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Why argue about a few more prison in Iran….

by Bavafa on

Where the whole country has turned to be a prison for most Iranians, if not all.


Also, a very good and valid point by DM regarding a credible justice system or lack of within IRI system.



'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Delirious plannings!

by Arj on

When Shah ordered building of now-infamous Gohardasht/Rejaeishahr prison, little did he know that fate won't allow him to put it to use and that Islamists who take over from him will be first to test-run the newly-built torture chambers. On the contrary, as he planned for his version of Iran of the future, he anticipated that with the advent of the Rastakhiz party and growing political dissent, Evin will no longer have the capacity to handle the influx of the future political prisoners, hence the need for new establishments!

Similarly, Khamenei and the rest of the Islamic regime gang are under the impression that they'll be around long enough to put these prisons to actual use, for they anticipate increasing public dissent as they clamp down on not only political opposition, but also public discontent accumulating due to economic sanctions and a deteriorating economy!

Nonetheless, let's hope that in a post-IRI era our nation would no longer have to put up with a gang of criminals who would act as if they own the country and the nation! Let's hope that in a post-IRI era there will be no such thing as political prisoners or political offence. Let's hope that Evin, Gohardasht/Rejaeishahr and countless other overt and covert prisons would turn into museums and galleries! And, lets hope that our national resources and efforts will be channeled towards building schools/training centres, rehab centres and mental institutions to rehabilitate even the criminally insane.

Have we as a nation reached the point to realize that yet, or are these wishes too naive and unrealistic?!


Just to add to the last comment

by Reality-Bites on

The US legal system has many flaws, but I'd take it over the joke of the "justice" system of the IRI every time.

Heck, under IRI not only many innocent people, whose only crime is to oppose the regime, are put away without any due, proper and fair legal process, but their lawyers are often imprisoned too for simply trying to do their job and defend their clients.

Dr. Mohandes

Speaking of Jail Industry

by Dr. Mohandes on

I just remembered this, perhaps, insignificant and not worthy of attention fact, that at least in the states most prisoners get to have their day in the court and give the legal system a chance to hear their cases and maybe find a solution to it.

In the country of gol and bolboal , trust me nowadays it really, i mean REALLY lives up to that given names, the terms legal/judicial system are such foreign terms.

Let's see the Proponents can chew on that for a while. 


Typical comments from the usual suspects

by Reality-Bites on

Who as per usual are among the first on the scene to comment and divert attention from what's hapenning inside Iran with the tried and tested line (or words to the effect) "so what, it happens elsewhere too", as if this should make it acceptable for Iran too.


The Village

by Demo on

The movie below, The Village, nicely depicts how a big society could become a prison to itself by its own leaders for not letting its people to know the realities behind the village borders walls. Does the story ring a bell?




First Amendment


by First Amendment on



VOA's reporting on the growth of jails in Iran seems somehow self-defeating...........Almost everyone on this planet knows a thing or two about the "jail industry" in the US of A..............




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