Iranian Terror Plot in Washington, U.S. Claims

Iran rejects any involvement

BBC: US Attorney General Eric Holder says the alleged conspiracy was "conceived, sponsored and directed from Iran" The US says it has broken up a major terror plot in which agents linked to Iran sought to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington. Two men originally from Iran - one a naturalised US citizen - have been charged with counts of conspiracy, Attorney General Eric Holder said. Mr Holder described the $1.5m assassination plot as being "conceived, sponsored and directed by Iran", and said Tehran would be held accountable for its alleged involvement. Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency called the charges a "propaganda campaign" by the US government against Tehran >>>

Iran rejects accusation:


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I will say

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving and 4th of July you are no American. You bet. Rest of the insults by 2050; not interested. Go find someone else to play ! Nations require a glue America its; Iran has its without them no nation.

Iran 2050

VPK,   What took you

by Iran 2050 on



What took you so long to come out of your shell???? I’ve been saying all long: you portray close mindness.

 The claim that you made about “I say it flat out: You are not an Iranian if you don't believe in NowRuz.” Just proves so many things all at once, I’m just highlighting a few:  


1-      This is an absolute portray of intolerance and cultural chauvinism. If I would’ve asked for someone to say something that displays those two characteristics, they would’ve said the exact same thing!

2-     Displays how little you know about Iran, the country that you falsely claim to admire. It is very sad that someone who knows very little about Iran comes out and questions other’s patriotism. It is truly sad. The fact that you don’t know that there are many Iranians who throughout the ages, even today, in Iran do not celebrate Nowrooz, and they have all the right to do so, is remarkable for someone who barks patriotism all the time. How about you learning something first. Those folks are if anything, more Iranian than you. They have even put their own lives at stake for Iran! I’ve seen it with my own eyes. You disgust me with your close mindedness. Absolutely disgusting.

3-     This is like saying to an American “If you don’t celebrate Christmas, or thanksgiving, or Halloween, you’re not an American”….I want folks to see how ignorant this sounds and how equally ignorant and dangerous the claim that “You are not an Iranian if you don't believe in NowRuz” Is.


What you display is exactly what I’ve been talking about the root cause for our problems, the close mindedness, the cultural chauvinism, the ignorance, the intolerance, the bully-wanna bee mentality of Iranians like you. I mean how dare you question somebody’s patriotism just because they don’t celebrate Nowrooz? Do you have any idea how intolerant that sounds?


I knew you were close minded, but to this level? Amazing.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I say it flat out: You are not an Iranian if you don't believe in NowRuz.

If a typical Iranian is like you,

We may only wish unfortunately not all Iranians have achieved my heights of greatness :-)

I don’t want to be an Iranian!

Good and don't let the door hit you on the way out. No real Iranian does not recognize NowRuz. If you don't recognize NowRuz you are not Iranian; Afghan; Lur; Tajik; Balouch; Azari or Kurd or ...

Does this mean we do not have to read your hate posts anymore? I doubt 

PS: Don't you dare put Reza Shah and Khomeini in the same sentence.


Iran 2050: Questions You can

by alimostofi on

Iran 2050: Questions

You can spend your whole life asking questions. It is however impractical to ask questions that are circular. Good Thoughts are Good if you can have Good Words that lead to Good Deeds. Simple.

Ali Mostofi



Iran 2050

Alimostofi,   No

by Iran 2050 on



No question that IRI displays the most vicious extremism, but we have to think what’s wrong with our society that produces people like Khomeini and Reza Shah and others.

Iran 2050

Alimostofi,   No

by Iran 2050 on



No question that IRI displays the most vicious extremism, but we have to think what’s wrong with our society that produces people like Khomeini and Reza Shah and others.

Iran 2050

VPK,   If a typical

by Iran 2050 on



If a typical Iranian is like you, who wants people who don’t share their beliefs to be “blinded” (Cheshashoon koor besheh), and who bash and insult others for merely disagreeing with them like you do with me, then I don’t want to be an Iranian!


Iran 2050: Tolerance vs

by alimostofi on

Iran 2050: Tolerance vs Intolerance
There is a huge difference between not being interested in what is referred to as Iranian culture, and wanting to explicidly destroy it. I personally do not like or dislike Islam. I am impartial towards it. The problem we have is that The Hezbollah Party in Iran says you have to like them or die.

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Ta Chesmhe hasood koor beshe 2050 until 2000000000 Nouruz Peerouz.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Thank you! To be disliked by you is proof that I am right. My children love me and a person like you hates me. Wonderful! I am glad finally I am getting it right.

Iran 2050

Alimostofi, I agree with

by Iran 2050 on


I agree with everything you said however not sure what you mean by “our culture is non negotiable”. Remember this could mean a very broad concept.

I sense that by “our culture” you mean “our nationalism”. You could correct me if I’m wrong, but if you indeed mean nationalism, I do have to say nationalism (not the ultra version that some Iranians, like VPK, believe in) is admirable, but that’s NOT all of the culture, and at time for many, its NOT part of their culture.

If I may ask, can someone NOT be ultra nationalistic and not believe in Nowrooz or any other “baastani” so called “festivals”, but he is a decent member and a productive member of society, and doesn’t cheat, and doesn’t lie, and holds many admirable traits, is he not to be considered Iranian? Can he be an Iranian? Can he have all the rights as others? Can he be respected in the Iranian society?

I think that’s a question many of us, for example VPK, has to answer. VPK bashes me all the times because I’m not close minded, and I don’t believe in ultra nationalism that has destroyed Iran (along with ultra Shietism), and I don’t believe in some of these “baastani” fairytales.

Iran 2050

VPK, You portray the

by Iran 2050 on


You portray the Iranian close mindedness. That’s all I have to tell you.


Iran 2050: Practical

by alimostofi on

Iran 2050: Practical solutions vs Idealism

Thirty years when all this started everyone was at each other's throat. Idealism ripped through Iran. Everyone thought that the democratic ideal is an instant solution. Just add water. But it was too late, when the new despots manipulated the democratic process. And we now know that politics is not the panacea for the ills of any society. Now we have no power if one day The Hezbollah in Iran decides to vote for Demavand to be called Mt Ayatollah. Our culture is non negotiable. Enough said. Iran is in danger.

Ali Mostofi




Idealism: “No folly is

by alimostofi on

Idealism: “No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism.”
- Winston Churchill

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I see more

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


radicalism in 2050 and many other IC posters than Pahlavi ever had. Instead of all this "us" and "we" why not talk "me". Because people only speak for themselves. Say "I" not "we". Say "me" not "us" because that is all anyone speaks for.

Iran 2050

Alimostofi jaan,  

by Iran 2050 on

Alimostofi jaan,


Aziz, Hezbollahs in Iran mirror extremism in our culture. Unfortunately throughout our history, and specially in the last 80 years or so, we went from one extremism to another. We went from Pahlavi’s ultra nationalism (border line Fascism) state ideology to IRI’s ultra shite state ideology. So I disagree with you if you’re calling the Hezbollahis “un-Iranian” like some of our folks do. They are product of the Iranian society, just like you and I are.

Both are bad. We have to rid extremism as a whole.


VPK: Irony “Jesus wept;

by alimostofi on

VPK: Irony

“Jesus wept; Voltaire smiled. From that divine tear and from that human smile is derived the grace of present civilization.”
- Victor Hugo

But for this to happen, we all need to name this virus appropriateky, and thank it for what it has done. As it says in the Zend Avesta, Ahuramazda created both Ahriman and Ohrmazd in the material world.

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Alimostofi

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

The Hezbollah Party in Iran puts its political ideology above Iranian culture. It has tried to wipe out Nowruz, music, art and rewrite our history after changing names of people and places.

All of which has failed miserably. Nowruz is more popular than ever. Persian music and culture is more appreciated by Iranians than before. It is always seeing what you love in danger that gets you to really appreciate it.


Iran 2050: Poliics vs

by alimostofi on

Iran 2050: Poliics vs Culture.

The Hezbollah Party in Iran puts its political ideology above Iranian culture. It has tried to wipe out Nowruz, music, art and rewrite our history after changing names of people and places.

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Well I didn't say they are being smart now did I? Yes it is a stupid idea but they are doing it.

Reminds me of Dr. Frankenstein.

When did stupidity stop people.

It is not the first time?

It won't be the last.



by Siavash300 on

"There is one power behind Islamization: USA. " VPK

..... and that islamization turn the gun back to U.S to threat all U.S interests around the world and to kill U.S citizen by creating tragedy like 9/11.  

That sounds reasonable.!!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am about to give up on you because you do not pay attention to reality. USA wants Islamic Republics all over the ME. Not just ME but also Europe! Just watch how they turned Iraq from secular to Islamic. 

How they turned a part of Serbia into another Islamic Republic. Why do you think they would do any different in Iran. Go on and blame Russia and China not that I have any particular love for them. But There is one power behind Islamization: USA.

Iran 2050

Alimostofi, Again, not

by Iran 2050 on


Again, not sure if I’m following you, and I apologize, but what do you exactly mean by them “putting their ideology above Iranian culture”???



Accusation ? !!

by Siavash300 on

"This other accusation is not clear. Not even my most ardent anti-Hizbollahi Israeli friends are totally buying it" veil prophet of khorasan

I don't know what accusation you are talking about. Like I said we have to wait and see what will comes out of this story. The developing story suggests: China, Russia did "veto" further sanction or military action against Iran. The U.S is able to bring China, Russia on it's side against mullahs after the alleged terro plot to get proved in court of international law.  Both China, Russia who were supportive of "ruling Mullahs in Iran"  wouldn't be supportive after the allegation to be proved because they are also against terrrorism. China, Russi need Iran's oil as U.S does. It is in their benefit to support mullahs for it's oil but terro plot will blocked their support and the regime would be more prone to fall. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Siavash there are many sides of

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


any story:

  • We know that Bakhatiar, Sharafkandi, Farokhzad were killed by IRI agents. Or as Ali likes to call them by the Hezbollah Party of Iran.
  • This other accusation is not clear. Not even my most ardent anti-Hizbollahi Israeli friends are totally buying it. But it does not matter. Because there is plenty of guilt to damn the regime no matter what.
  • There are thousands of indesputable cases of political executions by the Hizbolahi Party in Iran.

If USA wanted to do something they have had enough evidence for decades. I think this is just going to result is arms sales to Saudi. Arms that are third rate but good enough to represee Bahrain and their own people. But not pose a danger to Israel or USA should there be a regime change in Saudi. My two cents on this business.

In other words nothing will happen. There are some here who hope USA will free Iran. Dream on I tell them because at least for now it is not in the plans. 


Iran 2050: Iranian vs The

by alimostofi on

Iran 2050: Iranian vs The Hezbollah Party in Iran

THPiI puts its ideology above Iranian culture.

Ali Mostofi



Iran 2050

Alimostofi, Not sure if

by Iran 2050 on


Not sure if I follow you, but the rulers in Iran are Iranians, where else are they from?


Iran 2060: Confusion.

by alimostofi on

Iran 2060: Confusion.

The reason for the world's behaviour is because the media refers to The Hezbollah Party in Iran's actions as Iranian.

Ali Mostofi



Iran 2050

I hate it when they try to

by Iran 2050 on

I hate it when they try to make the regime look innocent by claiming things such as "well, we don't know if higher ups in the regime knew about this", "well its too complicated for regime to do it", "well IRI is not that stupid"...!

I've never seen any government get away with so much crime as I've seen IRI do. They are the luckiest SOBs ever!

When will the world wake up to see that they're dealing with the most brutal, blood-thirsty, terrorism spreading, mafia like bunch of thugs they ever dealt with? When?


Esfand Aashena

Faramarz jaan you had him profiled correctly!

by Esfand Aashena on

Below is an excerpt from a news article.  I also noticed that in all his mug shots his eyes are red, ala Marijuana high red!  He is always naesheh!  The article said he also smoked a lot of pot! 

Mr. Arbabsiar emigrated to the United States as a young man, later briefly studying mechanical engineering at Texas A&I University in Kingsville (now Texas A&M University-Kingsville). While in college, in 1981, a group of men — apparently angry at Mr. Arbabsiar for flirting with their girlfriends — ambushed him in Houston one night, said Mr. Hosseini, who was with him. Mr. Hosseini said he ran away, but Mr. Arbabsiar was too slow, and the attackers stabbed him repeatedly.

Soon after, he gained American citizenship after marrying his first wife. The couple divorced in 1987; court records show that his ex-wife sought a protective order against him before letting it drop, an article in The Houston Chronicle said.

He later remarried and tried his hand at a number of businesses, selling horses, ice cream, used cars and gyro sandwiches, friends said. All of them appear to have flopped, and federal and state records show a trail of liens, business-related lawsuits and angry creditors. He was arrested in 2001 and indicted for theft in connection with the sale of a store, said the lawyer who represented him at the time, Fred Jimenez. The charges were later dismissed for lack of evidence.

Unlikely Turn for a Suspect in a Terror Plot

 Everything is sacred