Women & Iron Suplements

Western drug companies are fooling women, says Dr. Hossein Ravazadeh



Quran is everything: it is

by alx1711 on

Quran is everything: it is a Medical book, a fortune book, a political analyst, a geographical and historical book, a religious book, a social recognition book, a justice & law book, anti devil book (did i miss anything)...

Yet any one who follows this book turns out brain washed or blow them selves for the cause of Islam!

Doctor can you explain this? may be i've got iron deficiency....



اصلا چطوره


اصلا چطوره دولت همراه با رایانه‌ها یکی‌ یدونه کفگیر یا نعل اسب بده مردم، این مشکله کمبود آهنم تموم شه بره. ایران تنها سرزمین بدون کمبود آهن...وووهووو!



According to same guy

by choghok on

you become alcoholic if you chew gum when you are a kid. Well the regime need all quaks to stay in power. So that people instead of going to doctor for their health go to these kind of BS-talkers.


I amnot sure about the premise of his agenda, BUT...

by Benyamin on

If Iranians knew about this fact then it was Quran that learned it from Iranians and not the other way round!!!


he is correct

by iamfine on

Scientifically he is correct in terms of using ions of Iron versus the molecules. However, using naleh asbe is difficult for me to digest