Imam Ali Will Rule for 44,000 Years

Islamic Republic is just the start, more to come, cleric tells faithful


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Soosan Khanoom

They were all miracles as well

by Soosan Khanoom on

My point was not to support any thing ...... I said if you are a believer or not just read the book .... in it it is said this book is a miracle and will remain unchanged ...   I have problem with tampering it only once and then not after ward? as it was brought up here so i had to reply ......

I discuss things based on things I read in Quran .... whether I am a believer or not is a personal thing and i am not here to discuss that or ask anyone to be one ....  

All the great works done in science and in literature ..... all the art works done by the human beings  are magnificent ... are splendid and they are miracle ...... the entire existence .... the universe  ... every single thing is a miracle 

when it comes to printed book and work of literature every single book has a copy right .... some how Quran managed to save its copy right while there is no copy right with the other holly books .... they are being printed as do we speak with different wordings some of which are far from the original .....

Quran call this " its miracle " ...  now you can deny the entire thing and you have every right to do so .....  

I have not been brainwashed ..... I have always been told this book is not even worth it to be read and since I have been instructed not to ...... I've very much found myself interested to do exactly the opposite and then I read it .... 





And brainwashing continues...

by ghalam-doon on

We were told throughout our childhood and most of our adult lives  that Qur'an is a miracle. So what do you call Shahnameh? Isn't THAT a miracle. How about all the great works of science and literature? How about works of Shakespeare? Aren't THEM miracles? And guess what, they were written by ordinary human beings, people with talents and ingenuity. They had nothing to do with an invisilble old guy in the sky!

Soosan Khanoom

Dear Ghalam doon

by Soosan Khanoom on

Since when Wahhabi's act upon Quran?

They force their women to cover their faces with NO Quranaic Back Up

They stone the women to death with NO Quranic Back Up

By Quranic Back Up i mean that there is not even a single verse even slightly pointed to that

They also have chosen to do certain things based on the verses that one may find in the Quran but by totally misread and mislabeling it  Which are all based on the false assumptions.....

one is to cut the hand of a thief ... while if one reads the verse correctly it mentions to cut the hands of the thief from doing the stealing..... which means to stop him from doing it ......  not literally cutting the hands .....

There is no way to mix religion with politics and state cause the result is the mess we are witnessing now ....

as rumi says:

Har Ke Az Zenn-e-Khood Shood Yar-e-Man

Az Daroon-e- Man Najost Asrar-e-Man 


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

The only miracle of Mohamamd is this book which somehow managed to remain unchanged .... now if they had tampered it back then how come no one else tampered it later ?  and that is if the miracle is to keep it as original (something that has not been a case with Bible then ) 

tampering Quran does  not make sense ..... cause it could not have been stopped at one point ... it would have been continued .... and we would have tons of different copies all claiming to be Quran ... and we would ask " would the real Quran stand up ?  the problem that Christians and Jewish are facing today..

but Muslims burden are much more cause they have the original book in their hands and then they do not read it and they follow old gossips ...

what a shame !! 


Red Wine

by Freethought111 on

The whole 2012 thing and the end of the world and end of the Mayan calendar thing is all about hype. There are people in the West right now who believe that the world will literally end next year in December, and none of these people are Iranians. There are a lot of charlatans running around making money off of this hype, from Hollywood and beyond.

Iranians and Iranian Shi'a Muslims have not cornered the market on hype, stupidity, gullibility and superstition.  Go to the Bible-belt of the USA some time so see for yourself how the Iranian mullahs and the simple Shi'a Muslim believers of Iran look intelligent in comparison to those morons!


Soosan Khanoom, I disagree!

by ghalam-doon on

If we go by the Qur'an only, then we have a Wahhabi-like situation which is far more dangerous than what this guy preaches.

We will have people like this guy who would have a very strict reading of Islam:



Soosan Khanoom

Dear Freethought111

by Soosan Khanoom on

What they believed does not necessary make their accusations true.  I did not check the link but thanks and i will get to it later )

Suppose it was tampared ....since then ( which is like 14 centriues ago) no more tampering has been done ..... cause the Quran I have in my hands today is the exact copy of 7th century Quran kept in the museum .

So even if what they say is true ( which I happen not to agree) still Quran is the only source closest to the source ..... It is all one has to study and rely on ... 

One can still study the hadiths but any hadith that has no Quranic back up is good for nothing ......   


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

پس با این حساب تئوریِ حضراتِ مایا که گفتند در دسامبرِ سالِ ۲۰۱۲ میلادی کره زمین کن فیکن شده و مردمانِ خاکی یا می‌میرند و یا از گرسنگی و تشنگی به آدمخواری روی می‌‌آورند به سطلِ آشغال باید انداخت ؟

تمامِ این بد بختیها،این خرافات و این گرفتاریها به خاطرِ بی‌ فرهنگی‌،بی‌ سوادیِ قسمی عظیم از ایرانیان است و متأسفانه آینده ایران زمین و تمامیِ پارسیان در دست ایشان است و ما در خارج از کشور چندان نتوانیم انجام دهیم که مثالش همین است که هنوز موجوداتی هستند که تنبان همدگر را سرِ دزدیها و خیانت نیاک و آدم کشیهایِ مجاهدین می‌درند و روده شوری هم کنند و وقت تلف کرده و در آخر به هیچ نرسند !جمهوریِ اسلامی خوب آشی برایمان پخته است،گول بزنید همدیگر را و این اجنبی پرستانِ جمهوریِ اسلامی را این چنین خوش است.

خاک بر سرِ ما کنند که ما را لیاقتِ سرزمین پارس نشاید .



Soosan khanoom

by Freethought111 on

Like I said, the early Shi'a believed that even the Qur'an has been tampered with. Here again is the latest academic study about the issue: Revelation and Falsification: The Kitab al-qira'at of Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Sayyari (Leiden: 2009)

Soosan Khanoom

I can not even look at the

by Soosan Khanoom on

I can not even look at the video cause I am sick and tired of hearing BS but the commentators here are bringing up interesting stuff ......  

If you want to judge something you should hear it first hand ..... now hadiths are old gossips passed from generations to generations .... how can anyone trust any hadith .....

now wether one is a believer or not ... the only reliable source by which you can find about Islam is Quran.... somehow this book remained the same and it is as original as an original can get  ..... 

 It is mentioned in the Quran not to accept any Hadith but the Quran... 

"..........We did not leave ANYTHING out of this book." 6:38

Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? .......... 

In this book, it is mentioned that Quran is the BEST HADITH. It also asks from the true believers to accept no other hadiths as a source of this perfect religion . See 7:185, 31:6, 39:23, 45:6, and 77:50. 

The prophet Muhammad was enjoined, in very strong words, from issuing any religious teachings besides the Quran(69:38-48).


The moment they seek guidance from anything besides the Quran, no matter how "right" it seems, they fall into Satan's trap (see 63:1). For they have rejected God's word and set up another god besides God (18:57). 

Now to whom it may concern

...... do not worry about the reappearance of any Imam in revised order cause there is no such thing ever mentioned in Quran same with many other BS that are being forced fed to us in the name of Islam.......

You do no have to be a believer, you just need to be a good researcher even if you are an atheists and to be one try to read Quran and do not get any verses out of context either .......  



I agree with JJ...

by ghalam-doon on

Shame on us.

But he forgot to mention the fact that many of "us" actually said "YES" to an Islamic Republic!

So again, shame on us!



Here is the rub

by Freethought111 on

Rij'at is a core doctrine of early Shi'ism as well. In Saffar Qummi and Kulayni all the Ahl-i-Bayt as well as all the 124,000 Prophets will return to help the Imam Zaman and his 313 companions in the final battle against the forces of darkness. None of these early akhbar mention anything about Hussein (as) reigning and then 'Ali (as) reigning and then finally the Prophet (sws). This is doctrinally absurd because, then, what is the point of the Qiyama (the Great Resurrection)?

These Usuli mujtahids (i.e. the mullahs) are all charlatans and peddlers of lies.


Excerpt from Majlesi's Bahar-al-Anvar...

by ghalam-doon on

پس از ظهور امام زمان رجعت خاندان حضرت محمد آغاز می شود. "کراجکی"
در کنز الفواید از قول امام جعفر صادق نوشته است. نخستین
شخصی که پس از ظهور امام زمان رجهت می کند
"امام حسین" است. امام حسین
با یک حرکت سریع و تشویش آمیز از قبر بر می خیزد و خاک
سر و روی خود را تکان می
دهد. پس از "امام حسین" پدرش "حضرت علی" و پس از او
محمد" از قبر بیرون می آیند. ( بحار
الانوار . جلد 13. صفحه 1223) (تالیف علامه
محمد باقر مجلسی )
امام محمد باقر گفته است که امام زمان مدت نوزده سال حکو مت می کند. وظیفه امام زمان انست که ریشه دشمنان خاندان حضرت محمد و
حضرت علی را از
ریشه بکند. عدل و انصاف را روی زمین برقرار
کند. امام زمان پس از انجام این وظیفه
سر انجام بدست یک زن ریشدار
کشته می شود. پس از کشته شدن امام زمان "امام حسین" او
را غسل می دهد و کفن می کند و به خاک می سپارد. آنگاه حکومت به
"امام حسین" خواهد
رسید و مدت سیصد و نه (309) سال به نام امام
"منثصر" در جهان سلطنت می کند. پس از
"امام حسین" نوبت به "حضرت
علی" خواهد رسید و او مدت چهل و چهار هزار سال به نام
امام "سفاح" سلطنت
می کند. آنگاه "حضرت محمد" به سلطنت می رسد و او نیز مدت پنجاه
هزار سال سلطنت در جهان خواهد کرد. (بحار الانوار . جلد 13. صفحه
1223) ( تالیف
علامه محمد باقر مجلسی (



The problem goes much further back then even Majlisi

by Freethought111 on

Shi'ism was sold down the drain long before Majlisi and his father. The blame goes to Shaykh al-Saduq Ibn Babuyah and his ilk during the 10th century of the common era. One example of this is the article of faith that existed amongst all Shi'a that the text of the Qur'an has been falsified (tahrif) by the enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt. A recent in depth study regarding the Tahrif al-Qur'an article of faith held by the early Shi'a was recently published by Muhammad Amir Ali-Moezzi and Ethan Kohlberg: Revelation and Falsification. Never will you hear these Usuli mujtahidss talking about this most controversial issue in early Shi'ism that is copiously discussed in the earliest akhbar compilations. Instead they incessantly cite these fabricated sayings compiled by Muhammad Baqir Majlisi.


Majlesi Nonsense Again!

by ghalam-doon on

So Iman Zaman will kill all his opponents and then will establish justice in the world!


Majlesi did a huge disservice to this sect. He gathered all this nonsense and put them in writing. He gave akhonds like this guy written proof that one day all this farcical nonsense will actually materialize!




by ghalam-doon on



it's the final countdown

by azadi5 on

Now it all makes sense. we are going backwards in time :)


Nonsense from Majlisi's Bihar al-Anwar

by Freethought111 on

You will not find this nonsense anywhere in the earliest akhbar collections. Just like amongst the Sunni there was Abu Hurayrah who fabricated traditions (ahadith) about the Prophet, in Shi'ism Muhammad Baqir Majlisi made up a whole slew of such reports attributing them to the Imams (as). All the sound narrations, from the earliest source by Saffar Qummi to Kulayni's Usul min al-Kafi, say that the coming of the Mahdi will signal the Qiyama/the Greater Resurrection and the end of history altogether.

These governments by Imams Husayn (as) then 'Ali (as) are fabrications of the fertile imagination of Muhammad Baqir Majlisi and are not based on sound reports.


Dracula Ali and Dracula EZ

by عموجان on

The only way any one can live that long, to be a Dracula. That explained everything, I always wondered how these old Akhoonds, look dead but still move around, they been sucking blood of young virgin, now I know why they keep talking about 7 virgins in haven(I mean hell).

Ali P.

So there is more..??

by Ali P. on

I thought we wrap up the whole thing with Imam Zamaan!?

All the Imams are coming back, this time in reverse order??

In Iran or in Saudi??

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Maryam

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree and find it very ironic. Ali the Iranian hater and butcher is thought to be our "savior". But it has political sense behind it. The architects of Shia needed someone who was opposed to the Sunni cannon. 

The obvious choice was Ali. I would have preferred if we just ditched Islam and went back to Zoroastrianism. But that may have been too much of a change for the rulers. So they picked Ali and cooked up the Shia mess.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Vildemose

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


There is nothing unusual about this. Around 30 % of the Americans think Jesus is live and well in heaven. Preachers use superstition all the time in order to fool people. This is how they maintain power.

I do not see this any different than other religious nuts. Maybe you live in Europe where people are more secular. But in America we have a lot of very religious people. They are no different than the Islamists in many ways. In fact Europe has its nuts as well. Just the other day a Christian nut did this:


May God save us from his self proclaimed followers!


Maryam Hojjat

VPOK, Rulers in IRAN are SHAYADAN &

by Maryam Hojjat on

know how to use ignorant people in IRAN to believe in Emam Ali.  Ali had killed so many innocent people as I remember 800 in one day by his sword.  He is like any other religious fogure in IRAN is a mens for the 1000 years of business to rip and plunder IRANIANS.  I think this is very obvious in 33 years of ruling these SHAYADAN. 


 Tragic. It almost

by vildemose on

 Tragic. It almost feels like we are living in a twilight zone.

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I have news

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Imam Ali died over a thousand years ago and it not ruling anything. There are ignorant people who pray to him and rule in his name.


Anyone wants to negotiate with this regime?

by ham1328 on

ANYONE?? Please raise your hands.

Maryam Hojjat

Moron Shut up!

by Maryam Hojjat on

Why do not IRANIANS put up with these BS from these backwarded people. They must be sent to SA where they have affiliation.

Jahanshah Javid

Imam Ali Republic

by Jahanshah Javid on

this guy is off the chart :))))

can you believe guys like him are ruling iran? shame on me.