قدرت هر کاری می‌کنند! الله اکبر از طعم کثیف قدرت که انسانی را به حیوان تبدیل می‌کند تا خامنه‌ای نخست وزیر هشت ساله کشور و رییس دو دوره مجلسش را به زندان بیاندازد! الله اکبر از ادعای دینی که این مایه کثیف است، این مایه انسان‌خوار است و  این مایه زبون است! الله اکبر از بی‌غیرتی ما اگر رهبرانمان، همرزمانمان را و کشورمان را از چنگال دیکتاتور آزاد نکنیم! در خیابان‌ها می‌مانیم تا رهبرانمان را آزاد کنیم: زندان حشمتیه را میدان تحریر می‌کنیم. الله اکبر!

Joe L.

ME is 30 years behind iran

by Joe L. on

30 years ago iran got what zak is talking about. now is dealing with its own issue mainly b/c of foreign interventions and anti iranian policies. iran has been shaped mostly by the west! from the very beginning the islamic revolution would have been different if it werent for war. the war was the product of british design and american plan to make sure the revolution wont go further than iran (in support of the dictators in the region!) now forgotten by most people, west sits idle (with sudden "support" to the uprisings) while they were the sole reason for dictatorial states. intelligent western politicians were successful changing iranian revolution into a despotic system by enforcing threats and terrorism with full force.
today iran cant be in the same line as the rest of the ME b/c theyre 30 years ahead even if their system has failed. if iranians are smart they wont fall for tricks and sit in the unknown guys car that is holding a candy!!! if they are smart they should know that their system now failed mostly b/c the western pressure in promoting fundamentalists. i know this, you should too.