Hila Sedighi

Summoned by Intelligence Ministry over poems

جهان زن ـ بالاخره سازمان اطلاعات سپاه که تحمل شعرهای زیبا و ضداستبدادی هیلاصدیقی را هم تاب نیاورد و با احضار او و تفتیش خانه ای برای پرونده ای تشکیل داده و این پرونده را به دادگاه فرستادند و زبان او را نیز قطع کنند. آن ها با تلاش برای پرونده سازی برای او و اخراج از محیط کارش، قصد دارند تا مردم را از شعرهای با مضمون و آتشنیش محروم سازند. اما همچنان محبوب قلوب است. سربازان گمنام امام زمان تحت ریاست حسین طائب، بر این باورند که گویا با این اقدامات در آستانه ی سه شنبه های اعتراضی می توانند مردم را بترسانند. اما باید بدانند چنین جسارت هائی آتش خشم و شعله های نفرت جوانان و مردم را برافروخته تر خواهد ساخت >>>


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Bad news

by shamsi on

Sivash, I am with you hundred percent, however; it is easy to say not to be silent ,while we are living in our safe environment , those thugs killing , imprisoning our people !! It is sad to be fearful in your own country, and see your beloved country men and women suffer. May all the Islamic gang rot in hell !!


Bad news, I feel very bad to hear this news...

by Siavash300 on

I can strongly say that all educated, intellectual Iranians love Hila and her poems. Now, these Islamic monsters try to silent her. Why? for what charge?

I am just surprise to see my country men and women are quiet. What happened?  Arab-e-TAZI attacked our country for last 32 years, imposed barbaric laws of lizard eater Arabs such as stoning, lashing to our Aryan nation and it is so pity to see my people are silent. How long do you want to be silent and take abuses? Islamic gang are not that many and sure we can defeat these arab parastan.

Anahid Hojjati

Here is a poem from ساناز زارع ثانی

Anahid Hojjati



دختر خلف آب


اینکه مدام

از آفتاب زمان را می پرسم

و قبله ام

ساعت معصومیست که زمان را حرف می زند

 اینکه مدام

زیبا شدنم را وجب می کنم

و انتظار شنیدنت را

زیر قدمهای تند و بی هدفم

له می کنم


فقط در سطر ساده ی شعرم خلاصه می شود:


انگار دوستت دارم


حالا تو نقد کن این تفسیر نسیه را


پیش تو خوار می شوم

یا خار می شوی

خیالی نیست


بزرگ می شوم

به اندازه ی یک درک ِ بی نظیر

تا تمام شوم


 من جای خالی ...عشق .... را

با نام تو پر کرده ام


من بزرگ می شوم

و تو دور!

 خیابانی بین ما دراز شده

که طعم جاده می دهد

و مسیر رسیدن ِ تو را

هی دور می کند

دور ِ دور


از این خیابان که می گذری

نگاه کن به عابران پیاده

که چه مضحکانه

پشت چراغهای قرمز

احتیاط می کنند

تا سبز شوند !


همین قانون ایست ها و قدم روهاست

که گله پروری می کند

 من سالهاست که از گله کناره گرفته ام

و روی زوزه ی گرگها تحقیق می کنم


گروه خونی من

نه  آ   هست

نه  ب


من دختر خلف   آب   هستم






و چنان در خود فرورفته ام

که عمق مرا

فقط غریق ِناخوانده لمس می کند


حالا کنار آب بشین

وهی سنگ پرت کن

به دور دستی ِکه از من می بینی


من به اندازه ی زاویه ی چشمهای تو

دور برمی دارم

و به اندازه ی دستهایت

می رقصم


ولی طوفانی ام نکن

که دیگر به شانه ی هیچ صخره ای سر نمی سایم


طوفانی ام نکن



خواب دیده ام

که مردنم

همین روزهاست که سر برسد


نگاه پوسیده ی گلدان خانه ام بود

که فقط دو برگ از زندگی اش سبز است


خواب دیده ام

که شعرهایم صف کشیده اند

تا زاده شوند

و ناف ِ واژه های مرا

کسی نمی برد

و من درد می کشم

وقتی برای این "دوستت دارم ِ ناگهانی "

هیچ واژه ای پیدا نمی شود


خواب دیده ام

که تو

آخرین معشوقۀ دفترم شده ای

 چرا که سخت زیبایی

و چون پیکره های عصر گوتیک

هر چه تنت را می تراشم

باز کم نمی شوی




روی لبهای ِ تو سکوت می کنم

و تا ده می شمارم




کاش شبیه عاشق شدنم شوی !



روی بوسه های تو مکث می کنم .




خواب دیده ام

که تو

آخرین طعم  ِ بوسه ای




(ساناز زارع ثانی - تردستی حروف محدود )

Soosan Khanoom

MG my dear

by Soosan Khanoom on

for God sakes do you really call this poetry ....  : )

اتاقی دستپاچه انگشتانِ لیز می‌خورد از داغی لیوان اووم م م نخ حرف ها در می‌رود از درز دست چپم



ok ok .... I promise to look into more poems of Ziba may be something better is out there before 

نخ حرف ها در رود از درز دست چپم



by the way it seems that Hila is still out there not really being arrested ... let's hope she never will be arrested ....


Mash Ghasem

Soosani, according to some accounts Hila might be in jail

by Mash Ghasem on

If this  very, very bad news is true : WE HAVE TO ORGANIZE A CAMPAIGN TO FREE HER, NOW.


Ziba Karbasi is another one of Hila's generation, below is one of her works. Hope you like it, cheers



هشتم مارس، "اووووومم" دفتر شعر سه زبانه ی زیبا کرباسی در ایتالیا منتشر شد "معرفی کتاب از شلاله بالایی"

زیبا کرباسی

اووم م م مکث لای درزهای اووم م م

اتاقی دستپاچه

انگشتانِ لیز می‌خورد از داغی لیوان اووم م م

نخ حرف ها در می‌رود از درز دست چپم

اخبار روز:


۱۷ اسفند ۱٣٨۹ - 
٨ مارس ۲۰۱۱

هشتم مارس امسال روز جهانی‌ زن دفتر شعر سه زبانه ی زیبا کرباسی در
ایتالیا به نام اووووومم در نود و شش صفحه منتشر شد با صدای شعر خوانی او و
مترجمانش در سی‌دی
ناشر آن< دامه بولفارو >شاعر اوانگارد و کارگردان فستیوال< پوزیا پرزنت>شهر رم است .
سال پیش زیبا به این فستیوال جهانی‌ دعوت داشت از آنجایی که شعرهایش
تاثیر عمیقی بر جان و روان حضار و جامعه شاعران آن شهر به جا گذاشت تصمیم
گرفتند شعر‌های او را به ترجمه ی کریستینا ویتی به ایتالیایی و استیون واتس
به انگلیسی‌ به همراه متن فارسی‌ آن منتشر و بهار امسال نیز بار دیگر به
همان فستیوال دعوتش کنند برای شاعری که در سرزمین مادری تا کنون حق چاپ
نداشته و در سانسوری بی‌ حد و مرز به سر برده این اتفاق می‌‌تواند شعف پُری
به همراه داشته باشد
در آغاز این دفتر با یاد داشت ناشر روبرو می‌‌شویم من قسمت‌هایی‌ را این جا ترجمه کرده‌ام که در باره شعر زیبا کرباسی نوشته است:
این دفتر اولین مجموعه سه زبانه از یک شاعر ایرانی در ایتالیاست شاعری که بیشتر عمرش را از آغاز نوجوانی در تبعید گذرانده است.
زیبا کرباسی زاده ی نفس‌های خویش است و آواز‌هایی‌ در نفس به جان می‌‌گذارد که نفس ما را در سینه می‌‌برّد
خواندن این شعرها به راستی‌ نفس را دچار شدت می‌‌کند طوری که قلب را...
نه تنها به دلیل بعد سیاسی آن‌ها بلکه به دلایل استتیک و زیبایی‌ شناسانه ی آن ها نیز
آن‌ها را باید دوباره و دوباره خواند و گوش داد
باید با این شعرها نفس کشید در او با او
<ههق ههق از گریه پریده شانه‌‌هایش کو
قاه قاه از خنده می‌‌پرد شانه‌‌هایش کو>
کریستینا ویتی شاعر و مترجم پر آوازه ی ایتالیایی مقیم لندن میگوید:
شعر زیبا پر رمز و راز است مثل جادو با تاریکی‌های محض پر لذت ,می‌‌بردت جایی‌ پر نور و آب و نسیم
و استیون واتس شاعر توانمند لندن نیز از اشنأیی ش با زیبا از سال‌ها پیش سخن می‌‌گوید
او می‌‌نویسد: وقتی‌ زیبا شعر می‌گوید انگارزبان و نفس هم زمان می‌‌تپند در نهایت و شدت
این اتفاق در شعر جهان بسیار کم یاب است وقتی‌ شاعر به شعرش تبدیل می‌‌شود یا شعر به شأعرش
من در ترجمه ی شعر او توانستم به زبان شعریت شعر برسم شعر او این امکان
را پدید می‌‌آورد در عمق غوطه ور شدن و معنا را به زبان انگلیسی‌ که در
سطح است رساندن.انرژی زبان او همسنگ با شعر مارینا تسوتایواست امیدوارم با
ترجمه ی شعر او این ارزش‌ها وارد زبان انگلیسی‌ شود جایی‌ برای نفس‌های


اووم م م مکث لای درزهای اووم م م
اتاقی دستپاچه
انگشتانِ لیز می‌خورد از داغی لیوان اووم م م
نخ حرف ها در می‌رود از درز دست چپم
چراغ خواب دامن پلیسه‌اش را تکان و خواب اووم م م
حروف    حرف از لابه لای دامنش اووم م م
در دخانیات دخالت می‌کنم طوری می‌پیچم دور دود که فراموشی پر از هواست اووم م م
ببلع و دم نیار   کمی ویار    کمی آبستن    کمی نیستن از هست اووم م م
و قو هوای سپید پرانِ سینه‌ی آب    اینسو آنسو
دامن نرمم روشنی بریزد روی تخت آخ
می توانی چراغ را روشن کنی.

در پایان باید اضافه کنم که گوشه ی نظرهای زیبا نیز در پایان کتاب به سه زبان منتشر شده است با نام شاعر اکسیری شاعر نفس .
برای او موفقیت‌های بزرگتری در جهان شعر آرزو می‌کنم

شلاله بالایی‌

شعر را با صدای شاعر بشنوید:


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

I haven't read this poem for that long ....... to me still is new ......... fresh like the air that I breath

I am not much into today's generation poetry ....I should really up to date myself on that  ......... that is truly my bad  ...........I like Hila and I admire her bravery but not all poems can stand the test of time and become immortal ....I do not think so the poem that I have heard from her so far are going to make it years from now ...

There are just a few poems that can make it ........" Cul-de-Sac " is one ...... because it is simple .... the words are Love , Light , and God ..  every generation at any given time can identify with  it ...... it suggests of a common enemy and a common struggle 

Mash Ghasem

Soosie, been reading that poem for some 30 years now, getting

by Mash Ghasem on

tired of it. Yeah it still applies after all these years, I'm still tired of it. Rather listen to Hila, Ziba, Sara, et al... All Powers to the New Generation.

P.S. there are better English translation of that poem. Shamlou belonged to the ranks of the undefeated. These were  individuals and movements that had no illusion about Khomeini and where he came from, they never stopped opposing IR. In retrorespect they were a distinct minority back then, me thinks they're the majority now.

Soosan Khanoom

Yaar and MG

by Soosan Khanoom on

Even suppose he supported Khomeni, so what?  Have you guys forgotten how things were back then? I can not remember much and I wasn't involved much due my age at the time but I at least remember how everyone was in the same boat and in it together against The Pahalvi's Regime. Now we all know that Khomeni made many promises to the oppositions that he did not keep. Eventually one by one opposition groups stepped down from that boat and we are still witnessing that the boat is getting emptier as we speak . Having said that no one should deny that one or other we all were on that boat at some time in the past especillay during revolution. No other choice and if you were not in that boat then you were there supporting Pahlavi , Savak and the Regime . Now MG you may be right. May be Shamlou had a vision and never joined but then how could he ?  it was a very peculiar time.

A poet writes with his/her passion,with his/her heart and the words are going to be a living witness in the history. I especially like this poem of his " In this Cul-de-Sac " which applies today more than ever. It speaks of " Khafeghaan " today same as yesterday ( time of Shah ) :

To make sure 
You have not said: 
"I love you," 
They smell your breath. 
They even smell your heart 
Trying times are these, my darling. 
They flog love 
Tied to the post of the cul-de-sac 
We must hide love in the closet. 
In this serpentine maze 
This crooked cold corner 
They feed the fire 
With poems and songs 
Thinking, too, is risky. 
Those who, late at night, knock on the door, 
Are there to kill the lamp. 
We must hide the light in the closet. 
Then there are the butchers 
Stationed at all cross-roads, 
Armed with a block and a bloody cleaver. 
Trying times these are, my darling. 
They plant smiles on lips, 
And songs in the mouths. 
We must hide joy in the closet. 
On lilies and lilacs, 
They roast the canaries. 
Trying times these are, my darling. 
Drunk with victory, the Devil, 
Celebrates our wake. 
We must hide God in the closet.



Mash Ghasem

yaar,tis blog is not a conversation between you and I, mind you

by Mash Ghasem on

1) the reference to Shah, SAVAK, and Mehdi Rezaei (RIP), came in  as one of the other  partcipants on this blog opined that :

"I think she [H.S.] probably does worry since IRI punishes the whole family.
With Shah, that was not the case but IRI has been doing this for years," so that was a reminder that in fact in time of the Shah that WAS THE CASE.

2) You have slandered ( very close to insulting if you ask me) Shamlou of defending Khoemini, without providing a single word, quote, or anything other than the fact that in the paper in which he was an editor, Khomeini's picture was next to Shah. That's some solid reasoning!

I personally have heard from two gentlemen of Iranian letters, one a poet and one a novelist, that Shamlou was about to actually publish a letter exposing Khomeini by name for his backward ideas, right after 17 Shahrivar, but these two individuals, which I'm not at liberty at the moment to name, prevented him from doing so in a drawn out, nigh long , extensive conversation, all in the name of "unity!". Needless to say both of these artists now think they should have let Shamlou do what he had in mind.

Shamlou was in the ranks of  the undefeated ; so is Hila , Ziba Karbasi, Freshteh Saary, and practically this entire new generation currently active in Iran. 

3) No one is above criticism, Karl has a famous saying about how workers' revolutions shall thrive with a ruthless criticism of all that exists, however slandering is a whole different ball game.

And Shamlou as well has many limitations in his works that make him eligible for criticism; as has been done by Majid Nafici: on Shamlou's take on women in his poems ( mostly as passivebystanders), or his method of investigation and collection in Ketabe Koche, among others.

But every single one of these constructive criticisms has been substantial, based on his texts, and not becasuse he published so and so's picture on so and so page , so that means so and so..

4) My spelling sucks, get used to it, deal with it. Frankly I don't give a damn about it, neither should anyone else.

5) You are correct on one point; at times I do have a tendency to display what you call " a short fuse," not cool on my part. Need to change that tone. I shall thank you kindly for the reminder.i ment to sey, mister i tank yo on dat puyent vry kyndely.


Mash Ghasem

by yaar on

1. It is Hila and not HilDa (so far you have repeated Hilda 3 times so it is not a typo. Pay more attention);

2. What is Shah, SAVAK, Mehdi Rezaie and Shamlou doing here when others are discussing Hila Sedghi's work and the fact that she was summoned? This reminds me of when Akhounds "MeZanan Beh Sahara-e Karbala";

3. Provide the rest of us, specially the uneducated ones (your word and not mine), with a list of untouchables so you don't get upset. I think there are other people who love to provide a list of Akhounds we better talk about only in good light. But let me tell you now that I won't honor any list;

4.  I have not insulted anyone let alone Shamlou. There is a big difference between insult and criticism, consult a dictionary. Can you show where I insulted Shamlou or his legacy?

Mash Ghasem

چراغ من در این خانه میسوزد!

Mash Ghasem

This was the phrase Shamlou used in his early 80's interview, when asked why he's not leaving Iran. "My light burns in this House," and some might claim that for artists and poets, more than their family and jobs, it's their emotional attachment to the  Land that matters above all. For us ordinary folks that might sound too romantic, but we're not poets, thery are.

Such emotional attachments to the Land and its people are  probably the most important reasons they refuse to leave there and put up with whatever may, inside Iran, rather than being in exile. 

چون گردوی پیرِ ریشه در اعماق
می نعره زند که از من است این خاک.

P.S. Bot boty; you retentive pestilent pest, why is it that you keep reminding me of Khar Magas, that other retentive pestilent pest? somethings never change? 

بت شکن


بت شکن




بازم دویدی تو حرف بزرگترا؟


بپر برو از شیر علی‌ قصاب سه چهارتا کله بخر امشب مراسم عزا داری مسلم ابن عقیله.


Mash Ghasem

"yaar", stop insulting the legacy of Shamlou

by Mash Ghasem on

AS far as the "substance " of you accusation against Shamlou, you don't have a word to say, because in real life and history there's isn't a word from him, aggrandizing or any other positive attribute from him on Khomeniniand his ilke.

So your fantasy of a claim that publishing a picture of Khomeni next to Shah means approval of the former, remains that: a fantasy!

As far as me, I' remain a nobody, a three times drop-out, make my life as a printer. Hardly a candiate for "impressive education." How do you expect anyone to react to distortions and cheap propaganda?

Let's focus on Hilda and her generation without insulting the legacy of the ones that struggled before her. Shall we?

P.S. Shah also used to take political prisoners' family hostage; recall the case of Mehdi Rezaie. SAVAK with all its might could not capture a 17 year old, so they took his father, so he would turn himself in. They condemnd that 17 year old young man ( Shir Ahan Koh) to two executions!!


شرابی مردافکن در جامِ هواست،


که مرا

بدین مستی

شوری نیست



سبوی سبزه‌پوش

در قابِ پنجره ــ


چنان دورم

که گویی جز نقشِ بی‌جانی نیست.


Anahid Hojjati

Yes Esfand jan, This is good news since at least

by Anahid Hojjati on

She is not in the prison. But the key term, is that at the moment. With this "vahshi" IRI, who knows when they might imprison her. Hopefully, it will not get to that point.As far as her worrying about her parents, I think she probably does worry since IRI punishes the whole family. With Shah, that was not the case but IRI has been doing this for years. Sometimes I have seen some people get worse punishment because they were related to other political people whom IRI could not get their hands on. Let's hope things will not get to that point.

Esfand Aashena

Anahid jaan this seems like good news.

by Esfand Aashena on

One of the things about Hila or others like her is that they more or less have come to terms with their fate.  Maybe they didn't want to be in this position but now that they are they've decided to continue no matter what.

As she says at this stage she sees herself as others who've been already in prison for the past 2 years or so.  Many can't leave their daily lives and responsibilities to family, be it children or taking care of elderly parents for example, and continue the path of protest and fighting the injustice but those who do are of different cloth.

I don't know Hila's parents but they're probably very worried about her.  If Hila decides to stay and continue I hope she doesn't have to worry about her parents being worried about her.  This worry worry is a never ending worry! 

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

New posting from Hila Sedighi on her facebook

by Anahid Hojjati on


I saw this posting from Hila Sedighi on her facebook that she posted few hours ago:

دوستانم،اگرچه در طول ماههای گذشته صدها هزار پیام پرمهر و لطف شما را
دریافت کرده و نهایت مهربانیتان را شناخته بودم که با وجود بی پاسخ ماندن
همه و همه آن پیام ها از طرف من نه از سر غرور که از سر معذوریت باز مرا
همیشه مورد لطف و حمایت خود قرار دادید اما اعتراف میکنم که هربار مثل روز
اول حیرت زده این همه دوستی و همدلیتان می شوم.آنچ......ه
که از دیروز در خبرها آمده قصه جدیدی در زندگی من نیست . که ماجرای این
تعقیب و گریزها از پس فردای انتخابات 88 پیش از آنکه هنوز به عنوان یک شاعر
شناخته شده باشم به دلیل فعالیت در ستادهای تبلیغاتی میرحسین موسوی آغاز
شده بود اما ...قزعه به 18 آذرماه امسال افتاد و منجر به بازجویی من در
وزارت اطلاعات طی روزهای متوالی و ساعت های طولانی شد اما شایعه سپاه تنها
پرونده ای بود که در شعبه دیگری گشوده شد اما به دلیل همزمانی با پرونده
اطلاعات مسکوت ماند. و حالا من نه در دست سپاه هستم و نه در زندان و در
تمام این هفته ها و ماه ها چنان دعای خیرتان همراهم بوده که مرا قوت قلب و
خانواده ام را صبر و متانت بخشیده . از این پس منتظر تشکیل جلسه دادگاه
هستم و اگر تا به امروز سکوت کردم به این خاطر نبود که شما را محرم اسرار
ندانستم بلکه آنچه را که در این روزها بر من گذشت ارزشمندتر از اخبار موجود
ندیدم و باور دارم هزینه ای که پرداختم بیش از هزینه ای نبوده که خواهران و
برادران و سایر همنسلانم برای آزاداندیشی پرداخته اند و می پردازند. و
حالا که زیر این آسمان پهناور هوای آزاد را استشمام میکنم شرم دارم از خود
بگویم در شرایطی که دوستان نازنینمان ماه هاست در حبس و زندان به سر می
برند.من اینجا هستم . نه قصد خروج از کشور را دارم و نه ترسی از انچه که
پیش روست چرا که باور دارم جرمی مرتکب نشده ام. مرا ببخشید که پاسخم برای
مصاحبه در این خصوص منفی ست و سکوت را ترجیح میدهم گرچه اخبار منتشر شده ،
مرا مجبور به نوشتن شرح کوچکی از ماجرا کرد .ترجیح میدهم شاعری باشم که
صدای یک نسل را فریاد میزند نه یک بازیگر سیاسی که از خود بگویم و خبرسازی
کنم در آخر دوباره می گویم :خنک آن قمار بازی که بباخت هرچه بودش بنماند
هیچش الا ، هوس قمار دیگر



Mash Ghasem

by yaar on

You seem to have a short fuse.
Many people can judge better when they know all sides of a personality.
However, it seems your vast and impresive education allows you to judge even when you don't know them well.

Beleive it or no IC is all about knowing more and not constantly approving you as the holder of truth.


Where did these Terrorizors come from?????

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Surely Islam and democracy don't mean IRI.

We need to ask ourselves, what the poet is asking. 

After all the lying and terrorizing and humiliating of Iranian culture is it any wonder the allegations the IRI supporters created... and the people of iran followed... are so wrong for Iran?

Remember the allegations? Shah is a dictator... Shah is a megalomanian... Shah is a crook... Shah is a murderer... Shah is.....

Isn't it time to examine and reflect on the truth???

because until we do that... there won't be enough of us to defend the freedom of people like hila...

or create freedom like it existed in the 1970's in Iran with the shahs leadership... after 100's of years of living without it under islamic tyranny.

Arresting hila proves again that the liars are still the victors of 1979 and the noble iranians were forced to leave.


Having listening to those

by Bavafa on

Having listening to those poems by her and others at their gathering, the surprising part is that the thugs and criminals have not attacked sooner. I sure hope she will be safe and unharmed as IRI has little mercy when it comes to its critics, specially if they are popular and intelligent.



Sorry but not surprised to hear this

by divaneh on

I however think she is too big for them. She enjoys a status similar to Jafar Panahi and the IRI Mafioso will find it difficult to touch her. Unfortunately as JD said they may leave her no other way but to leave the country. What these dumb idiots don't understand is that Hila has a room in every hearth and has already created thousands other Hilas.

Azarin Sadegh


by Azarin Sadegh on

She is one of the strongest and the most intelligent Iranian poets I know...with such a stunning beauty, inside and out...This is so (so deeply) outrageous to think of what might be happening to her right now in the hands of criminal IRI crowd.

We should do something for her.

Mash Ghasem

Another failed cheap shot on Shamlou

by Mash Ghasem on

یک عکس از آیت‌الله خمینی و یک کاریکاتور از شاه در صفحه اول این شماره


This is hardly aggrandizing anything. It's a picture in a paper; the new boss, same as the old boss.

Even from the "source" you cite, part of a presumably original article on the web, there's not A SINGLE WORD FROM SHAMLOU ON KHOMiINI, IT'S ALL what he said on Shah. 

If our esteemed most uneducated historian had  actually bothered to read any of the poems or writings Shamlou has done from 77 to 79, he/she might have realized just how absurd this "claim" is.

But then again a careful reading of Iranian history seems to be a bit taxing these days, so here's one of Shamlou's poems from that " Spring of Freedom."


سینِ هفتم

             سیبِ سُرخی‌ست،


        که مرا


                     ازاین سُفره‌ی سُنّت

                                            سروری نیست.


شرابی مردافکن در جامِ هواست،


       که مرا

              بدین مستی

                            شوری نیست.


سبوی سبزه‌پوش

                    در قابِ پنجره ــ


 چنان دورم

             که گویی جز نقشِ بی‌جانی نیست.

و کلامی مهربان

                   در نخستین دیدارِ بامدادی ــ


    که در پسِ پاسخ و لبخند

                                 دلِ خندانی نیست.


بهاری دیگر آمده است


اما برای آن زمستان‌ها که گذشت

نامی نیست

نامی نیست.


اسفندِ ۱۳۵۷


جناب رهبر خود کامه ایران


جناب رهبر

خود کامه ایران

پیام دخترم بشنو

که می‌ گوید

تلاش اهرمن بیهوده می‌باشد

حیاتش رو به پایان است

اگر چه روز و شب تاریک می‌باشد

ولیکن مشعل امید

در دلها فروزان است

ولی‌ از تو چه پنهان است

که هیلا راست میگوید

زمستان رو به پایان است

بهاران در پی

این روز‌های سرد می‌‌آید

و این خارج

‌ز افکار و اراده

یا تلاش این پلیدان است

بهار سبز میاید

و حتی این کویر لوت ما هم

سبز میگردد


Ahmad Shamlou...

by yaar on


Ahmad Shamlou aggrandized Khomini while living in London.

اولین شماره «ایرانشهر» شاملو در لندن منتشر شد

احمد شاملو، شاعر بزرگ ایرانی اولین شماره نشریه «ایرانشهر» خود را در
روز ۲۸ مهرماه ۱۳۵۷ در لندن منتشر کرد.....

یک عکس از آیت‌الله خمینی و یک کاریکاتور از شاه در صفحه اول این شماره
است. احمد شاملو در سرمقاله‌ای با عنوان «خیر باشد، جناب صدراعظم!» چنین

«ظاهراً شاه و نوکرانش برای هیچ چیز حد و مرزی نمی‌شناسند: نه برای
چپاول، نه برای بیداد، نه برای کشتار و خونریزی، و دست آخر، نه برای وقاحت!
یعنی ارقام چپاولگریشان از میلیاردها و میلیاردها می‌گذرد و حدی ندارد.»




by yolanda on

There are 9 webpages about her in facebook........around 13,000 to 14,000 fans of Hila on fb.......she puts emphasis on freeing prisoners in Iran and men & women should be equal! Great job!

I did a search about her.......her latest incident has not made into English news yet! I hope she is ok!

She is brave, brilliant, and beautiful! Total package!


Very brave & outspoken lady! Here is the info she put in her fb:

by yolanda on

سال 89، سال صبر و استقامت, FREE PRISONERS in IRAN آزادی تمام زندانیان دگراندیش, قیصر امین پور, سپندارمزدگان, نوروز جشن ملی ایرانیان ( پارسیان ) است نگذاریم کشورهای دیگر مصادره اش کنند, female = male / زن = مرد, GREEN POWER-GHODRATE SABZ, Mostafa Tajzadeh, Ayatollah Montazeri - آیت الله العظمی منتظری, صفحه اسرای گمنام, رییس جمهور من میر حسین موسوی است. My president is Mir Hosein Moosavi, سعید نورمحمدی را آزاد کنید, Mir Hossein Mousavi میر حسین موسوی, تا رفع توقیف ٤٠چراغ, Mehdi Karroubi, Save Zeinab Jalalian (زینب جلالیان) from Execution, mehdi akhavan sales مهدی اخوان ثالث, Masih Alinejad, free Masoud Bastani, Forough Farrokhzad فروغ فرخزاد, دكتر عبدالکریم سروش, Ahmad Zeidabadi, Zahra Rahnavard زهرا رهنورد, مجید توکلی- شرف جنبش دانشجویی- را آزاد کنید, shaerane bi marzشاعران بی مرز, موسسه خيريه زنجيره اميد ايران, محمود دولت آبادی, تارا سپهری فر را آزاد کنید, جعفر پناهی, Jafar Panahi, دکتر علی شریعتی, Emam reza, Iranian lady بانوی ایرانی, Shahab Tabatabaei سید شهاب طباطبایی, Shajarian, Mohammad reza Shafiee Kadkani, محمدرضا شفيعي كدكني, Mowj Camp, AutNews


Darius Kadivar

Her Father was already suggesting being threatend by IRI

by Darius Kadivar on

In another public reading of his patriotic poem. Unfortunately I cannot find it anymore


I had also noticed his bold stance some time ago:


GIVE ME BACK MY COUNTRY: Bold Poem by a fellow compatriot denounces Ahmadinejad's Iran 


And noticed the video in question is not available online anymore.


Brave and Talented People indeed ! 

Esfand Aashena

JD jaan you are right.

by Esfand Aashena on

I was worried about this day like others.  Unfortunately she is not any more popular than those before her who were imprisoned or killed or silenced.  As far as Islamic Republic is concerened their motto is "we'll kill them and see who can say anything."  Unfortunately the population as a whole is not loud enough to stop the regime from carrying out these type of kidnappings and injustice.

She is no more popular than Shirin Ebadi or Mousavi and Karoubi for that matter.  Most of us here on i.com would not care if Mousavi or Karoubi were imprisoned or killed.  However, they have more followers than Hila and they have been silenced.

I agree with JD 100%, we're being silenced one voice at a time but in the end I hope she makes it alive.  She is among our best and brightest, one of our most talented.  I prefer to see her alive in exile than dead in Iran.  Islamic Republic will pass and we'll need people like her to be around when this regime is gone. 

Everything is sacred

Mash Ghasem

The Saga of Ahmad Shamlou

by Mash Ghasem on

He stayed in Iran, never stopped writing, published and no one could touch him, such was his base. Hilda  also has such a solid base from her generation, and older folks.

Jeesh Daram

the saga of Iranians

by Jeesh Daram on

The British Embassy in Tehran will do everything in its power to help dissidents one by one to move to London and other corners of the world and join the rest of us. Some find a pen and write about Islam and any other headline that sells well  and get their words published.  While others find jobs in departrment stores, boutiques and restaurants and try to survive and cope with the culture shock. The objective of the dominant foreign powers in Iran is to silence opposition voices by diluting them and transferring them to other parts of the world and they will gradually melt away.  When we look at the issues concering the Iranians from global point of view, no one story is any more tragic than any other. We are being destroyed one voice at a time.