"Terror Plot" no excuse to go to war with Iran

Ron Paul interviewed by Wolf Blitzer




by nikoo195 on

this is the first time we have some people saying something positive about ron paul. Im shocked that Iranians would put any support for any of the other candidates, they would all drop bombs on Iran the second they were elected. Ron Paul is the most consistent politician I have ever heard, however you want to see him. He has always be critical of big government, states rights, war and the federal reserve and what average person isnt concerned about that?


Join me, Ron Paul for 2012

by Albaloo on

Our goal is to gather 100000 signatures for Ron Paul to run for President in 2012!  

Ron Paul right person at the right time . 

Ron Paul 2012 Grassroots Petition






He's such

by statira on

 a smart man.



by jmyt17 on

You are right, NEO-CONS looking for a WAR....

Thank you for you commend.