Man humiliated for wearing women's clothes

Transgender filmed in police station



Fake, fake and fake.

by comments on

It's obviously a fake and terrible acting.  I don't see any transgender in here.  What's the last few seconds about?  He was raising eyebrow to whom and for what?

There is no doubt of harassments and prosecution in Iran.  It’s so sick to fake a common fact. 

G. Rahmanian

A Different Version!

by G. Rahmanian on

Did you know that Kahrizak had only one victim? Did you know that those millions of people who took to the streets in major cities of Iran were all foreign agents? Did you know that BBC killed the demonstrators in Iran? Did you know that IR has no prisoners of conscience? Did you know rape and torture of prisoners are  banned under Islam?  Did you know all those who die in IR prisons either commit suicide or die of natural causes? Did you know Evin prison is more like a 5-star hotel than a prison? Can't you see this is enemy propaganda? And what about Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo? 

G. Rahmanian

اينها همه تبليغات امريكايه!

G. Rahmanian

Come on people! Get a grip! There are no gays or lesbians in Iran.


Iranians are naive in general

by onlyinamrica on

They think they are smart (Tehranis in particular), but they fall for anything.

Souri, I agree with you. 


مردانگی در چیست؟



ای تو که احساس مردانگی میکنی‌ و این انسان بی‌ دفاع را این گونه به خیال خودت تحقیر میکنی‌،این را بدان مردانگی در داشتن آلت تناسلی‌ و لباس نیست،چون اگر بود خر از تو و پدرت مرد تر است.ای کسانی‌ که به این ویدئو میخندید‌ای کاش لحظه‌ای فکر میکردید کا به این انسان هر ثانیه چه می‌گذرد.مردانگی آنست که دستی‌ بگیری،مردانگی آنست که مرهم زخمی باشی‌.



About the source of this film

by Truthseeker9 on

Why would police film this and allow it to find its way to the internet? 

Anahid Hojjati

This is IRI after all

by Anahid Hojjati on

 Actually, some years ago, I read articles that Iran under IRI was not such a bad place for transgender people since they would let them have surgery to have sex change. Any way, Iranian officials are not enlighted poeple in any area, so why would we think that they magically become roshan fekr and be Ok with cross dressing? we keep forgetting what government we are talking about. I have not seen the video but again, these guys rape teen-agers so bring your expectations down, way way way waaaaay (as MK is fnd of saying) down.


This video should be watched.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

By all Transgenders, cross dresseres, (pre and post sex op) supporters of the islamist regiem of Iran on this site... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


I would think such absurd behavior by police…

by Bavafa on

Stems much more from lack of education and/or respect for individual rights/privacy then their religion (i.e. Islam) though one can argue and I will agree with that religions in general often times advocate and ridicule individual rights in a various form or fashion when it is counter to their accepted ways.

But I also agree with Souri Khanom. We are seeing more and more videos that are of extreme dubious way of making.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Darius Kadivar

Disgraceful ...

by Darius Kadivar on

What A Cheap Shot to humiliate a defenseless person like this.

I've got no words to describe my anger.

Shameful ! 


The video seems soooooo fake!

by Souri on

it is obvious that they made it up!

There's no source mentioned at the screen

Many of the videos of this kind are  fake, indeed !

I don't believe them at all.


Ali P.


by Ali P. on

Transgender or crossdresser?

There is a difference, you know.

Anyway. Totally uncalled for.

Mona 19

So much for protect & serve!!!

by Mona 19 on

It seems like they are paid to humiliate & terrorize people...




by vildemose on

So heartbreaking.

Reform requires the consent of the corrupt


Humanity and Islam is…

by عموجان on

Not something that goes well together, you only can be one. I even didn’t watch it. I been watching for past 32 years. 


I hope I am mistaken.

by comments on

I wonder if I didn't proceed submitting my comment in here, or it was not published.

If it was not published I could be more informative in general about Iranians who have been out of touch with present Iran (i.e. in a real physical Iran) and new Iranians.


That is so sickening ! Absolutely shameful!

by jasonrobardas on

I doubt that even  the German fascist party would  have violated a citizen's rights to privacy ,  like that . 

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

so disgusting, so cruel, so terrifying... so common to humiliate people who do not match the state's definition of "normal".