Jannati: Sanctions Aimed At Crippling Power of Islam

Calls on government to make it easier for entrepreneurs to invest in economy


Arash Kamangir

Shia is a wicked cult

by Arash Kamangir on

Have you ever seen worldwide any other religeous leaders who can act like this? Have you ever seen any other clergy from other religeons who can lie like this?


Doing donkeys work?

by choghok on

Is Jannati trying to do à donkeys work according to Khomeinis Word for economists? Lets hope this crying donkey knows what he is talking about.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Janati sentenced two (2) of his own sons to death ...

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

... without crying.

Sanctions must be working!

More power to USA and Israel.