Parazit: Majid Mokhtari

Interview with brother of Mohammad Mokhtari, killed in post-election protests


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

we need to turn all of anger into huge street protests

by seannewyork on

we need to find a way to channel all of our anger into massive millions protests without the reformists getting in the way to slow down the protests to decapitate the regime.

getting rid of the entire regime is the only stop the atrocities against us.

condolences to Mokhtari family.


از لگد به فاطمه زهرا تا لگد به هاله سحابی


ز لگد به فاطمه زهرا تا لگد به هاله سحابی /ننگ بر علمای جیره خوار در حالی که علمای خرافاتی  شیعه؛بدون هیچ دلیل و مدرک تاریخی  سال های سال است که عمر خلیفه سوم مسلمانان را  متهم به لگد زدن به دختر  گرامی پیامبر و سقط پسر وی کرده اند  و در این سال ها انواع و اقسام فتنه بدعت دروغ و... بر اساس همین ادعای تایید نشده بوجود آورده اند می بینیم که امروزه چه راحت در برابر لگد زنی نیروهای امنیتی به هاله سحابی  سکوت می کنند آن هم در حالیکه هم  تمام اطرافیان مرحوم سحابی و نیز فرزند آیت الله منتظری که در مراسم حضور داشته است  حمله نیروهای امنیتی به خانم هاله سحابی را تایید کرده اند. در آخر باید گفت ننگ بر علمایی که تمام فکر و ذکرشان شده  این مطلب که برای استبرا باید چند بار آلت را فشار داد و  همچنین در آخر هر ماه جیره های حکومت را چه جور بین خود تقسیم کنند

نوشته شده توسط نگار


My sincere condolences to Majid and his family

by Bavafa on

My condolences to all Iranians who are fighting for freedom in their home land. Shame on a regime that makes a living out of killing its citizens



This week was a new low for me personally.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

I think we have to admit on some level we are in shock and grieving, while also experiencing humilation at the hands of this regime.  It seems they are killing us each week, slowly.

Interviewing the murdered iranian hero's brother was like twisting a knife in my heart, that with the pain and embarrassment that we can't do %$&&.against armed thugs that act with total impunity and don't know the meanng of remorse.

The new low was feeling some part of me die in shame, that a group of fellow humans, beat the living s4755 out of a human rights activist at her fathers funeral, until death.  I'm actually going mad in rage inside, my anger has gone beyond boiling point and is eating me up.

My many friends would tell you, I always joke around and I don't even get angry.  Anyone else feel this way?





by Mehrban on

Why is it that I dislike this word as much as "Shahiid".   

 "Iraniant", on Iran's soil the Islamist regime does not even hide its hostility to Iraniant any longer, that is how far they have dared to go.  It is surreal.

hajj khnom

خامنه ای شرمت باد

hajj khnom

هاله به تصادف کشته نشد .او را به عمد کشتند و جسدش را ربودند  و  شبانه دفن کردند . شرمتان باد ، ای بی شرمها