
Gunter Grass accuses Israel of plotting to 'wipe out' Iran

German Nobel literature laureate touches off firestorm of protest

AfP: German Nobel literature laureate Gunter Grass touched off a firestorm of protest Wednesday with a poem accusing Israel of plotting Iran's annihilation.

The 84-year-old longtime leftist activist wrote in "What must be said" that he worried Israel "could wipe out the Iranian people" with a "first strike" due to the threat it sees in Tehran's disputed nuclear programme.

"Why do I only say now, aged and with my last ink: the atomic power Israel is endangering the already fragile world peace?" reads the poem, which appeared in the daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung on Wednesday.

Grass answers that Nazi Germany's "incomparable" crimes against Jews and his own fear of accusations of anti-Semitism kept him from openly criticising Israel.

But now, "tomorrow could already be too late" and Germany could become a "supplier to a crime", Grass wrote, referring to a deal sealed last month for Berlin to sell Israel a sixth nuclear-capable Dolphin-class submarine >>>



یک ترجمۀ خوب فارسی از رضا نافعی

Mahvash Shahegh


چرا خاموشم، چرا در این زمان دراز ناگفته گذاشته ام آنچه را که عیان است و از  « بازی جنگ » که طبق نقشه آنرا تمرین کرده اند سخن نگفته ام.   از آن بازی که اگر در پایان آن جانی به در برده باشیم، چیزی نیستیم جز یاداشتی در حاشیه ادعا می شود زدن ضربت اول به مردم ایران و چه بسا محو کردن آنها از صحنه گیتی، حق است زیرا گمان می رود در قلمرو مردی گزافه گو که خلق   اسیر در زیر یوغ  خود را به هلهله های دستوری وا می دارد ، یک بمب اتمی ساخته می شود.  ولی چرا بخود اجازه نمی دهم نام آن کشور دیگر را بر زبان آورم، کشوری که سالهاست قدرت اتمی فزاینده ای در اختیار دارد ــ هرچند پنهان از نظرها ــ ولی بیرون از عرصه بازرسی ، چرا ؟ چون   بازرسی ممکن نیست؟   همگان خاموشند، حقیقتی را ناگفته می گذارند،    من نیز به  پیروی ازخاموشی فراگیر لب فروبسته ام ، احساس می کنم که این دروغی است سنگین ،احساس  اجبار می کنم، بمحض آن که از این اجبار تخطی شود، چهره مجازات نمودار می گردد. تکفیر « یهودی ستیزی » را همه می شناسند. اما اینک از سرزمین من ، زادگاه جنایتی بی مانند، که همیشه باید پاسخگوی آن باشد ، قرار است، نسجیده، باز هم یک زیردریائی دیگر به  اسرائیل فرستاده شود ، همراه با سخنانی سرسری بعنوان جبران بدی های گذشته .  ویژگی آن زیر دریائی این است که می تواند با کلاهک های خود همه چیز را در سرزمینی نابود کند که وجود یک بمب اتمی در آن به اثبات نرسیده است، پس اینک می گویم آنچه را که باید گفت. ولی چرا تا کنون سکوت کرده ام. چون فکر می کردم زادۀ سرزمینی هستم که لکه ای نازدودنی بر دامن دارد و همین  مرا از گفتن حقیقت  باز می داشت و نمی خواستم نام اسرائیل رابرزبان آرم که خود را همبسته آن می دانم و به آن وفادار خواهم ماند. پس چرا حالا ، پیرانه سر و با آخرین قطره های بازمانده از مرکبم می نویسم :  اسرائیل اتمی  برای  صلح  جهانی ،  که خواه  ناخواه صلحی است شکننده ، خطرناک است. امروز باید گفت آنچه را که فردا گفتنش دیر است و چون ما ــ بعنوان آلمانی به حد کافی بار بر دوش داریم ــ می توانیم تحویل دهنده وسیله ای گردیم که عواقب آن قابل پیش بینی است و   با عذر و بهانه های متداول  نمی توانیم منکر شرکت خود در آن گناه گردیم. اعتراف می کنم : دیگر ساکت نخواهم ماند زیرا تزویر غرب دیگر برایم قابل تحمل نیست، افزون بر این امید این نیزهست که( با شکستن این سکوت) بسیاری دیگر نیزخود را از سکوتی که در بند آن هستند آزاد سازند و مصرانه از عامل خطری که شناخته شده است بخواهند از خشونت چشم بپوشد و در عین حال مصرانه خواستار آن باشند که به یک مرجع بین المللی امکان داده شود تا پیوسته وبدون هیچ  نوع  مانعی      قدرت اتمی اسرائیل و تاسیسات اتمی ایران  را زیر نظر و کنترل داشته باشد. فقط از این طریق است که می توان به همه، به اسرائیلی ها و فلسطینی ها و بیش از آن به همه کسانی که با دشمنی و تنگاتنگ هم ساکن منطقه ای هستند که به تسخیر جنون در آمده است ، کمک کرد و از این طریق سرانجام به  خودمان هم کمک کرده ایم

iraj khan

A little originality

by iraj khan on

would go a long way.

The well known technique: Discredit the messanger and get everyone busy and distracted from the main message.

The message of this blog is: Israel is half way through her way to wipe Iran of the world. 

What is your AliJenab's opinion? 

Otherwise cut to the chase, cut the ..

Do Not Shoot Me

Poor guy he is toasted for telling the truth.

by Do Not Shoot Me on

Poor guy he is toasted for telling the truth. Couldn't you old miserable man keep it to yourself?  This one will get you no noble prize.  It may even take away the one you already got. May that give a lesson to any poet.  Only rhyme in the praise of Great Israel or face the consequences. 


Dear DK

by Fatollah on

Dear DK
gave up on it while in college long ago(bad vibes...), it's about good old Günter and the minute he uttered a word or two on hypocrites and hypocracy that character assassination of the man begun!!

 Syria is another matter and not the tpoic at hand!


of course Gunter the Ex SS Nazi would say that.

by mousa67 on

iraj khan

"It is the claimed right of the first strike,

by iraj khan on

that could annihilate a people"

“Why do I stay silent,

keep silent too long,

about what is obvious and has been practiced in map exercises,

at which end as survivors we are mere footnotes.

It is the claimed right of the first strike,

that could annihilate a people that is subjugated by a loudmouth and lead to organized cheering, the Iranian people,

because it is assumed that building a nuclear bomb is in its reach."

Gunter Grass


Darius Kadivar

And who is Wiping out Syria in the meantime ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Where is your Outrage or have you been smoking too much Grass ? ...


Amanpour: Bosnia's lesson for Syria (cnn) 


Related Blog:


NIAC Ambassador Majid Rafizadeh: Appeasement with Iran But Sanctions & intervention on Syria?


In the face of fear and intimidation….

by Bavafa on

It is not always easy to speak the truth and stand up for what is right and just but my kudos to this man for doing exactly that.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 




by Fatollah on

any comments?

iraj khan

'why did I stay silent for so long?"

by iraj khan on

Gunter Grass


Here is the complete poem

By Gunter Grass 

What has to be said

“Why do I stay silent, keep silent too long, about what is obvious and has been practiced in map exercises, at which end as survivors we are mere footnotes.

It is the claimed right of the first strike, that could annihilate a people that is subjugated by a loudmouth and lead to organized cheering, the Iranian people, because it is assumed that building a nuclear bomb is in its reach.

But why do I forbid myself from naming the country in which for years – although under secrecy – a growing nuclear arsenal has been available bare any control, because inaccessible for any inspection?

The common silence of this fact, to which my silence was subordinate, I feel as a wearisome lie and constraint that announces punishment if disobeyed; the verdict of “antisemitism”is common.

But now, coming from a country that again and again is overtaken and taken to task by its very own incomparable crimes, a country that again wants to provide a submarine to Israel out of pure business sense, but quickly declared as recompense, a submarine, specialized to direct all-annihilating warheads to the place, where the existence of one singular nuclear bomb is unproven but where fear should count as proof, now I have to say, what has to be said.

But why did I stay silent for so long? Because I thought that my ancestry, which is afflicted by an irredeemable blemish, would forbid me to confront with this fact as spoken truth the land of Israel, to which I am and want to stay connected.

Why now, aged and with my last ink, do I say: The nuclear power Israel is endangering the already fragile world peace? Because it has to be said what could already be too late tomorrow; also because we – as Germans guilty enough – could become the suppliers to a crime that is predictable, so that none of the usual excuses would redeem us from our complicity.

Admittedly, I keep my silence no more, because I am tired of the hypocrisy of the west; furthermore it can be hoped that many will free themselves from their silence and ask the initiator of the visible danger to abstain from violence while demanding that the governments of both countries will permit an international authority to have permanent and unencumbered inspections of the Israeli nuclear capabilities and the Iranian nuclear power plants.

Only this will bring help to Israelis and Palestinians, further help to all the people who live hostile so close together in this region governed by delusion, and finally help to us."

iraj khan


by iraj khan on

posting this piece of news,

has to  with adding new names 

to the following list:

'Mash Ghasem'


'Tiger Lily'

'Shahab Ferdowsi'


I'm just saying,
