
Ali Moradi: Prisoner of the day

On hunger strike

ICHRI: A local human rights source told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that Kurdish political prisoner Ali Moradi has sewn his lips and embarked on a hunger strike since 4 April to protest his "illegal exile from Minab Prison to Bandar Abbas Prison." The source stated that Ali Moradi suffers from a heart condition and that authorities at the Central Prison of Bandar Abbas have neglected the needs of this political prisoner, transferring him to a solitary cell on 27 April.

"Last February, when an inspector from the Prisons Organization by the name of Shams went to Minab Prison, Ali Moradi spoke with him about the need for action regarding hygienic and medical conditions of prisoners. Afterwards, on orders from the Head Warden at Minab Prison, the Intelligence Ministry beat and insulted Moradi, and he was transferred to a solitary cell. Fifteen days after his transfer to a solitary cell, in an illegal move prison authorities exiled him to the Bandar Abbas. In protest to his illegal exile, Ali Moradi sewed his lips together on Friday, 4 April, and embarked on a hunger strike. Prison authorities have so far neglected his demands and during this time, he has been deprived of the right to visit with his family or to call them," the source told the Campaign.

"On 18 January 2003, Ali Moradi was arrested in the village of Kani Dinar, near Marivan. He was later tried by the Marivan Revolutionary Court on charges of 'moharebeh (enmity with God) through membership in Komala Party,' sentenced to 30 years in prison and exile to Minab Prison. Earlier, in 1998, he also served 5 years in prison on charges of 'cooperating with Kurdish groups,' and had to spend five years in Minab Prison," said the source.


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Sign the petition to Free Ali Moradi.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on


He has already spent nearly 14 years in jail for no other reason than his political beliefs.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


As SK said: Exactly, dear Bavafa

by MM on

And, thanks for being one of the first, and one of the most loyal commentors to the series "Prisoner of the Day".


Free Ali Moradi

by Simorgh5555 on

May your jailers and persecuters be destroyed by an Israeli missile. Inshallah!



Soosan Khanoom

Exactly Dear Bavafa

by Soosan Khanoom on

Thanks ..



درود بر تمام ایرانیان مبارز


So many Iranians are taking a stand against this regime and demanding their basic human rights and rights of self-determination by Iranian people and for Iranian people and for that they are getting the wrath of IRI.

  They deserve our full support for a sustain campaign for their immediate and unconditional freedom and NOT by intent to starve their families who often time relay on these brave souls as their soul provider.  My hats off to each and every one of those who fight for Iranian people.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Islamist Rapists

by Fred on

The only way to put an end to all these Islamist Rapist barbarity is regime change by the Iranian people with the logistical help from the sane world.

Airtight sanctions & air/naval cargo inspectios is a must.