IBNlive: Ted Turner: "Iran might make a couple or three [nuclear bombs]. But we say its okay for Israel to have a hundred, Israel's got a hundred. We should all get rid of nuclear weapons. The only way its going to work is if everybody gets rid of them together at the same time. That'll be a real day to celebrate, the biggest day in the history of the world. We can't have a rule where the United States can have thousands of them but Iran can't have two...">>>
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
So True Iraj Khan!
by ShirOjan on Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:52 PM PDT"What did Ted Turner say about Iran and the bomb?
"Don't go to a new war with Iran because of Israel."
I still have not received any answer for:
Why 'Disenchanted', 'Mash Ghasem', 'Tiger Lily', 'Ilove Iran' were
Was it for using 'profanity' or 'Hate Speech'?
If so, then why Iranians are called 'camel jockes' without impunity on
this thread?
If their political views was the reason for being banned,
then what were those political views?
Did outside forces forced this decision on the publishers?
Were they able to intimidate the publishers?
I'm just saying,
The "camel Jokey" epithet notwithstanding:
(and I have observed this in I.C. from the very beginning many years ago and warned the publisher to
correct the site's policy - he didn't and I left)
Nothing is "SACRED" here at I.C. EXCEPT the Un-Iranian Zionacracy and
their mercenary Shahollahi, Rajaviollahi and the assorted ignorant or
neophyte, wet-behind-ears supporters of (not the TRUE and DIRECT
DEMOCRACY) but the ZionWest designed and operated "Liberal = Trojan = let-me-penetrate-and-sabotage" DEMOCKRACY.
The People (they consider Sheeple) Control System of Zionacracy
and Corporacracy operates, as does the Mafia's tried and proven method,
based on:
the first two do not work then: COERCION leading to PHYSICAL VIOLENCE
So, one should at least have a little
sympathy for the publisher after all he has a family and has to make a living
AND is subjected to the above-mentioned EVIL Control System.
Thank You Arj - very well said!
by ShirOjan on Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:22 AM PDT"One can not help but marvel at the atmosphere of intolerance that is
dominant on here in which no one is safe to express an opinion without
being insulted and smeared should his/her views not suit some of us who
apparently have claims to be speaking on behalf of the entire people of
Iran, let alone IC!"
This culture of intolerance permeates not
only in IC (which is just
another puny product of) but the entire
"demockratic" West and is
promoted, maintained and policed by the
Corporacracy and Zionacracy in tandem.
Poor, RICH Ted is a TRUE
American Patriot and a Global Humanist. That's why he is so completely
ignored, smeared and attacked so viciously when he says anything
truthful about the sorry state of the America her depressed or even non-existent
by iraj khan on Wed Apr 04, 2012 08:43 AM PDTdid Ted Turner say about Iran and the bomb?
"Don't go to a new war with Iran because of Israel."
I still have not received any answer for:
Why 'Disenchanted', 'Mash Ghasem', 'Tiger Lily', 'Ilove Iran' were banned?
Was it for using 'profanity' or 'Hate Speech'?
If so, then why Iranians are called 'camel jockes' without impunity on this thread?
If their political views was the reason for being banned,
then what were those political views?
Did outside forces forced this decision on the publishers?
Were they able to intimidate the publishers?
I'm just saying,
by Fatollah on Wed Apr 04, 2012 03:43 AM PDTyet we yearn for Democracy! T.T. merely expressed his opinion! and what exactly did he say!? if in doubt try to listen once again...
How many Vietnamese were killed? I'm sure the dead Vietnamese all believed in 72 virgins up in Heaven! Hanoi Jane is indeed a derailing of discussion!
p/s Be careful what you wish for!!!
Good interview.
by Mohammad Ala on Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:22 PM PDTThanks for posting this video.
Look who's talking!
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Apr 03, 2012 09:14 PM PDTThe mere fact that members of Pro-IR Camel Jockeys, Inc. have raised their voices in defense of what Ted Turner states in this video speaks volumes of how wrong he is.
What the warmongering IR agents like about TT here is the fact that he seems to believe either IR should have two or three nuclear bombs or the whole world must be denuclearized!
That's the nuance that was lost on some "pundits" on IC!
Speaking of
by iraj khan on Tue Apr 03, 2012 07:50 PM PDTNational Iranian American Council (NIAC),
it was reported:
"On March 3rd, 2012, over 300 Iranian American volunteers gathered in 26 cities across the nation to give back to their communities. Not only did this allow us to share a piece of our rich culture with our American friends and neighbors, but it allowed us to make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most. Visit www.niacouncil.org/dayofservice for more information."
Watch the video //www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3eD_w5VBw8
Rahmanian dear: I bet on No War, because ...
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Tue Apr 03, 2012 07:25 PM PDTMullahs will fold as soon as they see that the threat is real, and their beloved money is in danger.
Dear Shazde:
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Apr 03, 2012 07:15 PM PDTThanks for the link. Does this mean there will be a war? Has IR indeed been successful in provoking yet another war? It's scary!
Khasteh nabaashi!
Lets see what has been revealed so far:
by iraj khan on Tue Apr 03, 2012 07:14 PM PDT1. Ted Turner is speaking his mind and answering questions, discussing CNN, business, United Nation, Atomic Bombs, Iranians and Israeli atomic bombs.
Attacks against Ted Turner' character starts, etc, etc, no talks about the content of the interview.
Conclusions of Lesson 1:
a. Discredit Ted Tuner's character
b. Change the subject from a world free from atomic bombs, to the evilness of Ted Turner.
To be continued..
Ted Turner in Qashga'i hat!!
by Sid Sarshar on Tue Apr 03, 2012 07:10 PM PDTClick on the next button 7 times and you will see his picture.
I wonder if anyone has seen Mola Nasreddin & Iraj Khan together?
by AMIR1973 on Tue Apr 03, 2012 07:01 PM PDTJust wondering, that's all.
Iraj K: perhaps they are going through FBI voluntary interviews
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Tue Apr 03, 2012 06:51 PM PDTWhich seems to be an issue of concern for the NIAC people:
Nice try!
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Apr 03, 2012 06:45 PM PDTLamebrains always bring in "Iranians" when they know the greatest majority of the people of Iran despise the regime they love to defend, day in and day out, under different disguises!
I still wonder..
by iraj khan on Tue Apr 03, 2012 06:50 PM PDTIf 'Disenchanted', 'Tiger Lily' and 'ILoveIran' were were banned because they used 'PROFANITY' in their speech?
Did I forget to mention 'Mash Ghasem'?
Or, maybe they were banned for 'name calling'?
You know what it means, like degrading others,
like calling others 'Camel Jockey'.
By the way, isn't calling Iranians 'Camel Jockies' a kind of 'Hate Speech'?
Are Iranians on 'Shahs of Sunset' show also, 'Camel Jockies',
even the female castmember?
Does anybody know?
I'm just asking,
ایرج چاخان
FaramarzTue Apr 03, 2012 06:26 PM PDT
داستان بعضی از دوستان، داستان جوجه نا فرمان است!
گفت با جوجه مرغکی هشیار
که ز پهلوی من مرو به کنار
گربه را بین که دم علم کرده
گوش ها تیز و پشت خم کرده
چشم خود تا به هم زنی بردت
تا کله چرخ داده ای خوردت
جوجه گفتا که مادرم ترسوت
به خیالش که گربه هم لولوست
گربه حیوان خوش خط و خالیست
فکر آزار جوجه هرگز نیست
سه قدم دورتر شد از مادر
آمدش آنچه گفته بود به سر
گربه ناگاه از کمین برجست
گلوی جوجه را به دندان خست
برگرفتش به چنگ و رفت چو باد
مرغ بیچاره از پی اش افتاد
گربه از پیش و مرغ از دنبال
ناله ها کرد زد بسی پر و بال
لیک چون گربه جوجه را بربود
ناله مادرش ندارد سود
Of course, irrelevant issues are welcome!
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Apr 03, 2012 06:21 PM PDTOf course, bringing in irrelevant issues by members of Pro-IR Camel Jockeys, Inc. is just fine!
Give me a break!
by iraj khan on Tue Apr 03, 2012 06:09 PM PDTstill wonder why
'Tiger Lily',
were 'Banned'?
'Disenchanted', he was a compassionate patriot,
'Tiger Lily', she was an ocean of knowlege and wisdom,
'ILoveIran', some of the videos he posted were interesting and informative videos.
Does anybody know?
I'm just saying,
Culture of Intolerance
by Arj on Tue Apr 03, 2012 09:36 PM PDTHere is a guy, who through hard work has created a network that's been attempting to follow the principles of fairness and balance (so far as the U.S. standards go), and who has given up most of his fortune to save the U.N. and the environment, merely expressing his opinion, and for that, he is being character assassinated by association to his former wife or for being rich and is told to shut up! So what if his wife was actively against the Vietnam war? Was she wrong? All she did was to try to tell the Vietnamese that "American people had no hostility towards them." Was the U.S. under attack by the Vietnamese?!
So what if he's rich? He's worked hard for it and been giving away most of what he's earned for good causes, isn't that what the "American Dream" is supposed to be about?! Furthermore, he's not supporting IRI, but on the contrary, he's explicitly expressing his opposition to nuclear arms and his support for comprehensive disarmament, and simply pointing out the irony of the global "non-proliferation" standards! Nonetheless, a crook like Rupert Murdoch whose fortune in comparison, is built on foundations of dishonesty and deciet, and wose "News Newtwork" is nothing but a farce, would probably be cheered just because his positions might be shared by a vociferous minority on IC!
One can not help but marvel at the atmosphere of intolerance that is dominant on here in which no one is safe to express an opinion without being insulted and smeared should his/her views not suit some of us who apparently have claims to be speaking on behalf of the entire people of Iran, let alone IC!
Pro-IR Camel Jockeys, Inc.
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Apr 03, 2012 05:51 PM PDTHad that been the case, IC would not be infested with pro-IR warmongering camel jockeys of all sorts, would it?
I just love the lady interviewer's accent,
by mousa67 on Tue Apr 03, 2012 05:09 PM PDTVery sweet. I am a big fan of Indian people and their culture. I like Indian ladies too, but not as much as Iranian ladies. maybe one day I'll get to marry one. Who knows?
He would have been banned by now
by iraj khan on Tue Apr 03, 2012 04:58 PM PDTif he was a blogger on IC.
When it comes to the subject of Israel and atomic bombs they possess everybody must bow to Israeli Lobby and say:
"Yes Master!"
Ted Turner is an honest and true American.
Even a "decent" person
by G. Rahmanian on Tue Apr 03, 2012 04:36 PM PDTEven a "decent" person puts his foot in his mouth, once in a while.
What does IBN stand for? Iran is a sensitive issue for the "poor" Indians and Ted Turner realizes that. Before being a "decent" anything, he is a businessman. In general, businesspeople are even more prudent in their choice of phraseology than politicians.
Raoul: So I take it that you believe ...
by Bavafa on Tue Apr 03, 2012 01:25 PM PDTGWB and Cheney were Liberals and lefties since they also supported many tyrannical regimes such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Dubai, Kuwait, etc.
However on the subject of nuclear issue, while a nuclear free world should be the ultimate goal, a nuclear free ME is easily achievable and should be pursued without any discrimination.
'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory
Dear Teddy
by Cost-of-Progress on Tue Apr 03, 2012 01:07 PM PDTUnless you've been stuck in one of your mansions for the past 32 years, you should know that nukes in the hands of the murderous mullahs are good for nobody most important of whom are the Iranian people.
I wish that rich folks just stayed away from politics and things they are cluless about.
What An Idiot!
by Kaveh Nouraee on Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:58 PM PDTAnybody who would be with Hanoi Jane is completely unqualified to comment on ANY geopolitical issue.
And the fact that he colorized classic black and white films makes him culturally bankrupt as well.
Ted proved his great character
by long live Iran on Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:16 PM PDTThat is a pitty that some people even could hear words of peace and philantropy even for their own country.
Has Rajav brain washed his slaves that they can not see the logic of Tedd`s words! I am very sorry for Rajavi`s slaves.
by Fatollah on Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:02 AM PDTwhat exactly did he say, except the truth? what have you done for your country lately, better say what have you done for yourself?
Teddy Dying to meet Emam Zaman.
by عموجان on Tue Apr 03, 2012 08:47 AM PDTHe should buy IR a bomb so they blow one up for him then he and Emam could meet right away.
by Reality-Bites on Tue Apr 03, 2012 07:02 AM PDTI reckon Ted and Jane are still "in lurrve", despite being with other partners at the present time.
Ah, nothing like a bit of celebrity gossip to while away the time. :)