Rasad Satellite in Orbit

Iran launches homemade satellite

AP: Iran launched a satellite into earth orbit Wednesday, Iran's state TV reported, in a feat that is likely to raise concerns among those who fear Iran's intentions and nuclear development program. The report said the locally produced satellite, called Rasad, or observation, was launched successfully by a Safir missile on Wednesday. There was no independent confirmation. It the second satellite Iran has put into orbit. The first, named Omid, was launched in 2009. The Iranian TV report said the new satellite is designed to produce high resolution maps >>>



Here is Rasad-1 over Namibia!

by Faramarz on

Space, the Final Frontier!




Even if the space monkey dies, it's a great success!

by AMIR1973 on

Eat your heart out Zionist traitors, IRI's North Korean-derived scrap metal are taking monkeys to space! This is the proudest day for IRI's "home made" (North Korean rip-off) scientific achievments since IRI's "home made" (Russian junk) reactor at Bushehr. Cheers  :-)


Unclear on the Concept!

by Faramarz on

Good One Mola!

The whole purpose of sending an animal into the space is to bring the animal back alive! Otherwise, you just put a rock in the shoe-box and shoot it towards the sky!


You Regimis have drunk the Kool-Aid but are struggling to maintain the message discipline!

Mash Ghasem

استقلال ، آزادی ، رفاه اجتماعی

Mash Ghasem

استقلال ، آزادی ، رفاه اجتماعی

این سه اصل ، شعارهای اصلی انقلاب  ضد-سلطنتی ۱۳۵۸  بود .
ملایان شعار آخرین را تبدیل به " جمهوری  جهنم" نموده،  استقلال و آزادی
را  تبدیل به  "انقیاد" و "استبداد" نموده ، و ۳۲ سال ملتی ۷۰ و چند میلیونی را خلاصه
: نموند ...
با عذر از رک گویی ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- چنان   نماند   روزگار   و

چنین نیز هم نخواهد ماند

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

"Iran plans to send a live monkey into space in the summer, the country's top space official said after the launch of the Rassad-1 satellite, state television reported on its website on Thursday."


That would be a proud mement in Iranian history especially if the monkey comes back alive.

PS, Israeli supporters on this Iranian website eat your hearts out. This is an accomplishment for Iranian scientists.  


IRI Groupies, North American contingent

by AMIR1973 on

The USA, Canada, and Europe-residing IRI Groupies whose mouths and minds are more polluted than a Qom "fazel ab" are very excited about the North Korean-derived scrap metal that is "launched into outer space". If you want to act like a bunch of adolescent retards over 1950s and 1960s throw-away technology from the Communist bloc, that is your right in the Western democracies you live in. However, don't expect everyone to buy your cheap garbage propaganda. Cheers  :-)

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

Independence and freedom

is the right of every nation in the world,

But also,

a nation needs to protect her borders and keep her citizens safe from attacks and invasions.

The above technology will help the Iranian nation to protects her borders against invaders.

from Iran

استقلال و آزادی اصل خواست ملی است

from Iran

باعث افتخار هر ایرانی است که کشور عزیزمان بتواند به پیشرفتهای علمی برسد و رشد کند. چه خوب می شد که آزادیهای مردم و قانونمندی حکومت هم یکی از افتخارات ما می بود. شاید در آینده به قسمت دوم هم برسیم. ما که امیدواریم. چه بسا که اکنون نوید دیگری از زبان حکومت می رسد. حکومتی که حس مردمسالاری را از دست داده و به قدرت چماق رو آورده. استقلال و آزادی اصل خواست ملی است، نوع حکومت پیشکش.


God Bless Photoshop, it simplifies everything.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

One 3 month class of photoshop and IRI can compete with anyone!

There's nothing wrong with lying, just look at the Koran, god bless muhammads soul.

If you can back it up with rape and killing, why not?


A nation that can not have

by vildemose on

A nation that can not have peace and security on the streets of its cities for the people and constantly hunted by its agents of rape and death can not take joy for any pseudo advancement in technology.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Any progress and advancement in technology in Iran

by Bavafa on

Whether for real, copycat design or photo shopped is and will be over shadowed by the oppressive and border like barbaric behavior of the regime towards its own citizen.

A nation that can not have peace and security on the streets of its cities for the people and constantly hunted by its agents of rape and death can not take joy for any pseudo advancement in technology.



Documentary on

by IranMilitaryForum.net on

manufacturing of Iranian satellite launcher sand its payloads!


Cheshme Hasood Koor!



good to hear that the little islamist lap poodle...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

learnt something today  about the history of space exploration, free of charge!

I'd have actually proposed the name "shahid imad mughnyeh " for the islamist dog, if the islamist regime had iota of technical contribution  towards this rocket  or it's launch :)

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

"It's a dog eats dog world

Big dog eats the little dog

but suddenly now

The little dog is not little no more"



by IranMilitaryForum.net on

So you do still manage to peak out of your hole time to time!

Which was the launching of the Russian-built reactor at Bushehr -- a project that was in the works for many, many, many years and cost many billions of dollars without having produced a kilowatt of electricity. The IRI's next proudest moment should be something simpler and easier than space exploration: civilian aircraft that don't crash left and right. When that happens the Iranian.com IRI Groupies living in North America and Europe can entertain us with even more links to the story. Cheers!

You are right! So long as there are traitors/Zionists/Zionist fans like you who get estatic about any stolen technology by Zionist entity that has been massively imported and financially supported by the US funds and technologies, there is no room for appreciation for indeed very young Iranian engineers and scientists who on their own make such leaps possible.

Next, we will soon rejoice new satellite launch about 50Kg in the near future. Cheshme Hasood Koor!




Well done North Korea!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

For next launch  stick a islamist dog in it, and call it "shahid lika"!!! 

BTW, I wonder how much the islamist regime paid the heavenly, fatty comrade ill jill joon kim for this particular Stalin era  (that's before 1967) "marvel of technology " !

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by Faramarz on

There is not enough juice in the rocket to take the shoe-box payload to a high orbit which means that the "satellite" will crash land in a couple of months. Also, the Regime says that the "satellite" will provide low resolution pictures of the earth (Iran), but since it never shows any proof of anything, it just might as well be an empty box!

The global tracking of the satellite should be available on the link below soon and if this one is anything like the last one (Omid), it will spend most of its life over the oceans and Africa and Australia! In other words, this is a sling shot towards the sky!




International Space Station


IRI's proudest moment since its last proudest moment

by AMIR1973 on

Which was the launching of the Russian-built reactor at Bushehr -- a project that was in the works for many, many, many years and cost many billions of dollars without having produced a kilowatt of electricity. The IRI's next proudest moment should be something simpler and easier than space exploration: civilian aircraft that don't crash left and right. When that happens the Iranian.com IRI Groupies living in North America and Europe can entertain us with even more links to the story. Cheers!


We Iranians are also masters

by vildemose on

We Iranians are also masters of self-deception and false bravado.


And also, will the IRI now shut up about lack of spare parts

by Onlyiran on

for its civilian aircraft?  Surely, a counrty that can send spaceships into orbit can manufacture landing gear for a Boeing 737.  No?

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

Mobarak Basheh.


The Actual Footage Before Photoshop!

by Faramarz on

Again, another example of smuggled 60's technology by the Regime!




LOL!! A spaceship that is launched from the back of a truck!

by Onlyiran on

Thank God for North Korea and its 1950's NuDong missiles.  They can be re-painted over and over and called different things.  One day they're called Shahab, the next Sajil, and the next, they can be launched into the sky and the fool, the gullible and the retarded will believe that their great Islamic  Republic has sent a satellite into orbit.  


High Resolution map

by RostamZ on

     If I wast high resolutuin maps, I go to google. I think this is reinventing the wheel.



We Iranians have this nasty

by Kooshan on

We Iranians have this nasty habit of ridiculing at any expense with passion........these people are usually on the side with least rationale and logic.....


God bless Iranian talent.....hope it will get us closer to peace and prosperity of great nation of Iran!


Even if they did

by MRX1 on

who gives a shi*? a regime that overnight lost majority of Iranian rights in Caspian sea (second torkamanchai treaty) , regime that lost lucretive gas exploration (suppose to be 50/50) to Qatar,  regime that can not do zilch while small UAE and small Republic of Azerbijan openly claiming Iranina teritory, regime that barks like paperless tiger (saudi's walked over bahrain), regime that created worst environmental damage to the country (druying of lake rezayieh, zayendeh rood, swampization of karoun, destruction of jungles in Caspian area), distruction of cultural, historical sites, destruction of lives and families (miullions ded through war and execution chambers) millions left the country, regime that pushed 50% of population below poverty line and another fifty percent under chadoor!  regime that overnight deleted 1400 years of glorious Iranian histroy and list goes on an on. They can grow cucumber on the moon and I personaly wouldn't care one bit!



by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on




IRI can't even launch www.presstv.com

by asadabad on

Half of the time their site is down.  I'll believe this launch was successful when there is independent confirmation.


Definitely a photoshopped hoax

by پندارنیک on

By now everybody knows everything about the shadow and the waving of the flags....nice try IRI.....I meant IRR.....


Congratulations to all

by IranMilitaryForum.net on

Iranians for the second successful satelliet launch into orbit.

And of course "Cheshme Hasood Koor'!
