Azarbaijan Earthquake Not Important

Quake on Day of Judgement more important


Dr. Mohandes

Glowingly Ignorant

by Dr. Mohandes on

Glowing in the usual halo of pure and sheer ignronce.

 To what does our nation owe this...

I guess we will find out soon enough. 


If you look at his outfits,

by Khebedin on

If you look at his outfits, they are all of most expansive imported matrials. Such people are serously dangerous & harmful to the community.



by bahrani-bigdeli-mehmandoost on


More flowers from the garden of Islam

by Fesenjoon2 on



by jmyt17 on


Az yek Akhoond khar ke tou tavele  begoole khodeshan Islam ra fara gereftean, che entezari mooshavad dasht???



Islam says people deserve Earthquakes, due to sins!

by IranFirst on


No humanity, no responsibility to save people's lives. Pure Islam.


Just read some of Islam's "justifications" for earthquakes (to punish sinners. This is the mentality spread by Islam in 21st century



Undoubtedly the earthquakes that are happening these
days are among the signs which Allaah uses to frighten His slaves. All the earthquakes and
other things which happen and cause harm and injury to people are because of shirk
and sins, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meanings):

“And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what
your hands have earned. And He pardons much” [al-Shoora 42:30]




Esfand Aashena

Reality-Bites there r plenty of quotes about same USA as well.

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred

Mardom Mazloom

I hope he'll be homeless soon

by Mardom Mazloom on



Esfand Aashena, I see one difference between PR and this Mullah

by Reality-Bites on

Pat Robertson's horrible comment was about people in different country (though it was still a disgraceful remark).

This sorry excuse for a human Mullah is talking about people who are supposed to be his fellow countrymen/women/childern. So, I'd rank him even lower than the bigoted PR.


A Perfect Mollah

by Rebecca on

I see a perfect mollah: brutal, insensetive and stupid.

Hope to see all the mollahs hanging on the trees one day. Mollahs, your days are numbered, Insha'allah.


A Perfect Mollah

by Rebecca on

I see a perfect mollah: brutal, insensetive and stupid.

Hope to see all the mollahs hanging on the trees one day. Mollahs, your days are numbered, Insha'allah.

Dr. Mohandes

Thank you Hajagha.

by Dr. Mohandes on

For setting us straight.

For making us realize what the Truth is and what we really need to worry about. 

Thank you for appearing so calm and rational and appearing as a source of strenght and so much more that you represent.

Please know that we iranians, whether inside or outside of iran, DO want this nezam and everything in it to lead and govern iran and iranians for centuries to come. We are so firmly behind you.

TAKBEEER. (single beer). 

BTW, where can we obtain all the zalzalak you were speaking of? did it get that right or were you talking about something else?





نفرین و لعنت الله بر این انشالله گویان


که مسئولیت و جرم خود را از اینکه سرمایه های مملکت را به تاراج داده و هرگز قدمی در تبدیل لانه های گِلی روستائیان به خانه های تازه ساز و مستحکم برنداشته از یاد برده و حال لبخند ژوکوند به لب از زلزله روز قیامت میگو یند و الله (واژه عربی برای نام خدا در فارسی) با انشایش را به مسخره میگیرند. و نمیدانند که در آن روز جزای قیامت وحشت و ترس بجای خنده های مونالیزایی در برابر مشاهده چهره زنده بگوران در زلزله آذربایجان بر لبهای گناهکارشان نقش خواهد بست!

*و پرسند (در آنروز جزا) از آن دخترک زنده بگور که به کدامین گناه کشته شده است؟* (آیه های ٨ و ٩ از سوره ٨١ در قرآن)

پ.ن. سیدعلی معظم بیدار شو ازاین خواب خرسی عظیمت! بیدار شو! 


Wonder he would say the same

by choghok on

if a family member would have died in the quake.

Esfand Aashena

He's the same cloth as Pat Robertson = Haiti deserved earthquake

by Esfand Aashena on

Jackasses who blame the world or one thing or another for natural disasters from Katrina to Haiti's earthquake and others are everywhere including Iran.

Unfortunately these jackasses use these times to get more exposure including this one in an online Iranian magazine OUTSIDE Iran!

Kudos to those who are helping and rescuing those in this time of need.  They deserve all the attention.

Pat Robertson: Haiti deserved earthquake 

Everything is sacred



by daneshjoo on



تنفر ایرانیان از آخوند بی دلیل نیست


چرا ایرانیان از آخوندها متنفر شده اند؟



شیخ برو کُلِ نظامت ببر



Bunch Inhumane Animal Islamists

by Azarbanoo on

Who are running a country like IRAN.  MUST DO something Please to send these animals to a zoo where they came from.



by yolanda on

What an emotionally detached mullah! Is he really human? He sounded compassionless and merciless!

No wonder they terminated the search operation in less than 24 hours!




آنوقت از قبرس وارد میکنند؛ انشاءالله بزودی سایه نکبت از سر ایران و ایرانی کوتاه خواهد شد، انشاءالله!