Park Laleh Mothers

Women's Day: Solidarity with mothers of killed or imprisoned protesters Women and mothers such as Zeinab Jalalian, Bahareh Hedayat, Alieh Eghdam-Doost, Mahdiyeh Golroo, Atefeh Nabavi, Sahba Rezvani, Manijeh Nasrolahi, Soosan Tabianian, Farah Vazehan, Masoumeh Yavari, Nazila dashti, Zahra Jabari, Kefayat Malek Mohamadi, Reyhaneh Hadj Ebrahim Dabagh, Honae Alsadat Ghazi Mir Saied, Parvin Javad Zadeh, Fatemeh Khoram Joo, Hengameh Shahidi, Mahsa Rahmati, Nasrin Sotoodeh, ronak Safarzadeh, Shabnam Madanzadeh, Nazanin khosravani, Zoleikha Mousavi and hundred and thousand other women who are imprisoned because of the discriminating laws and are victimized by the current policies and the lack of rule of law and the ideological bankruptcy of the regime. International Women’s Day is one hundred years old, but in our country, mothers are mourning and the barbarian regime adds to to their sufferings >>>


Soosan Khanoom

May God give them Patience

by Soosan Khanoom on

May God give them Patience ........ to any mother who lost a child ....... no matter to which political group her son or her daughter belonged ....... no matter if he is a pro regime or against regime ....... a mother is always a mother ....... may we witness a day that our differences be in our votes in the ballets rather than in our blood on the streets ...... 

it just breaks my heart to see these mothers .... 

When are we going to have a true democracy in IRAN?  

Shazde Asdola Mirza

God bless these brave mothers and their brave children

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

God bless these brave mothers and their brave children

Bad Stories for Bad Kids

Mona 19

گرامی باد یکصدمین سال روز جهانی زن

Mona 19

روز جهانی زن را گرامی می داریم روز زنانی چون زنان محنت کشیده ایران زمین که سالهاست در چنگال رژیم اهریمن و زن ستیز حاکم بر ایران به اسارت گرفته شدند.

زنانی که گاه و بیگاه به جرم بی حجابی و بد حجابی در خیابان ها مورد توهین و تحقیر قرار می گیرند.

زنانی که در بیدادگاهها به جرم حمایت از حقوق خویش به احکام سنگین و طولانی مدت حبس محکوم می شوند .

روز شیرزنانی که به جرم حمایت از مادران عزادار ماهها در سیاهچالهای رژیم پلید و زن ستیز حاکم بر ایران به اسارت گرفته شدند

ادامه >>>>

Mash Ghasem

Morghaki, your simple minded, reductive, binary ideas

by Mash Ghasem on

can not grasp reality.

For your info , there are political forces in Iran that have had a consistent 32 years old policy of Mass Armed Struggle agaisnt IR, but at the same time do recognize the reality of the moment , based on an understanding of  the balance of forces at play, and are not calling for Armed Struggle at this conjucture.

These people have been struggling against IR ( politically and otherwise) even before you were born. So keep in mind that whoever is calling for political struggle at the moment as opposed to armd struggle is not automatically a "pacifist."

At the end of the day, a key-board warrior, remains that: a key-board warrior!


Mother of Farzad Kamangar, Samad Behrangi of our time...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

who chose the gallows of the islamist fascists to betraying his cause, his students and his people by apologising to kahemeni/ahamdinezhad on fascists regime's TV, said this late last year about her son:

Tuesday, 09 November 2010 07:58;   “I have said many times that we are proud mothers, not mourning mothers.” “We are proud for having such children, the cream of the crop in this land, who have spent the best years of their lives in prison or in my son’s case have give their lives in order to free their people.”

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Mash Ghasem

by Simorgh5555 on

No, I haven't had the time. I'll put the same question to you which I put to Ali Mostafi. Where has non-violence got Iran in the last thirty years? How has passive resitance or a velvet revolution improved human rights, stopped extra-judicial killings, rape, torture, deforresetation, destruction of natural habitat and an increeasing spiralling population.

I don't know who Sorrel is. I don't care either. I don't care about Chomskey or some bent Left wing academic even if he has 10000000000 PHDs to his name. Plain straight forward answer to a plain straigh forward question is required. Don't give me that Sorel nonsence show me the evidence. Surely, there is at least ONE good thing non-violence has achieved in 33 years of this evil regime?

If violence has not solved the situation in Iran logically what alternative is left. It was VIOLENCE that ended Brtish raj in India. It was ANC violence that highlighted the plight of Soth African blacks. It was VIOLENCE that ended Milosevic's reign of terror. It was VIOLENCE that made the state of Israel and allowed Jews to return to their ancient homeland. It was VIOLENCE that brought the to the worlds attention the Palestinian cause. All liberation movements start and ends with VIOLENCE. 

You can preach about Sorel (whoever he is) to the IR thugs and you can show send them a copy of the Rights of Man by Thomas Paine. You can hold 50000000000 PHD doctorates in Political Science but the Islamic Republic will only throw you into jail or kill you for your troubles. Your symapthy is worthless. Your gestures of solidarity will yeild absolutely nothing. Only Violence is the answer.  

I am afraid that you and the other members of the peace camp are brazenly naive or in league with the IR  just like Parsi and his lobbyists in Washington. you are giving these Iranian mothers and other Iranians false hope. Of course, it doesn't bother you because you managed to escape the hell hole of the IR and take for franted all the freedoms which ordinary Iranians are deprived of. How incredibly selfish you are! Passive resistance will 5o years when all of Iran will be destroyed and nothing but Mosques will tower over the ancient memory of a long forgotten ancient history andhuman life will be worthless. 

Violence against the IR is the ultimate good. Its nothign but beautiful. Violence is the ONLY solution against terrorist thugs. Reconciliation can come afterwards. For now shoot and ask questions later.  

Mash Ghasem

Simorgh jan I thought you were drinking some cold water, what

by Mash Ghasem on


Did you get a chance to take a look at " A Critiques of Violence" by Sorel?

Thou Shall Chill.

P.S. You are incredibly insulting these mothers since they are all against violence and hence their principled opposition to IR's violent conduct and nature. With all due respect I don't see much difference between your constant call for blood and mayhem and IR's. What am I missing in here? Please enlighten me.


Violence is the ONLY solution

by Simorgh5555 on

Kill the Basij. Kill Sepah. Kill the enemies of Iran and the occupied regime with absolute confidence. You are doing the right thing. 

Maryam Hojjat

IRR/IRI must pay for his crimes

by Maryam Hojjat on

against Iranians particularly thsese mother

Mash Ghasem

سر اومد زمستون، شکفته بهارون

Mash Ghasem

سر اومد زمستون، شکفته بهارون
گل سرخ خورشید باز اومد و شب شد گریزون
کوها لاله زارن
لاله ها بیدارن 
تو کوه ها دارن گل، گل، گل،  آفتابو میکارن.
تو کوه ها دارن گل، گل، گل،  آفتابو میکارن.

توی کوهستون دلش بیداره
تفنگ و گل و گندم داره میاره
توی سینه اش جان، جان، جان،
توی سینه اش جان، جان، جان،   
یه جنگل ستاره داره ، جان ، جان
یه جنگل ستاره داره.
یه جنگل ستاره داره ، جان ، جان
یه جنگل ستاره داره...


so heartbreaking.

by vildemose on

so heartbreaking.


brave lovely

by rtayebi1 on

ladies. so so proud of them.