
Ali Malihi: Prisoner of the day

Sentenced to 4 years in prison for "mutiny"

CPJ: Malihi, a contributor to the reformist publications Etemad, Irandokht, Shahrvand-e-Emruz, and Mehrnameh, was charged with several antistate counts, including “mutiny against the regime,” and “insulting the president.” Malihi was sentenced to a four-year prison term, which an appeals court upheld in September 2010, according to the Committee of Human Rights Reporters. Malihi was also Head of Public Relations of the politically active Iranian Students Association, Advar-e Tahkim-e Vahdat.

 The reformist news site Jonbesh-e-Rah-e-Sabz and others published a February 2010 petition signed by 250 civil society activists demanding Malihi’s release and stating that he was a nonpartisan journalist. In a March 2010 letter to Tehran’s prosecutor, Malihi’s father said the journalist had endured severe beatings while being held at Evin Prison, according to the reformist site Advar News.

Short video, remembering him:



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Doorood bar tamame Iranian e mobarez...

by Bavafa on

Iranian journalist who put Iran and Iranians ahead of their career, are paying a high price for their integrity.  They need and deserve every one's support for their immediate and unconditional freedom.

 My salute to all of these brave  bunch who have put Iran ahead of themselves.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Shame on warmongers

by Patriot on

Ali Malihi, a much loved and respected young activist and journalist should be honored and celebrated for his courage and dedication to freedom of expression and human rights in Iran.

People who openly advocate war and Israeli missiles on Iran have no business sullying this page, which is dedicated to this young son of Iran, with their contempt for Iranians, and advocating a military attack on Iran is nothing but contempt for Iranian people.

No doubt, Ali Malihi, much like hundreds of other Iranian activists, writers, filmmakers, and and intellectuals, would not wish Iran attacked.

See this to learn what they think.

I wish a day when Iran is free from its tyrants and Ali Malihi and other prisoners of conscience can go home and excel at what they know how to do without fear or persecution.



by Simorgh5555 on

May his prisoners die an excrutiating death by an Israeli missile.



by Roozbeh_Gilani on

On the dozen or so  west residing scums who dared to show up,  for demonstration in NYC, in support of the islamist regime, carrying the picture of the bassiji so called "scientist" killed by his own side, the same bassij scum whose comrades are responsible for arrest, torture, rape and murder of tens of thousands of best and brightest of the Iranian youth, like ali Malihi.

Freedom for  all political prisoners of the islamist regime.