دویچه وله: نهال سحابی نویسنده وبلاگ "لحظههای محتضر" که پنجشنبه ۷ مهر ۱۳۹۰ با خوردن قرص به زندگی خود پایان داده است، پیش از خودکشی و در زمان بازداشت از سوی بازجویان به پخش اعترافات تلویزیونی تهدید شده بود. به گفته امیر شیبانی فعال سیاسی و از دوستان نزدیک نهال سحابی، بهنام گنجی و کوهیار گودرزی، «خودکشی نهال سحابی، عاشقانه است». پیش از این بهنام گنجی دانشجوی ۲۲ ساله، از دوستان نزدیک کوهیار گودرزی و "دوست پسر نهال سحابی"، نيمه شب پنجشنبه ۱۰ شهريور با خوردن قرص به زندگی خود خاتمه داده بود>>>
Recently by Ghormeh Sabzi | Comments | Date |
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Truth has many shades... yet
by KavehAhangarAdel on Sat Oct 01, 2011 06:53 PM PDTDeath of our youth is inexcusable. Words can not express my sorrow about this and many many more tragedies like this happening. No matter what story we choose to believe it is still two lives lost. Two lives that had potential to BE great.
If I want to be FREE I’ve got to be ME!
Kaveh Adel's Facebook Art & Humanity Page
گفتوگو با
TapeshSat Oct 01, 2011 03:58 PM PDT
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Fri Sep 30, 2011 05:45 PM PDTLet us not take over this blog with an unrelated subject. Therefore I am going to make it short. I was not an adviser to the Shah. And many things you say are right. If you want to discuss these please write a blog and lets move the discussion there.
This is a blog about the tragic suicide of this young woman. I am game for a long discussion on a separate blog if you want it.
Vieled Prophet of
by Babak K. on Fri Sep 30, 2011 05:36 PM PDTVieled Prophet of Khorasan
About flagging me? We the Iranian people are very much accostumed to being flagged. In the mind set of the past estebdad, we the Iranian people did not deserve few newspapers who could write freely. Estebdad always had and has and will have no respect for the nation's freedom of speach. Dictaors and there suporters always have millions of excuses to ban free press but they never find one reason to allow free press. All the Khayeh-mal-ha and all the k..leess-ha, they never cared about Shah, those Be-Sharafs and Be-Vojdans never liked Shah, they were never firend of Shah. If they were friend of Shah and they cared about him, then like a friend they should have gone to him (that is what friends do), and have told Shah or Reza Shah:
"Your majesty we love you, but for your own sake and the sake of your family and for the sake of country, respect the constitution, because your majesty dictators in Iran never had a future, and you are not going to be an exception".
Vieled Prophet of Khorasan:
I do not hate Shah or Reza Shah, I only hate their stupidity. Dictators are all stupid and they never learn. An example: Khamanei, how stupid one can get, he does not want to learn. Today Khamenie is surrounded by people like you who surounded Reza Shah and Shah. Khamanei has no friend, and like Reza Shah, Shah, Sadat, Mobarak, Ben Ali, Bashar Assad, Samoza and Chaiscue, he is too stupid to realize that.
Vieled Prophet of Khorasan:
Ghavam-Olsaltaneh, the great Iranian who care about Shah, but was heart broken, sends a letter to shah from Paris. I want to write part of the letter hear as much as I can remeber, he really liked the Shah, and you can see his love of the Shah in these lines. In the letter he critisizes the Shah for violating Iranian contitution:
"...Your Majesty, the only hope of the nation is the constitutin and that has been abandoned for a long time. I have been witenessing these disregards for Iranian constitution from Darbar for such a long time, and when I think about the future of Pahalvi dynesty and country of Iran, I start shivering (raesheh bar andamam mioftat)....
And he was so right.
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Fri Sep 30, 2011 04:48 PM PDTYou are welcome to your opinion and I am to mine. In now way have I inserted anything in your body parts. You should be aware that your language may get you in trouble with the admin. But I will not flag your post.
The way Iranian people acted I think they deserved a dictator. At least at that time. Were you around at that time: I was. You may rest assured this would not happened. When people got a choice they picked Khomeini. Yes we needed a dictator!
Shah was a very good one. He kept peace; brought prosperity. He was faced with Soviet backed Marxists; Islamists and so on. As soon as he lifted the pressure they went on a rampage. From Cinema Rex to American Embassy. Now this yes I am sad.
Vieled Prophet of
by Babak K. on Fri Sep 30, 2011 04:02 PM PDTVieled Prophet of Khorasan,
Let us be sad.
I am sure people have respoded to you before, but this is the first time I want to respondto your post. For a long long time people argured that how gentle Zsar of Raussia was and how brutal Bolshaviks became. Yet, everybody knows that it was Estebdad of Zsar that paved the way for Bolshaviks to come to power in Raussia. Pahlavi etebdad paved the way for Islamic regime to come to power. Please stop inserting Pahlavis into everybody's anus. We owe nothing to any bastard. No matter who is in pwoer in Iran, those bastards will answer to us not other way around, you hear me?
My Deepest Sympathies!
by G. Rahmanian on Fri Sep 30, 2011 03:51 PM PDTMy Deepest Sympathies to her family and the families of all the victims of the murderous rule of the Islamic Republic!
RIP Nahal Jan
by Simorgh5555 on Fri Sep 30, 2011 01:38 PM PDTNahel Jan. I hope that your sould is at peace with your beloved Behnam together forever. The evil that this regime has inflicted on you and the life which it has robbed from you and so many young Iranians will never be forgotten or forgiven.
I was familiar with your political activism and courage to speak out against this regime on Facebook. I remembered your passion and deep love of Iran as well as your concern for its enslaved people. I wished you stayed alive to fight these Islamic demons another day despite the personal cost the struggle brought on you and Behnam.
You were a trailblazer in life and you leave us the torch of freedom to carry until Iran is liberated from this wicked parasite. Like Neda Agha Soltan you will be forever in our collective memory.
Goodbye my Sweet Angel. Your death will be avenged.
ننگ و نفرین
LayliFri Sep 30, 2011 01:07 PM PDT
بهنام ها و نهال ها را این حکومت کثیف خونخوار می کشد.
ننگ و نفرین بر حکومتی که عشق و عاشق و معشوق را ...
و آزادی را،
و برابری را می کشد.
دختر زیبای ایران ما را ببخش
afshinazadFri Sep 30, 2011 12:08 PM PDT
ایا این مرگ یک ملت نیست که شاهد نابودی اجتمائی و فرهنگی و زندگانی و عشق به زندگی نیست.
این تراژدی برای یک ملت نیست که گریبان خودکشی و فرار از زندگی وحشیانه جامعه بدون هدف.
ایا زمان همبستگی نیست که جوانان زیبای ایران از این جهنم اخوندی نجات پیدا بکنند؟
ایا خودخواهی و منم منم ما تمام شدنی است؟
ایا ما دموکراسی می خواهیم ؟ و ایا در دموکراسی همه برابر نیستند؟ پس یا ما فهم دموکراسی را نداریم و یا دنبال قدرت شخصی هستیم.
چطور میشود سیاستمدارانی که ادعای روشنفکری دارند وخواهان دموکراسی هستند هدفشان یکی نباشد؟
ایا جمهوری خواهان و یا پادشاهی پارلمانی منشورشان بنا بر حقوق بشر است و اگر هست چرا همبستگی نیست؟
زمانی که رضا پهلوی خیلی ساده و شفاف میگوید که ایشان اگر که پادشاهی پارلمانی را در نظر دارند ولی جمهوری پارلمانی با منشور حقوق بشر قابل قبول است برای او ، چون هردو یکی هستند و در مرحله اول ازادی کشور اولویت دارد تا انتخاب نوع حکومت. ایا هنوز بقیه ما درک سیاسی را نداریم که در جامعه ازاد دیگر فرق نمی کند که چه خطی را میخواهی بروی ، چون در جامعه ازاد برابری و احترام و فرصت برای همه است نه به یک گروه و یا شخص ، کسانی که هنوز با گذشته زندگی میکنند و گرفتار تله جنگ روانی رژیم اخوندی هستند بهتر است بیدار شوند چون زمان زمان همبستگی است نه تفرقه و اشغالگیری و دغدغه کسان و گذشته ها. وگرنه اگر این ۳۳ سال دوباره تکرار خواهد بود و انهایی که ۳۳ سال دیگر زنده بمانند همین مشکلات را خواهند داشت. کار امروز را نگذار برای فردا چون کار فردا کار امروز است.
Wonders of IRI
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:22 AM PDTThis is a true shame and personal fault of Khamenei. It is his ***hole actions that take hope away from people. With no hope to go on they figure might as well move on. The fact is this would not have happened under the Shah.
Now back to debating another speech on oil in 1953 or maybe debate whether Bakhtiyar spoke to Saddam. Folks we have real problems right now. May we focus on them so we don't have another one of our people kill herself.
When all thses problems are solved then we may worry about what Shah or Bahktiyar or Mossadgeh did 60 or 30 years ago. Sorry to be upset but we are on the Titanic now. Maybe we should be kicking out the captain before more of this *** goes on. Great jo Dr Shariati; Dr Bazargan; Dr khahre o sage.
by Azarin Sadegh on Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:14 AM PDTSuch a terrible loss.... I am really saddened by this real-life Romeo and Juliet story. This beautiful "nahal" didn't get the chance to become a strong tree...Really upsetting.
Our best sons and daughter
by Babak K. on Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:14 AM PDTOur best sons and daughter are so alone these days. It seems that we have decided not to hear them. The Islamic republic regime can take down as many as them it wants. It knows that we will only watch. At the moment the only thing I am able to do is to cry.
Such a sweet and beautiful
by vildemose on Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:46 AM PDTSuch a sweet and beautiful face. It's heartbreaking. They are in a better place but their spirit and legacy will live on.
Reform requires the consent of the corrupt
Amir Sheybani ought not to romanticize suicide…
by Bavafa on Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:31 AM PDT"به گفته امیر شیبانی فعال سیاسی و از دوستان نزدیک نهال سحابی، بهنام گنجی و کوهیار گودرزی، «خودکشی نهال سحابی، عاشقانه است»".
RIP, both of them.
For me, it is always very sad when one takes his/her own life other then when the quality of life (physically) has degraded so much that it is not a living any more.
'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory
terrible, terrible
by Jahanshah Javid on Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:27 AM PDTshame, shame...