Parazit: Mehdi Khazali

Interview with political activist and...


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ژست نمیگیریم که...


The person who reads her text as Torento instead of Toronto sounds far from being a grandma or someone who doesn't know any English! Heck, I doubt they hired someone from aghsa-noghate Iran to read that text!
But I know what you mean about "camputer" -- I had a colleague who, until the end of his life, called it just that. He was also unhappy that they didn't make him boss of a foreign company in Iran, but I guess that's another story...

Anyway, y'all, it's TorOnto, dammit! At least when you immigrate, you could try to pronounce it correctly, especially if you live there?

And let the Americans call us Eyerainians, we murder their language too often to not let them do that. "Inja Vashangton?" "Hey, Esteeve!"...

Soosan Khanoom

پرهام ، حالا نمی خواد زیادی ژست بگیری

Soosan Khanoom

Do not expect the Iranian grandmas or even any other of us for that matter learn the right pronunciations  ....  Further more stop bashing our beautiful accent ... . LOL

Why don't you instead ask these Americans, who have been spying on Iran for ages and have been interfering their butts off with the Iranian's affairs  to stop calling us  EYE_ranians .... When are they going to learn?  




حرف اساسی‌


حرف اساسی‌ اینه که آزادی آیا یک مسئولیت هستش یا یک حق و بعدش اینه که پرونده ما چه وضعی داره....در ضمن اینکه ما سواد یک تریلیارد به جای هزار میلیارد گفتن را هم باید یاد بگیریم




by Faramarz on


Iranians who do not speak English well, have all kinds of variations for the letters "o"  or "u" in certain words. For example, they say camputer, instead of computer or mashroom instead of mushroom.

And the funny thing is that they think that they sound very sophisticated!


I mean...

by Parham on

... "Landan" is understandable, as it was imported ages ago, long before anyone could even speak any English.



by Parham on

... maybe because it sounds like "Sorrento"? : )


Phonetic laziness!

by Milan on

I wonder if it has something to do with the succession of short and long "O" sound. Another victim is LAndAn.


Another thing I don't understand

by Parham on

Why is it that Iranians, even those who live in Toronto or who visit that city frequently, pronounce the name as "TorEnto" instead of "TorOnto"? WTF?


I don't understand

by Parham on

Khazali made this interview from Iran? In the beginning of the show Kambiz says he's in Iran...


Dear Mr. Khazali

by masoudA on

As much as I respect your courage for doing what you do - for your sake I must tell you: Secularism is not a belief - it is a foundation.  


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