Nasser Hejazi

Legendary goalkeeper, coach 1949-2011

Mehr News: دروازه‌بان اسطوره‌ای فوتبال کشورمان پس از تحمل بیماری ریوی صبح امروز دارفانی را وداع گفت. به گزارش خبرنگار مهر، ناصر حجازی دروازه‌بان اسطوره‌ای فوتبال ایران و تیم استقلال ساعت 10:55 دقیقه صبح امروز دوشنبه به دلیل بیماری سرطان ریه در بیمارستان کسری تهران درگذشت. گروه ورزشی خبرگزاری مهر درگذشت ناصر حجازی را به خانواده آن مرحوم و اهالی فوتبال تسلیت عرض می نماید.


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He was bless for not only

by koorosh10 on

He was bless for not only being a great football player but also a great human being. But as we all know great athlets come and go. what stays for ever is the character they leave behind after they are gone. Dear Naser, you are at the top of our list. God bless your soul and god bless your family.     



by R2-D2 on

I first saw Nasser playing in the Team-e Javanan Iran in the late 1960's, and early 1970's - Always with a big heart - At that time, our beloved Aziz Asli was still the goal-keeper for our National team -

I would like to wish the Hejazi family God's patience and grace for such an untimely death,






by jmyt17 on

I was a Tajs Fan and I think he was a the greatest GOAL KEEPER in Iranian Football History.

You are in my heart.



He was a good man

by farokh2000 on

He was a great Keeper and a good man, who enjoyed his life during the time when Iranians were free.

I remember seeing him around our College Campus in Tehran, always well dressed  and plenty of good looking people around him.

He was a Senior and I was a Freshman and very impressed when I saw him for the first time upclose.

May he rest in peace.


R.I.P Naser Khan

by zztop on

A huge icon and a true champion.  You will always remain in our hearts. Every time he stood between the goal posts with Team Melli everyone felt much more confident.

Extremely sad day for ALL Iranians.

zzTop (A Perspolisi)


Rohesh Shad - one of our most loved athlete

by Bavafa on





by masoudA on

from and old RED fan

Shifteh Ansari

Video: people mourn Nasser Hejazi outside his home in Tehran

by Shifteh Ansari on


Rest in Peace

by ramintork on

Thank you for making us proud.

Worcester Mo

A leader of man and a brave soul

by Worcester Mo on

Rest in peace my friend.  One of these days, Iran will be in the glorious spot that you imagined and we will name the streets after you instead of some fake icons.  Rest in pece, my friend.

A Perspolisi.

Hafez for Beginners


by Hafez for Beginners on

I hope you had a good life with enough fulfilling moments.



May your soul rest in everlasting peace !

by jasonrobardas on

  Yadash gerami!


My Heart Aches & I am devastated

by mehdi2009 on

Without a doubt he was the greatest Goal Keeper and Sportsman in Team Melli's History. Growing up in the late 1960s when Aziz Asli the Goal Keeper of Team Melli retired we as 11 - 12 year old football fans were worried about who is going to replace him. Within a year or 2 of trying a couple of keepers for Team Melli we as Iranians and football fans were very fortunate to have found a GREAT JEWEL in Nasser Hejazi.

I am truly devastated as I saw him play in person both in Amjadieh and Aryamehr/Azadi Stadiums, and found him to be a great athlete and human being.

Iran has lost one of her greatest sons.

Salutations to ALL the TRUE Sons and Daughters of Iran. 



NaserJan Motshakerim va Khodahafez

by Fair on

Today a piece of every Iranian is missing, truly the passing of a legend.  Naser Jan thank you for all the great memories, and being such a great athlete, champion, and gentleman.  Asoodeh bekhab Naser Jan, Marde Neekonam namirad hargez.


The Passing of a Legend

by Faramarz on


Nasser Hejazi was the quintessential young Iranian man of the 1970’s; tall, dark and handsome, a great athlete and a kind gentleman. Young girls and boys used to come to the stadiums just to watch him. He had a great sense of style with Jason King haircut and sideburns, tight shirt and pants, the look that we all tried to emulate as young kids! He drove the ultimate car of the single men of the 70’s, a BMW 2002. He was bigger than life and so humble at the same time

Here is the chant of the grieving crowds outside of the hospital where he passed away today. May he rest in peace  

عزا عزاست امروز

روز عزاست امروز

ناصر محبوب ما پیش خداست امروز


A Very Tragic Lost

by All-Iranians on

It is a very tragic lost which All Iranians feel the grief so they can't even imagine what Nasser's family is going through. RIP.

Anahid Hojjati

Hejazi sided with people and that counts a lot

by Anahid Hojjati on

Although I was a Persepolis fan, I respected Hejazi and his great skills. I was also very impressed recently with his talk about people's problems and that counts a lot. RIP Hejazi.



by statira on

We lost one of our best.


Naser Hejazi a true "PAHLEVAAN"

by Benyamin on

It is amazing, when I heard he died, the very first word came to my mind was "PAHLEVAAN"!

Pahlevaan in persian means an able person in terms of physical and financial strength that sides himself with "true justice". I believe Naser Hejazi was a true Pahlevaan.

God bless Naser Hejazi and god bless the people of Iran.



by farshadjon on

As a Persepolisi, I have a great respect for this man.

Rest in peace, Naser khan.


His Memorial page:

by Reza86 on


rohesh shad

by mahmoudg on

rest in Peace, champ.



by PArviz on

Nasser Hejazi was a real gentleman.

My condolences to his family and all those who loved and respected this rare species amongst Iranian footballers.

May he rest in peace.


Down with the ENTIRE Islamic Republic!



by IranMarzban on

may he rest in peace we lost a great goal keeper and a great man today one of iran finest.


Masoud Kazemzadeh

Grave loss

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Very sad news.

Azarin Sadegh

Oh no...

by Azarin Sadegh on

Such a sad sad news...I used to watch soccer just because of him!

R.I.P. Nasser Hejazi..:-(


In memory of a hero....

by Disenchanted on


       Many times in his life he was the last man defending Iran's glory. We owe him many great memories and victories.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

انگاری ارسال اخبار بد از ایران تمامی ندارد و بار دیگر شاهد پر پر شدنِ شقایقی هستیم از گلستان مردان بزرگ سرزمینمان،ایران زمین.

بسیار غم انگیز است و در این لحظه دستمان میلرزد و قلبمان درد ! ناصر خان بسیار نیک‌ نام و خوش اخلاق بود،چه در میادین ورزشی و چه در خارج از آن..ناصر خان از با مرام‌ترین ورزشکاران ایران بود.هنوز به خاطر داریم که سالها پیش،قبل از وقوع انقلاب..ایشان را در حال تمرین مضاعف..در باشگاه تاج میدیدیم و زمانیکه کارشان تمام میشد،با حوصله و با احترام به درخواستهای تمام بچه‌های باشگاه تاج رسیدگی میکرد و امضا میداد و عکس‌های یادگاری...!

کی‌ باور می‌کند که دیگر ناصر خان در میان ما نیست و ایشان برای همیشه راهی‌ وادی سایه‌ها شد و ما سیاهپوش و غمگین..ماتم بهاری دیگر را تجربه می‌کنیم.

درگذشت ناصر حجازی،بزرگ دروازبان تیم تاج تهران و تیم ملی‌ فوتبال ایران را به تمامی هواداران این تیم آبی‌ پوش و دیگر هم میهنان و همینطور دوستان و خانواده محترم ایشان.. تسلیت عرض می‌کنیم.


Maryam Hojjat

He is being missed by IRAN's Lover

by Maryam Hojjat on

Since he was a lover of IRAN & Iranians.

May he rests in peace.