
Hooman Mousavi: Prisoner of the day

Blogger sentenced to three years in prison for "participating in gatherings"

HRANA - On 27 January 2012, Branch 36 of Tehran Appeals Court upheld the three-year sentence of Hooman Mousavi, a political prisoner who had participated in post-election protests.

Intelligence Ministry forces arrested the blogger on 1 April 2010 at his aunt's house. After nine months inside solitary cells in the the Intelligence Ministry's Ward 209 at Evin, where he endured severe psychological and physical treatment, he was sentenced to three years in prison in May 2011. Branch 36 of Tehran Appeals Court upheld the three year prison term.

Hooman Mousavi was born inside the Women's Ward of Evin Prison in the 1980's, where his political activist parents were imprisoned and executed.

Mousavi's arrest came after the disputed 2009 election and on charges of "participating in gatherings." He is currently inside Ward 350 of Evin Prison, where he has been denied furlough after close to two years in detention.


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Doorood bar tamame Iranian e mobarez...

by Bavafa on

Perhaps only in Iran asking for your vote to be counted is a crime and punishable by lengthy sentence which is only to intimidate the masses.  There were millions of brave Iranians who took to the street and demanded their vote to be counted, only many of them have been paying a high price for it.These are our brave bunch who have put their money where their mouth is and have chosen to stand up for their rights and they deserve our full support for their immediate and unconditional freedomMy hats off to every one of these brave bunch.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Anonymous Observer

IR's crimes against humanity have come full circle

by Anonymous Observer on

The son of political prisoners who wwas born in Evin, and whose parents were executed by the criminal regime is now himself is imprisoned at Evin.  

When will our homeland be rid of this evil? 


Hooman "was born inside the Women's Ward of Evin Prison ..."

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 "Hooman Mousavi was born inside the Women's Ward of Evin Prison in the 1980's, where his political activist parents were imprisoned and executed.

Freedom for Hooman and all political prisoners of the fascist islamist regime regardless of their political affiliations

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."