Women of the Revolution

Sussan Tahmasebi, Tina Brown, Dr. Nawal El Saadwi, Zainab Salbi


Mash Ghasem

alaafi, Dr. Nawal El Saadwi is an Egyptian export industry

by Mash Ghasem on

read her books and educate yourself, before making obtuse remarks about Feminism in the "Third World."


Yes Feminism worked wonders

by alaaf on

Yes Feminism worked wonders for U.S and European countries, let's export to poor third-world countries and it will solve all their problems...NOT


Dr. El Saadwi the only one that nailed it and MSM agent amanpour

by Kashk on

tried to discredit her twice (once replying: "is that right?" or interrupt her at another point). Dr. El Saadwi truly said that Women's right is a global (global colonialism) as well as local issue. Where would Egypt women be without US's puppet mobarak? Where are US ally Saudi women? Where are Iraqi/Afghani women after US invasion? What is hillary clinton doing (LOL, yes "women who shape the world" but in which direction?)? And amateurish amanpur could not divert the discussion towards nonsense in a subtle way, this is a must for a US MSM anchor.



by Doctor mohandes on

You are very Unemployed.

You are very idle.


not gonna watch this

by ComraidsConcubine on

 anymore about that alien species called women and I shall turn into a full-blown misogynist myself.