1988 Mass Executions Survivor

Interview with former political prisoner Mehdi Aslani


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Anonymous Everyday


by Anonymous Everyday on

I believe the stats you keep refering to is one Iranian every 8 hours, not 8 Iranians every hour. I have noticed that you keep refering to this particular statistic. So you might want to correct it. 


 Dear Arj: Thank you for

by vildemose on

 Dear Arj: Thank you for sharing that bit of info. It boggles the mind everytime you read about, I can never get used to the these horror stories. I find myself shocked and horrified each time as if it were the first time. To think that this might still be happening in all sort of secret torture chambers and dungeons just makes it more unbearable for me. I don't know when it's going to stop.

Reform requires the consent of the corrupt


Dodging bullets

by Arj on

Dear Vildemose, there are horrible tails about "tavab sazi" process in Evin, Gohardasht and other IRI prisons such as making the repenting prisoners to follow the interviews/interrogations with flogging and beating the unrepenting captives as an initiation ceremony! Indeed, guys like Aslani dodged the bullet on very many levels!



by vildemose on


حسن شایانفر در سال 1363 بخش فرهنگی زندان قزلحصار را دایر کرد و با نام مستعار”معصومی” تواب سازی را شروع کرد. او به بهانه بحث با اغلب زندانیان از نزدیک آشنا شد و فهرستی تهیه کرد که بعدها بعنوان یکی از اسناد برای کشتار تابستان 67 مورد استفاده قرار گرفت.

درکیهان همه او را حاج آقا صدا می زدند. او هم مانند چهره های پنهان که جمهوری اسلامی را در پشت صحنه می گردانند، نه عکس می گرفت و نه مصاحبه می کرد. آدم‌هایی مثل او همه جا هستند و هیچ جا نیستند. برخی چون مجتبی ثمره هاشمی پنهانند تا دولتشان مصدر قدرت شود. کسانی هم مانند اصغر حجازی منشی مخصوص رهبر جمهوری اسلامی و برادر حسن که نقش مهم امنیتی دارند، همیشه پنهانند.

نام حسن شایانفر در دوران قتلهای زنجیره ای چند بار در مطبوعات وقت مطرح شد، اما چهره او همچنان پنهان ماند
او كه از شاگردان سعید امامی بود، در سخنرانی خود در كنگره حزب الله كه درواقع كنگره آمادگی برای حضور درانتخابات ریاست جمهوری آینده بود، وعده “قتل درمانی” در جمهوری اسلامی را داد و گفت:

“در بخش‌های مهم حاكمیت دو بینش كاملا متفاوت نسبت به مسائل در تقابل هم وجود داشته و دارد كه در طول این سال‌ها مشكلات جدی را ایجاد كرده است. متاسفانه جریانی كه استحاله شده و با بیرون از مرزها پیوند خورده است، در حال فعالیت مستمر است، كه اگر جلو آن گرفته نشود، قطعا با مشكلات بسیار جدی روبه‌رو خواهیم شد. ما امروز شاهد هستیم كه همان دیدگاه غیرارزشی و مخالف نظام در عرصه‌ی فرهنگ به شدت فعال است و بودجه‌های دولتی را برای حاكم‌شدن در جامعه در اختیار دارد. جریانی كه به دروغ می‌خواست در عرصه‌ هنر و فرهنگ معاندان با نظام را جذب كند، خود جذب آنان شد و ما امروز شاهد موضع‌گیری‌ها و نوع رفتار مسوولان فرهنگی همگام با معاندان نظام هستیم. تا این جریان وجود دارد و پشتوانه‌ی دولتی را با خود دارد، نمی‌توان انتظار رفع مشكلات فرهنگی را داشت و این وظیفه‌ی نیروهای حزب‌الهی است كه این جریان را بهتر بشناسند و جلو آن بایستند.”

پروند ه های معروف به” سینماگران”، ” نوار سازان”،” پورزند” و ” روزنامه آسیا” ازمعروف ترین پرونده هائی است که تحت هدایت حسن شایانفرکلید خورد و سبب تعطیلی دهها نشریه ؛ زندانی شدن و فرار عده زیادی شد


Reform requires the consent of the corrupt


روايت تصويری


روايت تصويری از جنايات خمينی


03-Sep-2011 (one comment)

گوشه ای از جنايات خمينی در دوره حيات خودش تحت عنوان طنز آلود «گوشه ای از دوران پر افتخار طلايی امام راحل به روايت تصوير و سند» دروبلاگ «کافه نادری» منتشر شده است.

>>> recommended by Roozbeh_Gilani //tinyurl.com/3gf3yuf

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


We are not at loggerheads. I said Israel has a right to the territory not that it must keep it! If Israel wants to give some to the Palestinians for peace it is their business. 

I also said IRI will not go without a fight. I just don't trust West to do it.



by Simorgh5555 on

Again, we are at loggerheads. I actually believe that Israel should settle their differences with the Palestinians and a Palestinian state be set up onlong the 1967 borders with Jerusalem becoming a shared entity. Or better still, the whole country is better off as a bi-national state. However, and I am sure you will agree, we as Iranians have greater things to concern ourselves with and I'm quite happy for the Jewsn and Arabs to settle their differences while I concentrate on destroying the IR once and for all. If Israel or AIPAC happens to agree with me then great. Hell, if Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinians wantto join me then even better. Infact, Abbas is becoming just as incensed with the IR Terror regime is than the Israelis are. Good for them. 

I also have faimily in Iran and people who go there for holiday. And they report back to what normal Iranians say in the taxis, on the buses, in the ajil forush  and in the parties and family gatherings: The IR will not go without a fight!

Give them the fight.  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Regarding Iraq: The only ones who really won are Iran and Kurds. The former got its worst enemy destroyed. The latter got pretty much independence. Both Shia and Sunni Arabs lost. Iran now controls much of Iraq.:

  • As an Iranian nationalist hey why not!
  • As an American I got screwed big time.
  • As a human I do not relish the thought of all those dead Iraqi.

Now about Iran. We all agree IRI has to go and it won't go without a fight. Now I don't see the future. I just don't trust America to do it right. If and that is a BIG if: America did it right then I would say good job and thank you.

But I fear America will screw it up like it always does. And then we are stuck with a bigger mess. That is my worry and why I oppose their intervention because they always mess up.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Well I am sorry but I just go by instinct that has served me well for years. I am not labeling you but you do seem partial to Israeli interests. My view is that Israel has a right to its territory including Judea and Samaria. But I think very low of AIPAC. I think they are mostly far right Israeli who work against the interests of Israel. They mistakenly think they are helping Israel. But in reality are hurting it by pushing badly thought out policies like supporting MEK.

I do not think NIAC is irrelevant. Polls show most Iranian Americans don't want sanctions or war. I did not do the polls did not make them up. It is reality. I know a guy who is going to Iran today for a month. I know many others who go back and forth all the time. Some of them are my own family members. One lives in France but takes her French husband and kids to Iran every summer for months. Reality is most Iranians don't like IRI but love Iran. They don't want it bombed.

NIAC is therefore really representing views of the majority even if it does not claim it. As long as they do this and have success they are relevant. If they were not why all the fuss about them; no one would care.



by Simorgh5555 on

But for your information NIAC is a legal non violent organization.

You are so right! NIAC is not murdering 8 Iranians per hour, dstroying Lake Urumiyeh, destroying the forrests of Kurdistan, destroying the Alborz mountains, letting Persepolis crubmle away. Nope they are not doing any of that. Instead, their masters in the IR are doign that for them. Spares them the bother. 

Capital Offece  

Last I remembered Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation according to the US State department but its not really America I am concerned about. If any organisation can be proven to be supporting Hezbollah or the Islamic Republic I would lobby the DA to impose the maximum penalty - a death sentence if it is legally possible. And yes, I do hate the IR. Eliminate its leadership and support base or send them off to a re-education camp. 

  It sounds like you want to execute a lot more than IRI does. Not to mention you seem quite indifferent to "collateral" damage in Iran.

 I seem to recall that you were oppsoed to Bush's invasion of Iraq (which I was and still am) to begin with implying that your position may have changed. I bet you that deep down you agree with me but cannot bring youself to admit it even under the cover of anonymity. Deep down you are hoping someone - not you- gets the ball rolling and then have a share in the spoils later on.

I also never said that a war on the IR Basij and Revolutionary guards will not have its innocent casualties but you seem quite indifferent to the slow dying death of Iranians at the rate of approximately 700,000 per year! To say nothing of the slow burgeoning death of its lakes, forrests, landscape, mountains and natural resources. 

Deep down you agree with me. Just say it please I won't bear any grudges.  

Neither I, nor my family, supported the revolution and brought this calamity on Iranians.  



by Simorgh5555 on

I realsie many people have designated me, including you, unfortunately, as a spokesman for Israel but I assure you this is not the case.

Unlike Israel I do not concentrate on Iran's nuclear ambitions which is a false pretext for hostilities- rather I want regime change. I have never said Israel is genuinely concerned about human rights or the aspirations of democratic freedom seeking Iranians. If anything I have condemned Israel's duplicity for its underhaind dealing with Iran -something which I agree with Trita Parsi. 

AIPAC- I support Israel's right to exist within secure borders. That really is it. AIPAC actually consists of diverse groups including Peace Now and the Left Wing controversial J-Street which have incurred the wrath of the right wing and horrible  ADL. Unfortunately, a fiction has been created that unless you follow the anti-Arab right wing Likud line you automatically become anti-Israeli just as if I were to say unless you endorsed the Republicans you are anti-USA. 

However, I will not allow for Israel to be a distraction from crimes of the IR. I wil not allow for cyber basijis to pin the blame of the protests in Urumiyeh which is an an IR-made environmental disaster on the IR. I will not let people with hopless conspiracy theories to blame Israel for ethnic tensions which the IR itself has started ever since its gruesome establishment 33 years ago. Israel cannot be blamed for executing Iranians at a rate of 8 person per hour. 

We can go on talkign about NIAC to the early hours of the morning and I have pretty much said what there needs to be said about these morons on other blogs. However, I am more perplexed about you defending them. If you were to see me pictured having a coffee with Maryam Rajavi you will spare no amount of hate for me but you have no beef with Trtia Parsi not only befriending the IR Terror Regime Ambassador to the UN Javad Zarrin but also trying to find him friends in congress. This is the Islamic Republic we are talking about here but you don't seem at all bothered about it. What gives? 

All I am asking for a straight forward statement - nothing to fancy - on commemorating the death of Neda Agha Soltan. There's no harm in that, is there?

We are not fooled VPK. NIAC is going to be drowned out becoming irrelevant because people are sick of their doduze bazi. 

If you can't see it...well.... 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Simorgh II

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

NIAC needs to be condenmed again and again at every opportunity. They should be disbanded and its leaders be put on trial and be charged with a capital offence. Pure and simple.  

I am sure AIPAC would love that. But for your information NIAC is a legal non violent organization. It has not broken any laws. "Capital Offense"? and you claim to be for democracy! What is their capital offense anyway? Not saying anything about IRI is not an offense. Many Iranian Americans do not say anything about IRI. Are they all to be put to death because that is what "Capital Offense" means. God I hope people like you  don't get to power. It sounds like you want to execute a lot more than IRI does. Not to mention you seem quite indifferent to "collateral" damage in Iran.


Re jab

by Arj on

Well, can't blame one for trying!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Well Arj

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I have no problem with the leftists and strongly oppose their murders. From my view the "stone" missed both NIAC and the leftist groups!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


  • The real beef with NIAC is that it is a threat to AIPAC. That is why they hate it so much while other less effective Iranian American organizations are spared the hatred. Let us be honest and admit it.  
  • We all know NIAC does not claim to represent all Iranian Americans. It represents its members and only partially. For example one may agree with the visa issue but not their position on sanctions. 
  • NIAC is not PMOI and does not demand its members to blindly obey it. Therefore it does not "represent" even its members. It represents its own potions which a member may agree or disagree with.
  • NIAC is primarily there to protect interests of Iranian American. Not to topple IRI or even reform it. That is not their charter. Why don't you complain the same about other Iranian organizations.
  • NIAC has protested human rights violations of IRI. Not as much as I like but they have said more than "diddly" as you put it: //www.niacouncil.org/site/PageServer?pagename...
  • If your point on NIAC is legitimate then should I harp on Israel and its threats against Iran in every post? I will if you like me to.



by statira on

Military action comes with collateral damage and it might last forever and turn the country into a mess worse than what it is now. America does not care for the freedom and rights of the Iranian people, what they really want is to destroy Iran's Nuclear plants. There are better ways to change the regime w/o military action.


How do we get justice for

by vildemose on

How do we get justice for this Iranian holocaust?? What is our collective responsibilit as a nation?? Should there be no accountability and all forgiven???

Reform requires the consent of the corrupt



by Simorgh5555 on

Very sorry for you loss. Please lend your support to military action to target and destroy this regime Basij by Basij. Revolutionary guard by revolutionary guard. 



by statira on

were being done long before the mass murder in 1988. Just among my friends and family, 5 people were executed before 1988 and they were, one high school student just 16 yr old, two of our teachers, a medical student who was reported by his brother-in-law, and a physcology major graduate who was raped before her execution. There wasn't any day that we didn't hear news of  executions. It was such a dark days in our history and our memory.


Re the jab

by Arj on

Dear VPK, that's not just a jab at NIAC, but also a half-serious suckerpunch at the leftist groups! A kind of killing two birds with one stone!!!


Re proponents and opponents of political criminality

by Arj on

Thanks dear SK, in fact there were many more people whom I had the pleasure of acquaintance that now lie in unmarked graves in Khavaran. But that would be a different story on its own!

What is sad though is that there are still people around who condone such barbaric acts either in an attempt to whitewash the actions of the regimes they support or out of outright bigotry. Whether it's Pahlavis they support or IRI, their arguments are always beased on the same premise, and that is justifying this barbarity as "necessary evil!"




by Simorgh5555 on


 Do you have to make a jab at NIAC at every chance? What does NIAC have to do with the executions in 1988. 

i know you addressed this question to Shazdeh but if I may answer the question, the short answer is YES

Since NIAC claims to represent the interests and opinions of 'Iranian Americans' then it can at least make reference to this mass murder somewhere in its human rights sections. If you have ever been to the 'Policy Positions' and click on to 'Principles on Human Rights' it rarely makes any reference to specific cases but general 'human rights are important' and then pins the blame back on the US for sanctions and not 'reaching out' to the mother of all terrorist regimes the wrold has ever known

Countless bloggers and even their mothers have been apprehended NIAC says diddly. The anniversay of Neda Agha Soltan, so beloved to Iranians and a poster-girl for the 2009 protests, goes by NIAC says diddly.  Kouhyar Goudarzi and his mother is arrested NIAC says diddly. Omid Mir Sayafi dies NIAC says diddly. Exectutions are taken in public on top of a bus NIAC says diddly. Oh yes, it says, do not de-list the MEK because 'human rights conditions' may deteriorate.

NIAC needs to be condenmed again and again at every opportunity. They should be disbanded and its leaders be put on trial and be charged with a capital offence. Pure and simple.  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


  • Dear Maryam: The Green movement is not Mousavi. It is an expression of people and their frustration with IRI. Mousavi is just a figurehead. It turned out he is a farce. It does not mean people don't want change. It just means that the seed they used is no good. They will pick another one and then another. Anger with IRI is real and will find a way to show itself. Green is just one manifestation.
  • Shazdeh: Do you have to make a jab at NIAC at every chance? What does NIAC have to do with the executions in 1988. I find your posts in general to be unhelpful attempts to be "cute" but never imparting any useful information. Just like the one about "opposing all Iranian regimes from 1/1/1" which I responded to but never got a reply.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

I say: These people were terrorists and deserved punishment ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

... میگید نه؟ از نیاک بپرسید!

Nader Vanaki

عنایت فانی و مهدی اصلانی

Nader Vanaki

درود به شعور و شرف هر دو.  خیلی مصاحبه روشنگری بود.  در اینکه فرمان رو کی داد اگر به 8 سال قبل از کشتار برگردید و سالن فرودگاه مهرآباد را بیاد بیاورید، بیانات اقا که فرموده بودند "...بیاید بیرون و قتل عامشان کنید.." را به صورت نوشتاری در بالای دیوار سالن رو به سمت کنترل چمدان و بازرسی را بیاد دارید. 

هموطنان گرامی هم اگر به مجله Time یا Newsweek همان سال دسترسی داشته باشید، کوتاه مطلبی در مورد هاشمی رفسنجانی در یکی از این دو مجله پیدا خواهید کرد، که به اختصار به نقش ایشان در متقاعد ساختن آقا برای صدور حکم قتل عام اشاره شده.

سالها بعد هم روایت هایی روی اینترنت پیدا شد که اساساً به نقش حاج احمد آقا و توطئه چینی ایشان برای آیت..منتظری اشاره داشته اند.  حاج احمد آقا هم در وصف ستَمی که آقای منتظری سر همین قضیه به ایشان و امام روا داشتند، "رنجنامه" را انتشار دادند که معادل فوق لیسانس ارزیابی شد.  بعدها هم یک عده ای نوشتند که اصلاً خط امام خمینی نبوده و اصلاً در آن زمان حال و روزی برای مرقوماتی مانند آن نداشته، و همه اش کار حاج احمد آقا بوده.

روایتی دیگر بر این قرار است که باند احمد جنتی خواستار اعدام ها بوده ولی سپاه پاسداران نظر مخالف داشته، و این موذی حیله گر، رفسنجانی از سوی امام برای وساطت آمده، و دست آخر نظر احمد جنتی را به آقا خورانده.

میر حسین موسوی هم در دیداری با دانشجویان شرافتمند دانشگاه شریف در مقابل پرسش، گفت که به اصل تفکیک قوا اعتقاد داره و بعد از اون هم تا این لحظه خفه خون گرفته.

آقای کروبی هم به روایتی بعد از اتمام کشتار با هلیکوپتر به زندان ها سرکشی کرده و شیرینی پخش کرده.

آقای موسوی اردبیلی هم معلومه اولش یه خورده خنگ بازی در آورده که در قالب استفساریه مجدد از محضر امام، حاج احمد آقا رو به طرح پرسش و کسب همون حکم نهایی فرستاده.  اون هم فعلاً خفه خون گرفته و با پولی هنگفت برای خودش نشسته روی متکا.

سعید حجاریان دکترای جنگ روانی، موسس وزارت اطلاعات و تئوریسین اصلاح طلب های اولین دوره، هم باید پاسخگو باشه که اصولاً جند نفر رو چندین سال پیش از کشتار به سیاه چال ها فرستاده.

دست آخر هم می گن که کرباسچی هم برای رد گم کنی چندتا پارکینگ هم روی محل دفن بتون کاری کرد.  این یکی رو بعید می دونم در تهران اجرا شده باشه ولی در شهرستانها حتماً جون عکش هاش روی اینترنت با نشانی محل آمده. 

اصلانی راست میگه، هر کی با این نظام سرو کار داشته و هنوز هم خفه خون داره مقصره. 


I would've said shocking

by Reality-Bites on

except that nothing about the murderous brutality of the Islamic Republic shocks me anymore.

Aside from the mass murders of 1988, no one really knows how many more have been killed by the IR since, because the regime has become much more adept at keeping its killings and crimes hidden these days. Nevertheless, some crimes like the killings of Kahrizak still cannot be hidden from the world.

Only when this regime is toppled and its murderers brought to justice one day, might we be able to find out the precise number of victims and account for every single murder.

Maryam Hojjat

S5555, I agree very much with your latest Comment

by Maryam Hojjat on

 ) If we suspend disbelief and accept Mousavi's version of the truth that he was not aware of the mass executions in 1988 why does he not condemn them now? Why does he refer to the period when the executions took place as a 'golden age'.

This proves again that the entire Green movement is farce and in reality Mousavi and his partner in crime Karoubi are still dyed in the wool supporters of the Islamic Republic. 

Mousavi is the first person who should be brought to trial and be held accountable for his crimes.  


How much did Mousavi know?

by Simorgh5555 on

As Mehdi Aslani says the mass executions must have been been planned in advanace at the highest level and given the number of political prisoners murdered it would be impossible for those in the regime to deny knowledge of its existance. 


1) How is that Mousavi as both prime minister at the time of the executions and minister of foreign affairs claim not to have knowledge of such a project? This is equivalent to Holocaust deniers who say Hitler was not aware of the Fina Solution.

Mousavi was even involved in the Iran-Contra affair and he expects the world to believe that he could negotiate the release of US hostages in return for weapons but did not know of these executions? 

2) If we suspend disbelief and accept Mousavi's version of the truth that he was not aware of the mass executions in 1988 why does he not condemn them now? Why does he refer to the period when the executions took place as a 'golden age'.

This proves again that the entire Green movement is farce and in reality Mousavi and his partner in crime Karoubi are still dyed in the wool supporters of the Islamic Republic. 

Mousavi is the first person who should be brought to trial and be held accountable for his crimes.  


Roozbeh Jan

by Simorgh5555 on

Thank you for the links. Those Iranians were murdered in 1988, whatever their political views, ideologies or backgrounds will never be forgotten. 

Mehrdad jan - When you mention terror, I hope you are not referring to resistance against the Islamic Republic. Any resistance against the Islamic Republic (so long as it is for the liberation of Iran) is a supreme act of patriotism and should be embraced by all freedom-seeking Iranians. 


"Lottery of death"

by Simorgh5555 on

This video made the hair of the back of my neck crawl.

Read Khomeini's biography by Baqer Moin.  


The executions were one of the darkest chapter of Iranian hisotry with thousands of innocents summarily condemned to death without trial mostly young political activists. Khomeini justified his indiscriminate killing of political prisoners by drawing a parallel to the life of the Prophet Mohammed when he  slaughtered the Banu Qurayza tribe after a visitaton the Angel Gabriel who warned him that he will be betrayed. 

When Khomeini was later criticised by human rights organisation Amnesty, he called them 'Travesty International'. 

This is one of the greatest crimes of the Islamic Republic and in a post IR Iran the perpetrators must be brought to trial and executed.