Mohammad Mayeli Kohan

Football coach cries on TV -- again


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what's the problem?

by Homayun on

Magar chi shode? jaryan chie?? footbale dige baba, jelo dahane mardomo ke nemishe gereft ke..  

My Moto: Be Positive, Optimistic and don't fall in routines


I don't like him BUT i like him this time !

by tabriz_balasi on

Crying in Iranian culture has a different conotation.  It is not sign of weakness as oppose to the western preception of crying.  crying is a sign of sincerity and "geyrat" in Iranian culture.  He wants to cry because he wants to make a point.  He wants to say, look, i was hurt by this stupid people's behavior and I want to cry, because I feel bad that people from TAbriz have turned out like this.  He could have not cried at all if he wanted to.  I'm not a Mayeli Kohan fan, but he is right this time.  I'm from tabriz, all my family is from tabriz and I hate Tarakhtursazi fans and i am 100% ashamed that they are from tabriz.  They have no manners, no cutlure, and no brain.  Trakhtusazi is TAbriz's shame.  let's go back to the time that we didn't have a team in the leage.I am ashamed to be from that city, no more people like Sattar Khan in that city.  


~be an act of the knowing love~


Don't like him, but...!

by ariane on

I generlly don't like the guy for a variety of reasons! But he has a point! He is obviously hurt by what's happening in the stadiums, and has a point!


Is it more difficult to cry than to laugh?!

by comments on

Bad point:  When one cries on the State TV he clearly indicates his misery and lack of emotional control.  He says that I have no other ways to present myself.  He begs "please, please sympathize with me".  

Good point: A man usually don't cry.  So he says that is okay for men to cry and not be the champions all the times.


P.S. Since he cries for the second time that's OK:) Can you please pat him on the back if you are closer to him?