دامنه تحریم های ایران گسترده تر می شود

وزارت دارایی آمریکا، تحریم های ایران را شدیدتر کرد. نام چندین شرکت، بانک، موسسه مالی و اشخاص حقیقی به فهرست تحریم ها اضافه شده است. آمریکا می گوید هدف این تحریم های تازه، جلوگیری از دور زدن تحریم ها توسط ایران است به خصوص از طریق تاسیس شرکت های جدید یا تغییر نام کشتی ها... علی قدیمی گزارش می دهد.


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Fatollah Khan

by Faramarz on



Moosh-Mordeh Baazi means trying to look innocent, impartial, caring and just by shedding tears for the perceived victims by blaming everybody and anybody, but ignoring the fact that there is only one entity that is to blame and that is the Islamic Republic Regime that has brought all this misery to the Iranian people.

When I read comments from people who try to dilute the issues and spread the blame all around, my only conclusion is that the people who make these comments are basically saying, “Regime is bad, US is bad, everybody is bad, that’s how the world is, so let’s not demonize the Regime and let's try to get along with them and someday they will be good and will take care of the Iranian people.”

I don’t see it that way.



by Fatollah on



Blame Islamist Regime for sanctions and any War....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

If you are really against Sanctions and War on Iran, Focus your effort and  blames on the corrupt, thieving and murdering islamist regime for providing perfect excuses for anybody who wishes to wage war or sanction Iran.   

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Dear Sir - Faramarz

by Fatollah on

would you elaborate on what you meant by your writing?

Mosh mord-e


I hope, I've commited no sin(s) whatsoever! okay, maybe I'm a Godless creature who doesn't believe in divine interventions and religiosity is not my thing. I sometimes dream of beautiful women, but it's been a while since my last jerk-off, don't associate myself with liers, in fact I abhor people who lie! never sold out my fellow countrymen (friend or fo), and believe me I've witnessed lies and theft, double standard amongst my countrymen, in and outside the country I was born in.. and rest assured I'd no hands in the awakening of Iranians to the renaissance, i.e. following the 'Agha' & An o gholab! None in my immediate family!

What do think you know about me? of course I do not live in US, that may explain the differences in the size, shape and type of the glasses we use to view our surroundings!

when Iranians from the safty and their cosy homes in California, London or Paris advocate and support sanctions, then I find it really disturbing! Lost souls who think they are God all mighty!

of course, Tel Aviv Fred is and exception!!



تعریف موش مرده بازی در آوردن!




حالی که گناهکاری بخواهد حالت بیگناهان و مردم بی آزار و چلمن (پخمه) را به خود گیرد یعنی موش مرده بسازد!




موافقم و الهی آمین


The maze created by these sanctions…

by Bavafa on

Have become a tool for the thieves, domestic and foreign, to profit on the expense of Iranian people.  If not by design, by its byproduct has and will strengthen the Mullahs hand over the Iranian people and weaken the opposition.

  I hope and wish any illicit profit and money made as a result of these sanctions either by the Islamic thugs (Sepah/Basij) or the advocacy of these sanctions to be spent on Dava o doktor in the most miserable way, every penny of it. 


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Israel would buy IRR oil, $1 per Boshkeh!


Hey it's every businessman's right to make some money!

Shlomo loves cheap oil.


رژیم آچمز شده!



More than fifty oil tankers full of oil are sitting in the waters off the shores of Iran with no customers. The Regime is trying to sell the oil at a deep discount, but there are no buyers

The Regime is painting the tankers in different colors, puts other nations' flags on the tankers, renames them and even has turned the GPS tracking off, but there are no buyers

Sooner than later, there is no place to store the oil and they have to de-pressurize the wells and close the wells

The Regime now has to insure its tankers at astronomical rates which it cannot afford and if it can manage to sell a little bit of oil, it gets paid in Yuan, Rupee or Turkish Lira. At this rate, the oil revenue will drop from $100 billion to around $30 billion this year. That's the change that you can believe in

The sanctions are beginning to work


این تو بمیری از اون توبمیری ها نیست!


تناقض‌گویی مسئولان حکومتی درباره آشکار شدن تاثیر تحریم‌ها


مقامات جمهوری اسلامی همواره بر بی‌اثر بودن تحریم‌ها تاکید کرده‌اند، اما
با تشدید فشارها، برخی از مقامات دولتی به تاثیر تحریم‌ها بر اقتصاد و صنعت
کشور اعتراف کرده‌اند.





کور ،کچل ،بسیجی ،ساندیس خور ،پاسدار و ملا.....حمام باید گردند




we r ready for every eventuality

by مآمور on

there is no sanction being overlooked!! every possible measure has been taken to stop or slow Iran to achieve what is its undeniable rights!!!

Now, how long do u need to see the effectiveness of the sanctions?? one months, two months, six months....?they already seem to have been failed!!!!

while Iran is and has been the most peaceful country in ME for past 200 years, the savages in Israel and the murderous zionist regime where killing a 5 years old is perfectly acceptable as long as they are not from zionist blood, yes those savages wishful thinking has come to an end!!

 I wear an Omega watch

First Amendment


by First Amendment on



دستیابی به تکنولوژی هسته‌ای بر خلاف آنچه طرفداران سلطه اسرائیل(بخوانید
صهیونیست ها) بصورت بی‌ وقفه تبلیغ میکنند، بهیچوجه به معنای تضمین بقای
رژیم نیست........شواهد تاریخی مؤید عرایض بنده است...


تحریم های کمرشکن


پیش از اینکه دیر شود و مسلمین جنگ طلب ایرانی کُش و ایران ویران کُن به سلاح هسته ای مُسلح شوند و حاکمیت  خود را بیمه عمر کنند، تحریم های کمر شکن بعلاوه قرنطینه ترابری هوایی/دریایی از الزامات است.

سرنگونی رژیم تنها راه رهایی ایران و ایرانی و جلوگیری از جنگی است که مسلمین حاکم در پی آن هستند