AP — Special envoy Kofi Annan said Wednesday in Tehran that Iran could help solve the crisis in Syria, where activists reported fresh violence near the capital Damascus a day before an international cease-fire is supposed to take effect. "Iran, given its special relations with Syria, can be part of the solution," Annan said during a news conference with Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi. "The geopolitical location of Syria is such that any miscalculation and error can have unimaginable consequences." >>>
Recently by Ghormeh Sabzi | Comments | Date |
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by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Fri Apr 13, 2012 04:17 AM PDTI am as opposed to IRI ss anyone. But I also have the common sense to not make such analogies. Nazi Germany was so powerful to take over all of Europe and nearly take over the world.
It took the combined power of America; UK and Russia to defeat. IRI was barely able to fight off Saddam! Please do us a favor and stop quoting Fox or NeoCon. Your talking points may impress a Fox viewer but not me. I am not that stupid or ignorant.
Sir what you are doing is "insulting our intelligence". Do you think I am so stupid to believe IRI is like Nazi Germany? Do you really have that low an opinion of IC readers. Try being honest and may get better response.
veiled prophet of khorasan:
by Arash Kamangir on Fri Apr 13, 2012 03:05 AM PDTIR is not only ruining Iran and its people but also it has begun to endanger the World's security. The mullahs are thinking of domination in Middle East through their allies in Iraq and controlling huge oil fields. IR is not anymore the problem of a specific period of time which will pass by. IR is a problem that has to be solved by big powers as it was Hitlers Germany.
No Iran is not dead
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Thu Apr 12, 2012 07:22 PM PDTDear Rea,
Please read about Iranian history. There were long stretches of centuries when Iran went into decline. Then returned with renewed vigor and regained its power. This is a period of decline but will pass.
While I preferred the Pahlavis they were by no means the soul of Iran. Their passing did not destroy Iran because the nation was never based on them. If anything this period will help people break away from the Islamic choke hold. That is really what has kept Iran prisoner for 1400 years. The worse IRI gets the more violent the reaction and stronger rejection of Islam. IRI is very bad but may be what it takes to purge Islam from hearts of Iranians intelligentsia who tend to set the direction.
So true Rea. You hit the nail on the head!
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Thu Apr 12, 2012 06:57 PM PDTGood, True & Beautiful Iran has been dead for 33 years, the very moment the progress being achieved in Human Rights and Freedom came to a sad end. Thieves, Murderors, Torturors, Rapists, Liars and Crooked thinkers, that is what we have representing Islam in the Islamic Republic. Poor Islam. The former Iranians who choose to no longer sell their souls, are either the youth of the former Iran born after the national betrayal of Iran in 1979 who now protest the Islamic Republic or former Iranians who live in exile, as former Iranians, because Iran did infact die. We can bring the good Iran back, except this time with no uneducated and corrupted Ayatollahs or Mollahs in any position to harm peoples lives, for example if they can't prove themselves to be law abiding citizens. Cleaning the Stench of filth which is being done by the corrupted authorities in the name of Islam may take time, but the prize will be worth it, for educated and knowledgeable Iranians to be able to look at and openly laugh at Corrupted Khomeini's as laughing stock, the way we see him today in every place a former Iranian lives. Personally I'll be one of the people putting together the basic standards of whether or not a mullah has the right to make a living from islam. Rea, If the average mullah doesn't have a basic education in geology and know how the earth and dinosaurs came about and can prve this understanding in their thinking, they can't be asked to teach any one something as important as god, first they have to honor gods proveable laws, but can practice whatever they want that is lawful at home. Nothing provocative, just some basic education.
by Demo on Thu Apr 12, 2012 01:52 PM PDTDid all Iranians die with the Shah too? Or they changed to Islamists Republicans Iranioons? They're surely not the same!
Iran ?!
by Rea on Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:05 AM PDTThere is no Iran, Iran died with the Shah. There is Islamic Republic of Iran. Not the same thing.
Some cartoons on Assad, Syria & it's buddies Iran, USSR & China
by Esfand Aashena on Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:05 AM PDTBelow:
Everything is sacred
Baleh Deegeh NIAC won again ...
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:12 AM PDTNIAC Ambassador Majid Rafizadeh: Appeasement with Iran But Sanctions & intervention on Syria?
As for our "Opposition" they can continue debating about the "virtues" of "Democracy" and reflect on John Locke's "treatise of goverrnent" for another decade around a cup of coffee in some chic hotel while paying tribute to Mehrdad Mashayekhi as their latest role model ...
VOA OFOGH: Washington Gathering of 'Opposition' Think Tank
Mellateh Bee Orzeh ...