Parazit: Siavash Gomeishi

Interview with singer/songwriter and...


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این جانیان کوچک

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

پیوسته در مراسم اعدام
وقتی طناب دار
چشمان پر تشنج محکومی را
از کاسه با فشار به بیرون می ریخت
آنها به خود فرو می رفتند
و از تصور شهوتناکی
اعصاب پیر و خسته شان تیر میکشید
اما همیشه در حواشی میدانها
این جانیان کوچک را می دیدی
که ایستاده اند
و خیره گشته اند
به ریزش مداوم فواره های آب



 Ghomeishi: Have you heard

by vildemose on

 Ghomeishi: Have you heard of DNA test???

What a irresponsible human being you are....

Reform requires the consent of the corrupt

Tiger Lily

What a shouting,

by Tiger Lily on

aggressive, very unfunny pleb show.




by yAghi on

With all respect to Siavash Gomeishi, how is it possible that he knows about this potential son for 40 years and he has met him 3 times and still wonders if he is his son or not.  A simple test could resolved this, if he really cared, however, I guess it is easier to say I do not know. What a pity! to hear this from the person I admire his voice and songs.


Don't forget about

by onlyinamrica on

Their bags of tokhmeh japooni and aftab parast to keep them busy while waiting for the execution. Mehrban khanoom khaam shodi?



by pedramx on



Watching the hangings

by Mehrban on

It is IR's own agents that are rounded up.  Don't be fooled. 15,000 Iranians went to watch a hanging at 5:00 in the morning?!!  

Kambiz khaan shoma chera khaam shodi. 



Comment of the day today was this below, relevant to todays show

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Tragedy is not the brutality of the Tyrants in Iran, that is expected. Tragedy is the silence of those that call themselves good and the righteous, not expected nor accepted.  America and the U.K. are just dirty when it comes to human rights and freedom.


ملتو ببین...


... که برای دفعه سوم (یا چهارم؟) عادل فردوسی پور رو بعنوان شخصیت خوب هفته انتخاب کرد. کاتی، شوتی.
نخیر آقا، ما حالا حالا ها گرفتار آقایونیم.

ضمناً من از اون شوخی آخر کامبیز در مورد آوردن اعدام به استادیوم خوشم نیامد. یک چیزهایی هست که نباید با اون شوخی کرد، یا اگر هم کردی، شوخی درست و حسابی بکن، نه شوخی سرسری. از اون شوخی های جانمانسوز جانگداز. همین.


could some one answe!!

by tabriz_balasi on

did anyone understand anything about Alireza Ghomeishi.  How can Siavash Ghomeinshi not know if Alireza is or is not his son???  did they mean biological son or godfather type son.  I am confused... please explain.


~be an act of the knowing love~


Thank you for the post.

by comments on

Ghomeishi's songs were not my favorites, but I know almost everybody loves him.

He has gained weight and became actually a handsome and classy man.  Hope to hear more from him.

“First you fuel the desire, then the desire will fuel you.”
Napoleon Hill

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

excellent program, all of it, including Ghomeishi, and especially for picking the crowd of execution watchers in Tehran as the worst persons of the week. eyval!