Standing Against Khamenei Means Standing Against God

Says Kazem Seddighi, at Tehran Friday Prayers in reference to Ahmadinejad



Love, how they just start crying.

by عموجان on

Only people can show instant emotion like this are charlatan or actors (with all due respect to actors). 

tehran e Azad

All there is to this!

by tehran e Azad on

سخنی از ناپلئون:

سخن مانند دامن زنان است هر چه کوتاهتر بهتر و به هدف نزدیکتر


Khamenei Is Big Bang!

by Faramarz on

For those of you who are less religiously-inclined, "Rahbar Created the Universe!" So said Carl Sagan from a galaxy billions and billions of light years away!



by azadi5 on

it becomes funny after the 2:50 minute mark :)



by RostamZ on

I amazed as how messed up their thought process is and how can they talk about Bahrain after what they did in Iran.



by zeebajune on

First they said ,when Khamenei came out of her mother body ,He said "ya Ali" now they saying if you are not agree with him you are not agree with God...Some times you just have to say  ....WTF


would you trust these maniacs with "nuclear energy"?

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Heck no!

BTW, why dont they give  the "GOD" himself  the task of developing an anti virus against the stucknet??! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Khamenei replaced God a long time ago.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Being King just isn't enough for some people.  : )



by asadabad on

These guys are crazy heretics even by the standards of Shiism.  As you know, they say that there are prophets who speak on behalf of God and then you have 12 Imams who rule on behalf of God.  Any person who claims the second is no longer a Shia.  

In a way, the Shah was a better Shia Muslim than these guys because at least he never claimed divinity.  He was a humble follower of the 12th Imam.  Yes, you're right.  This is sacrilege.  They are hypocrites and a liars according to Shiism.  I wonder how the Shia in Lebanon, Pakistan, India etc can continue to look up these guys.


LOOloool ;o)

by Rea on

So, this is what they spend Iranian money on ?!


Don't like Saudis in Bosnia, but this is just as ridiculous.

Worse even, Bosniaks are sunnis, they don't give a damn about what Seddiki, or whoever from IRI, has to say.


Question and Answer!

by Benyamin on

Question: What do you call a process by which Iranians get enslaved by it?

Answer: Shiite Islam!



He says: "Your 'Namaz' is invalidated,If you don't obey Rahbar!"

by ImtheKing on

when I was young my grand'ma, who tried to learn me how to pray, used to say: "Be careful, if you fart when you're parying, your Namaz is invalidated".

So my theological question is: Are Rahbar's orders, the same than farts? 

Looking at Mr. President's behaviour, it seems so!! But I'm not sure.


Worcester Mo

Well Said JJ

by Worcester Mo on

I have two comments to add:

1- I am actually feeling bad for Antarinejad.  I am thinking how convince we all were that a) the Shah was really really bad and b)Hoveyda was the sources of all evil and c)Khomeini was the sources of all good.  About 32 years laters and couple of great books by Prof Milani and others we feel like bunch of idiots.  So maybe the little dude is not as bad as these GD demons in the turbans.

2- I keep fantasizing what these guys look like all ashamed looking at the ground in the orange jail overalls and is there any chance this will happen in my life time?

Amazing that none of the assholes in the Qum tell anyone that describing a jackass parallel to the Prophet is blasphemy.  Although in my humble opinion, he- Mohammad- was a very flawed man himself. 

Jahanshah Javid

God is about to explode

by Jahanshah Javid on

It has taken 32 years for the clerical establishment to firmly, unashamedly, openly promote and impose the "divinity" and absolute rule of the Supreme Leader. What we have today is Velayat e Faghih the way Khomeini always intended it to be. He never had any interest or faith in any form of institutions where people had a decisive say. Voting does not mean anything, especially if the "wrong" people get elected. The constitution is worthless because what counts is what Agha decides. The Majles is powerless because in the end Agha's Council of Guardians decide what laws are passed or rejected.

What we have been hearing since Ahmadinejad's utter humiliation has been a massive, united campaign from every IRI institution and pulpit to raise Khamenei's stature to higher and higher levels, and make him more and more "invincible" and "holy", and thus to show everyone who the boss is. As if we didn't know already. If people need to be reminded on this most fundamental fact of the Islamic Republic... then vaay beh haale Islamic Republic.

And here's a reminder to the IRI: There's nothing above God. You are elevating Khamenei to such divine levels that when the next crisis arrives, you will be out of ammunition to prop him up. Dictatorships need to inflate themselves in the eyes of the masses from time to time to compensate for their weaknesses. But they eventually pop. Can't wait to hear God exploding.



by yolanda on

That is sacrilegious!