The Flamingos Return to Rezaiyeh (Orumiyeh Lake)

1975 "Wild Kingdom" nature documentary

Wikipedia: Lake Urmia (Azerbaijani: Urmu Gölü, Urmia Gölü ; Persian: دریاچه ارومیه Daryâcheh-ye Orumiyeh (or Oroumieh), ancient name: Lake Matiene) is a salt lake in northwestern Iran, near Iran's border with Turkey. It was called Lake Rezaiyeh (Persian: دریاچه رضائیه) in the early 1930s after Reza Shah Pahlavi, but the lake was renamed 'Urmia' in the late 1970s. The lake is between the Iranian provinces of East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan, west of the southern portion of the similarly shaped Caspian Sea. It is the largest lake in the Middle East, and the third largest salt water lake on earth, with a surface area of approximately 5,200 km² (2,000 mile²), 140 km (87 miles) length, 55 km (34 miles) width, and 16 m (52 ft) depth >>>


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Flamingo's return to the lake at their peril.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on


What with chossforoosh in charge of the air as this blog says!


We need to work towards the islamification of environment

by jasonrobardas on

Why worry about a bunch of flamingos and a salty lake ?  The iranian people need to think only of the fruits of afterlife................There are plenty of beautiful song birds in paradise (morghan-e-beheshti) ........and let us not forget about the virgins and the sweet water of ever lasting lakes of honey .........

  PS    ; Lakes can attract youth who will consequently indulge in sin and exposure of body.   Flamingos are pink and pink is a (Taghooti) color. Hence the demise of the flamingos and the plight of the Rezaie salt lake ..... 


Interesting fact

by MRX1 on

It's interesting if you think about it, here is a lake that survived million years of planet earth's eveloution and thousend years of Iranian history. But in thirty years, islamists did what million years of natural change has not been able to do, destroying this lake. And it's not just this lake,  it is zayandeh rood that dried up, mighty karoun that is dying, hirmand, bandar pahlavi swamp, etc, etc.

I have said many years a go, some of the damages of IRI will be unreversable and permanent. The question is how much more damage will be done before this bunch depart with their pockets full of cash and leave us mighty dry in every sense.


Re political development

by Arj on

Dear Amirparviz..., how is caring for environment, culture, art and economy tantamount to caring for political development?!


the akhoonds don't care about human life...

by shushtari on

you think they would care about wildlife??!!

what a shame, our country would have been a fabulous place by now if they had only left us alon\e 


This video helps me realize an important idea

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

The shah cared about environment, culture, art, economy and many many other things, isn't it ridiculous to think he didn't care for the political development of Iran?



Such a good video yet

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

You guys are making me realize very paiful things I want to neglect.  Poor bastards.  West/IRI piss me off.



sad sad sad ...

by Fatollah on

i wish for mankind not to mess with mother nature...  

i knew western shores of these lake like the palm of my hand.

sad sad sad ... 


Sad to think that

by statira on

everything and everybody in this documentary is dead, from the lake and all the animals to that old American guy and all of the Iranians. I'm pretty sure every single Iranian in this doumentary is executed by the IRI.


There are some Flamingo's at the Hilton Las Vegas.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

I'm sure they had to move on somewhere that could support them otherwise it would be really sad to think about that question.


 where re the Flamingos

by vildemose on

 where re the Flamingos now?

Reform requires the consent of the corrupt

Oon Yaroo

Sad to see what a regress a nation has made!

by Oon Yaroo on

Thank you for posting!