Mesbah Mousavi

Arabs did not invade Persia, rather Persians attacked Arabs and lost

Leader of Imam Ali Center in Toronto:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3




by P_T_B_A on

I wouldn't even touch his meat!


Those of You...

by masoudA on

Who are constantly nagging about why some iranians continuously talk about our history.......I hope you now know why.   Our culture and our whole existance is under Arab attack - many of whom posing as Iranians.   This attempt at cultural genocide has been going on for centuries.   But thank god for the "internet" they can no longer manipulate through media-control.   We got them - we got them good.   These liars are all over and well financed spreading lies (Check Harvard Center for Middle Eastern Studies), but they have lost all credibility - mostly because of efforts by people like you.   Spread the word.


I hear Mohammed regularly had sex with his 9 year old wife

by AlexInFlorida on

Who cares who attacked who...

At this point...

Due to our values we are actively trying to promote the irradication of islam in Iran.

Our process is similar to the policy western countries used to stop people addiction to cigarettes.

So my question to you... mr speaker at emam ali mosque in toronto... are you with us 100% or just 99% in removing islam from our society... is't that the choice the prophets followers originally gave Iranians?  Except they said accept islam or die? Yes...  And if they said no, which part of the body got cut off.. the head...

We'll be kinder, and gentler.

As zoroaster said, we must never kill a person, but kill an evil spirit and cause a chage of mind.  Lucky for you muslim.



wait till i get my hands on you

by alx1711 on

wait till i get my hands on you, i will rip you to pieces and feed you to dogs.Mother F****.


Arabs, Islam are TAZIES. Islam is a dirty parasitic religion with no boundaries. Yes Arabs invaded Persia because they are TAZIES.

Jeesh Daram

کی به کی حمله کرد؟

Jeesh Daram

این از اون سئوال هایی ست که تو ماتحت بز بکنی به پیش باز گرگ میره.   سئوال اصلی که باید مطرح شود آنست که  این بابا از کی پول میگیره و هدفش چیست؟  واقعیت آنستکه ایرانیان بسیاری از ظرافتهای فرهنگی خودشان را به یونانیان دادند و بسیاری از آداب ایشان را نیز فرا گرفتند، منتها آنکه بعدا اعراب پا برهنه آمدند و همه چیز را به آتش کشیدند و این کماکان ادامه دارد و ایران هنوز در اشغال اعراب و سیصد سال است که در اشغال انگلستان نیز میباشد.  حاجی برو این سئوالهارو از عمه ات بکن، بیخود وقت عزیز مارو تلف میکنی، کلی هم مگس اومد تو اطاق.  اصغر اون درو واز کن بزار یخورده هوا بیاد سر جدت، بعد هم بپر برو سر کوچه دو تا سنگک بخر شام داره حاضر میشه  

Jonny Dollar

If he loves eslaam that much why doesn't he live in a Iran?

by Jonny Dollar on

Why doesn't he talk about SIGHEH which is really legal prostitution? It is true that many converted due to class system and atrocities by the zartoshti regime. However, believe it or not the Malakh khor Arabs were looking down on persians as the israelis do to arabs.

I am not going to insult eslam since there are many good things in it, but like many religions has its own flaws as well. Releigions come in different societies based on the needs of that society. Persians were Zoroastrians who were much more advanced in religion than the BOTPARAST arabs who were practicing polygomy.

That is why many arabs believe that being moslem is equal to be an arab. they don't even care for non-arabs to practice esalm since they are, andthey don't recognize the not arabs as real moslems!!!! Like saying that the persians should practice zartoshti. if non-persian practices it wouldn't make make them persian. 

We really didn't have to convert, but the caste system in Iran was the main reason for conversion since Islam removed the caste  and brought equality among all classes of people and that played a huge role in the conversion. Education was for the high caste, till esalm came. so if we were practicing zartoshti like 1400 years ago, most of with the exception of DK .. would have been illiterates. So we really have to be fair and look at things more objectively.

The truth is that esalm did bring a lot of good to iran including the writing. That is when the persian renasaince started. Persians were the ones who for the first time put the arabic grammer in writing and wrote all for books of quaran. Yes, the persian put quran in writing not the arabs. So before you trash esalm, think of it as the religion that the persians made it their own by mixing their own costume and culture with it. That is why they could export it to rest of the world.

He is right, however when he says we shouldn't equate the arab race with the religion. I always wonder why all these devoted christians here who hate arabs/jews, at the same time love jesus and are so devoted! But many iranians are not able to do the same. For one thing, I thing we had our own culture and religion, but the europeans didn't have anything comparable. I guess, human mind can pick and choose. 

Is IRI paying for his bills?  

"In the end, a man's life is measured not by what he has but by what he has given!"







Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



چند نکته


  • 1- بله یونانی ها اثر چندانی بر فرهنگ و مذهب ایرانیان نگذاشتند به دلیل آنکه فقط برای فتح و انتقام به ایران آمدند نه اینکه بخواهند مذهبی جدید یا عقاید خود را تحمیل کنند. آنها اصولا کاری به عقاید و فرهنگ ایرانی ها نداشتند و اثری هم از خود به جا نگذاشتند. 
  • 2-خودت می گویی ایرانی ها 25 سال و در بعضی نقاط تا چند قرن در مقابل عربها جنگیدند پش چطور است که نتیجه می گیری که ایرانی ها با خوشحالی و به خواسته خود مسلمان شدند؟ 
  • 3- درست است که ایرانی ها از شرایط مذهبی (مغان زردشتی) نا خوشنود بودند ولی همین باعث شد که عده ای دروغ عرب و اسلام را که برابری را تبلیغ می کرد بپذیرند ولی در فاصله کوتاهی به دروغ اسلام و عرب پی بردند و نهضت شعوبیه را آغاز کردند که می پرسید اگر همه مسلمانان برابرند پس چرا ایرانی های مسلمان با عربها برابر نیستند؟ 
  • 4- "تحقیقات" برنارد لوییز (نئوکان) هیچ ارزشی ندارد. جالب اینجاست که این آخوند حرفهای یک دشمن ایران را برای به کرسی نشاندن اسلام مطرح می کند. و اگر ادوارد براون می گوید مردم در انتخاب اسلام آزاد بودند پس چرا زردشتی ها باید جزیه (مالیات غیر مسلمان بودن) می پرداختند، در مقابل عرب  اجازه سوار شدن بر اسب نداشتندد، و .......؟
  • 5- کجای قران جذاب است؟ آنجا که از اختناق زنان می گوید، برده داری را جایز می داند و به جنگ و خونریزی افتخار می کند؟ جذاب در زبانی که هنوز هم ایرانی ها نمی دانند؟ 
  • 6- کاملا درست است که این ایران بود که اسلام را به جهان عرضه کرد چون خون فرهنگ ایران به وسیله اسلام مکیده شد و توانست در جهان عرضه شود. در غیر این صورت اسلام مذهبی محلی و بی معنی باقی می ماند و به زودی از بین می رفت. 
  • 7- اسلام علوی به دیگر جاهای جهان نرفت . ایرانی ها تا زمان اسماعیل صفوی یعنی به مدت بیش ازهزار سال سنی بودند نه شیعه علوی بنا بر این آن "خدمات" که تو از آن حرف می زنی به سنی ها باید نسبت داده شود . نه اسلام علوی و شیعه. 
  • 8- گوستاو لوبن "محقق" بی سوادی بوده که در دوران استعمار برای خر کردن مسلمانها این حرفها را زده به علاوه دها محقق دیگر موضوع آتش زدن کتابخانه های ایرانیان را مطرح کرده اند که اساسا با منطق اسلام کاملا جور در می آید. 
  • 9- بودا و مسیح با هیچ مردمی جنگ نکردند، مثل محمد سر کسی را  نبریدند، زنان دیگران را به اسارت نگرفتند، زبان هندی را زبان خدا ندانستند.....اینها دلیل آنست که ملیت ایرانی دشمن اسام می شود ولی کسی با بودا و مسیح مبارزی ملیتی نمی کند.
  • 10- این چرندیات را آخوند مطهری سالها پیش تبلیغ کرده است و نتیجه اسلام محمدی اش را امروزه در ایران می بینیم. حالا این مردک دو باره همان ها را قرقره می کند.



by Ferfereh on

This is your Islam which tells you to sit there and lie about everything: history, Islam, Persian, .... you think you can change our history and turn it around?My children, my grand children, my grand grand grand... children will know the truth about everything your savage Islam did in our land. You and your pedophile prophet are nothing else than  charlatans, murderers, rapists, ... and I'm glad that after this Islam will be gone for ever from our country.

Immortal Guard

Persia and Islam are an explosive mix!

by Immortal Guard on

Islam and Persia are an explosive mix. You don't want an explosion then don't mix them together.

Otherwise the Iranian commander will bring the armies of Islam with mostly Arabs in them to your doorstep. Case in point Salaaheddin. A clip from the movie Kingdom of Heaven:


I guess the reason Islam loves Jerusalem so much is because of the name. Jerusalem means in Arabic Dar-es-Salaam which means house or place of peace. So what would be the Persian word? Araamguaah (Resting Place) or AraamGuaa (S*** you slowly)? Just joking!


Interestingly the largest city in Tanzania is also called Dar_es_Salaam


Actually the Zoroastrian priests (the Mobeds) were the first to convert to Islam and change their religion. The simple farmers (the Dehghaans) were assimilated the last. So the Mobeds were the original turncoats! Why? Well they didn't want to lose their privileges otherwise the newly arrived Arab governor would have put the Mobed's servant to occupy the Mobed's position. That is also why they flatteringly offered their services to the Arab governors and were instrumental to convert slowly the masses to the new religion. They also realized that by becoming zealot Muslims (kaseye daaghtar az aash) they could influence the decision-making of the powerful Khalifs and even gain access to important ministerial and military positions in the newly formed Muslim Empire and thus transform the Christian-Zoroastrian crusades  (which had already began towards the end of Sassanian period) into Muslim-Christian crusades.

Pssst! Don't wake up Doctor Mohandes. He will surely pull out his few remaining hairs and will become bald!


Holly Toronto!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

With islamist Regime "in power" In Iran, can someone explain to me why all these islamist folks (arab loving or hating) have chosen Toronto as their prime location of residence? I mean from what I know, The west was not being swamped by the members of communist party of USSR applying for residency visas when Soviet Union was in full swing! 

A case of a Rats abandoning the sinking ship I wonder!

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by afshinazad on

This man is talking why Iranian don’t want be recognize as Arab and he doesn’t understand those who they say they are Muslim but not Arab because they don’t want you and thugs like to come and force them to live and think like 7th century Arab. Another point of Jesus that he mentioned doesn’t talk about Jew and Jewish land he talks about their beloved Palestine and terrorist people. Jesus was a Jewish not a plastanian.

This thug is here by authority of Iranian regime and no cleric could come here to practice without of regime approval.

Torontonian Iranian has few mosques which none of them get along well, mostly because of IRI regime interfering.  


My questions are

by MRX1 on

who are the people that go and listen to idiots like him specialy in places like Canada? why does the government of canada even issue visa's to people like him?

These tokhm arab haroomzadehs trying to their best to keep and thrive their shikh omati sub culture in Iran for another thousend years if they can but I think we are seeing awareness and rise in Iranian national identity despite their fruitless attempt.HopeI live long enough to see all these bastereds hung from the trees or locked up in prison.


Savage Arabs vs. Civilized Persians

by karoon1 on

He is an Arab zadeh, defending his ancestors, just like the people that are ruling Iran today. You are feeding BS to your audiences, just like your counterpart thugs inside the Country, which I do not know why this group in Toronto were silent and no one spoke out against his lies. Is that the reason, IRR banned the history of Iran before Islam from the history books in schools? So the new generation does not know the truth? You and IRR are the shame for all true Iranians, your dy(nasti) will soon end, Iran and Iranians will be free, and they will be proud of their history before Islam and Arab influence. The reason that Iranians accepted Islam, was the Arab’s SWARDS, which killed majority of able men, and slaved their women and children. The reason that Iran did not accept the Greek culture was, because Greeks did not forced it to them, unlike Arab savages which destroyed our books, our libraries, our cities, our culture and even tried to get rid of our language, which thanks to Ferdousi they were not partially successful in this part. With the same token, whenever Persian Empire conquered anywhere, they treated their cultures and languages with respect afterward. Islam was created for a benefit of special group of people like you (MOFTKHORE,MURDERER,……. ……).


Why does Canada even allow

by Simorgh5555 on

Why does Canada even allow this Haji to hold public speeches? He should be arrested and ejected on the next available plane to Guantanamo. 


Where do these mullahs get

by vildemose on

Where do these mullahs get their education or information from?

Isn't there anyone in Canada who can pay him to go to school  or sent him some books to read??



by Simorgh5555 on

Read 'Sassanian Persia' by Touraj Daryaee on Page 37. To summarise Yazdegard III was a young and inexperienced King barely able to count on the loyalty on those around him let alone embark on a military campaign against the Arabs. The Muslim  Arabs begun conquering Persian territory from 633 BC and conquered Babylon soon afterwards. The Muslim Arabs then attacked Khuzestan in 642. The rest so to speak - is history - or rather the first great catastrophe of Iran before the wretched so-called revolution of 1979


Get your history in order!

by alireza on

This guy has to learn when Shapour II Zolakhtaf was King and then Yazdgerd III. Also, this guy should read more about where those Arab came from to fight Shapour II. Not from Iraq but from Bahran and Saudi. From Shapour II to Yazdgerd III is about 300 years. check this link //

what is this guy talking about? So, I think with this reasoning we should blame every one in 1400 years ago for anything 2000 years before that!!! HAA 

Jahanshah Javid

The Truth

by Jahanshah Javid on

So does anyone know the real story? Did the Persians attack first? Or did the Arab armies invade? Or is it a bit of a mix?

And at some point we could think about whether what happened hundreds of years ago is relevant to the political realities of today. Why do we talk about ancient people/events as if they lived/happened yesterday?

We are so obsessed with the past we can't imagine a better future. We wish Mossadegh was alive. We wish the Shah was in power. We dream about the Persian Empire. We think the Qajars are the answer. Some even idealize the Khomeini era. But talk about building a democracy and they get bored.


Mousavi's reasoning

by Simorgh5555 on

Babylon and all the lands in Iraq were always 'Arab land' which were occupied by the the Achamenians. Therefore, the Palestinians are occupying Israel which historically belonged to Jews and therefore Israelis reserve the right to expel all non-Jews from their land. This is the 'background' which Mousavi is talking about.  

Were did Arab nationalism come into existence? Were the Babylonians Arabs? Mousavi knows that the civilisation of Babylon was different from Arabs. 



by Simorgh5555 on

You have a point and this precisely encapsulates the dilemma of Iranians which I have talked about. The usual anti-Zionists/anti-Jew crowd claim to devout Muslims but when it comes to being called an Arab they umbrage. They are confused shallow people trying hard to reconcile Islam with Iranian nationalism only to produce a hotchpotch of nonsense. 

 Look at the treatment of Arabs in Ahwaz and Khuzestan province. Here is a good article:


 Why is the IR and devout Islamists so passionate about Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank when they openly discriminate against Arabs in Iran. Surely, they should get their own house in order before rallying around other Arabs. 

This shows that the Islamic Republic has no real interest in the Palestinians or the Lebanese other than to use their struggle to create a perceived enemy in the shape of 'Zionism' bogey man so that it kill its opponents and impose order on society. Support from Iran does not come cheap for the Palestinians either who are recruited in Quds forces and to conduct espionage against other Arab neighbours in the region.

If for one will not shy away from criticising Muslims and if I have made anti-Iran comments it is because it has tried to assimilate Bedouin Arab culture on Iranians. However, I am aware there are many Arab Christians and secular Arabs in Iran and elsewhere in the world who are wonderful and decent people. Unfortunately, the animosity, including my own comments said in anger, were precisely because of this reason. 

 Islam is the religion which has subjugated Iran, Arabs and created a blood feud between the two tribes of Abraham: Arabs and Jews.  

Jahanshah Javid

Nevermind this guy

by Jahanshah Javid on

Mehsbah Mousavi has a very tough job: he needs to hold on to followers who are residents of Toronto, not Tehran. They are more nationalistic than religious. So he's trying to calm anti-Arab feelings, which can easily turn into anti-Islam and anti-IRI sentiments. He's not a historian. He's a preacher who makes up history for his own ends.

But in any case... this Persians vs. Arabs thing reminds me of Iranians who are openly anti-Arab and at the same time openly Muslim. I find this group fascinating. They are proud of being Muslims and make no attempt to hide it, whether they live in Paris, Washington or Los Angeles.

My question is, how can you be so adamant in hating Arabs and yet believe and follow a religion whose prophet was an Arab? And a faith with 12 Arab imams. You even pray in Arabic, every day, morning, noon and night. And you still hate Arabs?

This hating business isn't very intelligent.

G. Rahmanian

"This guy is an Arab loving, anti-Iranian bs artist."

by G. Rahmanian on

Which IR criminal isn't? They're all the same. Some have the audacity to actually say it! Death to the murderous regime of IR.


A Couple of points

by Bunyip on

1- He proudly says when the Greeks occupied Iran for 126 years, Iran did not lose its culture and religion (Zartoshti). One then wonders why he is not as proud when Arabs conquered Iran, Iranians happily gave up their religion. He says Zoroastrinism is a despotic religion, and that's why Iranians gave it up for Islam. One cannot have it both ways. (by the same token Iranians should give up the present despotic Islamic system from Iran).

2- He then says the land of the present day Iraq was full of Arabs. I thougt the Assyrians and Illamites were inhabitants of the time of Achamenid conquests. 

This guy is an Arab loving, anti-Iranian bullshit artist

G. Rahmanian

These quacks

by G. Rahmanian on

are knowledgeable in every field there is. From physics to medical sciences to sports to history, you name it, the mullahs possess such vast knowlege that is 11 times greater than that of all the scientists in the western world all put together. Shame on demagogues! Death to IR.


The dilemma of Islamists

by Simorgh5555 on

Their total inability to reconcile Iranian nationalism with Islamic values. Islam and Iran are diametrically opposed to one another and all attempts to make both co-exist with one another has failed with miserably. Iranians are going through their own renaissance and there is a great feeling of nostalgia for Iran's pre-Islamic heritage which is evident among many young Iranians. The Mullahs are obviously seeing the growing contempt for Islam as a threat to their own power. 

It was not the Persians who threatened Mohammed's wretched rag tag followers with an "army of death" if they did not submit to their religion or pay their dhimmi protection racket. Islam has caused devastation to every country they have tried to assimilate all over the Eastern hemisphere. 

For the remaining Iranians that still have not realised the horrific death cult which Islam is ask yourself this: Which prophet had sexual intercourse with a nine year old girl at the age of 55? Imagine that nine year old was your niece or daughter.