
Fereshteh Shirazi: Prisoner of the day

Women's rights activist arrested on charges of "propagating against the regime"

iranhumanrights.org: A source close to 38-year-old women’s rights activist Fereshteh Shirazi told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that since her arrest on 3 September 2011 in the city of Amol, she has had very little contact with her family. Security officials searched Shirazi’s home and seized some of her personal belongings. Since her arrest she has only been able to see her brother once and only for a very short period of time. She is prohibited from seeing other members of her family, including her son. The source told the Campaign that Shirazi’s trial was held on 28 September 2011, and she was not allowed to have a lawyer. Despite promises made to Shirazi that she could see her son on 25 September 2011, she was not allowed to do so and her visit was postponed. Charges against Shirazi included "acting against national security," "propagating falsehoods," and "creating public anxiety through insulting the authorities" by writing in her blogs, and "propagating against the regime." She was sentenced to three years in prison and a seven-year ban on foreign travel. The Mazandaran Province Appeals Court upheld Fereshteh Shirazi's three-year sentence on 30 December 2011.

Shirazi is a management student and women’s rights activist who has been active in the Campaign for Change for Equality since March 2009. She was interrogated several times in the past year because of her civil society activities and what she has written in her blogs. Her arrest was probably connected to these activities. According to the source, since her arrest she has been forbidden from seeing or calling her family members.

In her blogs, Shirazi had written several personal notes about one of her brothers who was executed in 1983. According to the source, Shirazi’s family is worried about her detention in Amol Prison because she has very little contact with others outside of the prison and she is being held with other dangerous criminals. The conditions at Amol Prison are very poor due to the fact that it was originally a residential home, confiscated by the government, and is located in the middle of the city in a residential area. Prisoners in Amol Prison, unlike in Evin, are not allowed to cook food and they can only eat prison food that is of very low quality. Unlike Evin and Rajaee Shahr prisons, there is no exercise equipment or educational classes and there are no rehabilitation programs.

Amol Prison is estimated to be able to hold 250 prisoners, but currently houses over 700. According to the source, the prison holds about 60 female inmates, and the rest are men. According to former prisoners from Amol, due to the overcrowding of the facility prisoners frequently engage in infighting. The majority of those held in this prison are charged with drug-related crimes, and include both native and non-native prisoners.


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Anahid Hojjati

Dear Vildemose, thanks Should go to Ghormeh sabzi

by Anahid Hojjati on

for posting all these information about the political prisoners, and also thanks to JJ for featuring them as Iranian of the Day.


Anahid jan: Thank you for

by vildemose on

Anahid jan: Thank you for the details on Amol prison. I feel so helpless.

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Long life

by آشنا on

and freedom for all brave Iranian prisoners of conscious.


Dear Iranhumanrights.org

by masoudA on

and Ghormeh Sabzi - I just wanted to thank you for what you are doing with the daily reminders about out political prisoners here on Iranian.com.   Keep up the good work. 

Anahid Hojjati

Not only Fereshteh Shirazi is in prison

by Anahid Hojjati on

but the conditions of this Amol prison appear to be horrible. Text mentions that it used to be a residential home, it then notes;

"Amol Prison is estimated to be able to hold 250 prisoners, but currently houses over 700."

It is sad that Fereshteh was imprisoned just because she was a woman's activist. I hope that in near future, we won't have all these political priosners and instead we have freedom and democracy in Iran.



by Roozbeh_Gilani on

On those who spend days shedding tears for a bssiji scum killed by other bassiji scums, yet fail to show their hideous faces on this blog to condemn the attrocities committed by the Fascist Islamist regime against it's citizen.

My heart goes out to this brave lady and all her loved ones. Looking forward to the day when she and tens of thousands of other known and unknown political prisoners of this fascist entity of islamist regime  are set free , by the mighty hands of the Iranian nation.... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by yolanda on

This lady is truly beautiful and courageous!

She is trying to make a difference!

Thank you IC for introducing this lady to us!


Doorood bar tamame Iranian e mobarez...

by Bavafa on

Women’s right is part of basic human rights and many Iranian brave ShirZan have been fighting for this basic rights and as a result are paying a hefty price for it.  They need our support, they need our backing and a sustain campaign for their immediate and unconditional freedom.

 My hats off to every one of these brave soul,  I salute you.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Maryam Hojjat

Proud of you Shir Zan e Irani

by Maryam Hojjat on

I wish you health & freedom.  Meanwhile enduring Amol Prison stay strog, the end of IRR is near.


Dear Prisoner of the day

by jmyt17 on

From  my side I do not know how to thank you for what you are doing in Amol, world is lsiten to your voice and hope we can do somethings for you.

May be to others You and rest of you are a drop of water in Sahra, but one day it going to be a big SUNAMI for these drity IRI.

 Thanks for what you and rest of you doing in IRAN.