
Ahmad Zeidabadi: Prisoner of the day

Back in prison after short furlough

Kaleme: Journalist Ahmad Zeidabadi returned to Rajaee Shahr Prison on August 7, 2012, after his short prison furlough ended.

Zeidabadi, Secretary General of Advar Tahkim Vahdat Alumni Organization, has only been allowed furlough twice since his arrest three years ago, immediately after the disputed 2009 presidential election.

Charged with "propagating against the regime," "collusion to organize riots," "insulting the Supreme Leader," on November 23, 2009, Zeidabadi was sentenced to six years in prison, five years of internal exile in Khorasan province, and a “lifetime deprivation of any political activity” including “interviews, speeches, and analysis of events, whether in written or oral form,” according to the Persian service of the German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle. An appeals court upheld the sentence on January 2, 2010, according to Advar News.

Ahmad Zeidabadi is the laureate of the 2011 UNESCO Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize. He was selected by an independent international jury of 12 media professionals.


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Free IRAN For The Brave Men & Women Potitical Prisoners

by Azarbanoo on

Zendeh Bad All Political prisoners who have fought this barbaric Regime which is enemy of freedom loving IRANIANS.

Ali Najafi

Thank you for remembering

by Ali Najafi on

Even in prison, Ahmad Zeidabadi inspires so many around the world. His courage and character are powerful examples. His life reminds us of the goodness, integrity, and heroism that exists in this world.

My prayers are with him and his family.


درود بر تمام زندانیان سیاسی


ننگ بر آنانیکه از این زندانیان شجاع برای هدف شخصی خود سؤ استفاده میکنند

Iranians of all walks of life taking a stand for their freedom and just rights.  They are to be commanded and supported by all freedom loving folks.


  Iranians need to stand united in their support for these brave souls, support their goals and aspiration for a  free independent and prospers Iran. 

 Foreign nations which thru their apartheid policy practice the same insanity and unjust detentions cannot be a good example for the future of Iran and need not to apply. 


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



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Gold Medals for Ahmad!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

For his "Sharaf"!

For his "Gheirat"!

For his selfless humanity and patriotism.

For his amazing inner strenght and will power.

For having the courage to challeneg the evil, corrupt, murdering thieving islamist regiem of Iran.

For that dear Ahmad, you deserve many gold medals... So hold on tight hamvatan, the moment of reckoning is coming, just a matter of time now... 



Regime change for Ahmad's sake

by Fred on

Given 34 years of unfathomable barbarism by the Messianic Islamist Rapists, given their proven unreformability, given their misogynistic and anti-human rights dogma, the only possible relief would come through regime change.

Backbreaking airtight sanction plus air/naval quarantine is a must. Additionally, sane world’s logistical help to the Iranian people for the purpose of overthrowing the warmongering Messianic Islamist Rapists is a necessity.