Ahmadinejad Heckled

Khamenei supporters shout slogans against president at memorial service on anniversary of Khomeini's death


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

The sign of a sinner;

by ImtheKing on

is the size of his itch

gitdoun ver.2.0

terrific comment reality-bites !!

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

Excellent point !!! Couldn't agree more !!


First time I actually liked something from his speech!

by ramintork on

I liked the ending when he says "Mr Boss your turn will also come!"

I'm guessing he is predicting a day when Khamenei or someone acting on behalf of Khamenei would be heckled just as he! 


will we ever be free of the forever moaning

by ComraidsConcubine on

 of the shortie off the boat baldie going on and on and on and on about working. Jesus, it's as if someone's been hacking his foot off to fit into the cinder-allah shoesize and with no knowledge of birth control. Like Duh!!!



by choghok on

You have a very good point. This has always been in Irans history, before sons would kill their fathers and brother would blind or kill brother when they became kings. They would kill their Vesirs fallen of favor, but now it has turned into this. As long as there is no democracy history will repeat itself.

Soon when Khamenei successor will be getting the throne a new group of people will be called antirevolutionaries and hanged or thrown in jail. 


گاهی زین به پشت و گاهی پشت به زین





It just occurred to me

by Reality-Bites on

Ever since this gang came to power in 1979, nearly every IRI President/Prime Minister has fallen out with the their own Mullah masters.

From Bazargan to Bani Sadr to Moussavi to Rafsanjani to Khatami and now even to Khamenei's own hand-picked gholaam, Ahmadinejad, one by one they have all fallen foul of the Mullahs.

Inaa inghadr jenseshoon jalabe keh baa ham-digam nemitoonan bessaazan.


دعوا بین دزدان رژیم اسلامی سر پول نفت ملت بدبخت.....


Those of us, ordinary folks with too much earthly  matters to take care of (cruel Jewish boss, mortgage, monthy payments on 99 Camry, wife and four greedy kids to feed, etc), hence unable to do clever political analysis of this latest "power struggle" at the top of the khalifat of thieves amd murderers think this way: 

This "Doctor" ahmadinezhad, just got too big for his boots. he took muh more than his "fair cu"t of the Iran's oil revenue. So he got "investigated" by a man assigned by the "godfather", ayatollah (or is it emam now?) Khamenei himself. He resisted the investigation, hence ended in the shit he is in now.

For better understanding of current political situation in Iran, one needs to study the history of NY and chicago Mafia gangs' power struggle first .

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Heckling question

by پندارنیک on


Does, can, should, would, or will the current internal power struggle at the top (be) translate(d) into a full fledged democracy without an, otherwise seemingly unavoidable, civil war in our beloved homeland?


Anahid Hojjati

محمود که زور گفتی شش سال , حالا بخور .

Anahid Hojjati

می بخشید وزن وقافیه نداره , از سرش هم زیاده .

Shazde Asdola Mirza

خمینی، جهنم رو صفا کن

Shazde Asdola Mirza


مشائی، با احمدی وفا کن

خامنه‌ای، گه‌ خوردنو رها کن

خمینی، جهنم رو صفا کن

هاشمی‌، دختر تو نگاه کن


مشائی حیا کن!


بسیجی ها از سرویس راضی نبودن!

مرگ بر مشائی

شکر بریز تو چایی!

مشائی حیا کن

خربزه رو رها کن!