دور تازه تحریم های آمریکا فردا شروع می شود

New round of sanctions go into force

از فردا تحریم های تازه آمریکا علیه ایران اجرا می شود. تحریم هایی که صنعت نفت ایران را هدف گرفته. بنا بر این تحریم ها، آمریکا کشورهای خریدار نفت ایران را تحریم می کند. البته بعضی از این کشورها مستثنا شده اند. سام فرزانه گزارش می دهد.


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

I share the same concern as Souri …

by Bavafa on

And hope Faramarz predication is correct that the regime will fall,  only if that and Iranians can gain their freedom coupled with political independence, perhaps they would think the suffering will be worth it.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 




by Faramarz on



The Regime can decide to “sit it out” like N. Korea, but I highly doubt that.

Iran, unlike N. Korea is an open place because of the millions of Iranians who live abroad who come and go at will. Iranians are also well-educated and well-connected to the world through satellite TV and internet so the N. Korean model won’t work on Iranians.

As for the oil, there won’t be a shortage of oil. Oil is coming from Iraq and Libya. Turkey just signed a contract with Iraqi Kurdistan. Turkmenistan is signing a contract for an oil pipeline to India through Afghanistan. The next Persian Gulf is going to be the South China Sea where all the countries there are jockeying for a share of the natural resources and both Vietnam and Philippines are giving the US naval bases to counter the Chinese. So the cut off of the Iranian oil will not cause any problems.

My biggest fear now is that the Regime might compromise on the nuclear issue solely for its own survival. That will create a problem for the west because it will take the wind out of the west’s sail, and the human rights issue will become an Iranian issue and not a world issue. So let’s hope that the Regime stay on its current path ensuring its own demise!




Thought, good advice, if only Iranian thought for a change.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

I want my Shah back. Start from there and the rest will fall into its place.

"I want my Shah back" : )

Common lets show off our famous Iranian Wisdom here.


Thanks Faramarz and AO

by Souri on

I hope the truth is as obvious as you are wishing for. Let just pray for the people of Iran. I don't have other ambition rather than the safety and freedom of the Iranians.


Faramarz: What if the regime decide….

by Bavafa on

To sit it out, lets say to live under such embargo for 8 or 10 years time.  Cuba has done, North Korea has done it and Iran to some extend has done it.  Can US ensure to get other sources to pump up oil to make up for the loss of oil production from Iran for that long and with that keep the price of oil down?  What would be the [political] cost of US to those nations who pump up extra as a request of the West?

 However to your other point regarding the fundamental reason for these sanction which I concur and hence my opposition to it as it is not for the interest of Iranian people but purely their own at the expense of Iranians.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


P.S. You have thrown insults at me in the past and I let it go. I hope you don’t mistake politeness with weakness.


More Opinions Souri Jaan

by Faramarz on



Obama is the Commander-in-Chief and if there is going to be a war, he is the one who will declare it, although technically, it is the Congress that can do so, but that has never happened in the past several decades.

So don’t worry. He finished the Iraq war as he promised and he will end the Afghan war too.

The wild card in all of this, in my opinion, is the Regime itself. They may think that a minor “skirmish” with the US might help them get out of the “log jam” that they are in, and they may start a confrontation in the Persian Gulf.

The problem is that they can start something but they don’t have any control over its scope and when it will end!

Anonymous Observer

Souri - Obama can oppose it

by Anonymous Observer on

He's the commander in chief under the U.S. Constitution and has the ultimate say.  But that's not the point.  The arbadeh kesh, laat and terrorist regime in Tehran has backed itself into the mother of all corners.  And certainly, it has a much, much, much bigger mouth than it does military, political and economic power.  So, it will receive the proper punishment for being a world class (literally) a**hole in due time.  And it's no one else's fault but the IR.  


I know

by Souri on

But the Americans said the same thing for Iraq and Afganistan, remember? And they are still there!

Of course, Obama is not Bush (Thanks God) but even Obama, can not oppose such decision if  the congress votes so. Is that correct or I am wrong?


Souri Jaan

by Faramarz on



Here are a couple of points on number 3 and 4.

Because the Regime is cut off from SWIFT, the global funds transfer service among banks, it cannot legally transfer the residual funds from the Indian and the Chinese banks to Iran’s Central bank. But they can probably convert the money to dollars at the going rate at the banks, make a withdrawal and put the money in suitcases and leave the bank!

As for a war and the costs associated with it, it has never been on Obama’s radar screen. But if the Regime makes threats against the regional security or the Strait of Hormuz, there will be attacks on the Regime’s military infrastructure, but nothing like the Iraq war. It will be a week to a month long campaign to eliminate the threat but again NOT an invasion for a Regime change. 


Thank you Faramarz jon

by Souri on

But, a few points here :

1)  "The purpose of the sanctions is NOT to cause a regime change or punish
the Regime for human rights violations of the Iranian people. It would
be great if it happens, but it is not the intent."

- I hope you know that everybody knows that, honey. We know it.

2)  "Tangible results of the sanctions so far have been a reduction of 1
million barrels of oil revenue to Regime on a daily basis (from 2.5
million down to 1.5 million). At $80 per barrel, that is $80 million
/day or $30 billions per year. That is serious money."

- That too, is out for everyone. So most of the people read the news and they are aware of it, but.....I am not so sure (maybe I am wrong) that they (even the IRI) say the truth about it. 

3)  their main oil buyers are India and China and they are getting paid in
Rupee and Yuan which gets deposited in bank accounts in India and China.

- This too, is taken with a question mark! I know that China (sepcially) and Inida are paying Iran oil, partially with products instead of money. But still am not sure about the rest of the money paid with Rupee an Yuan. This is what they, say. I hope you are right. But need more proof.

4) What about the raise of the oil price in the West, the military attack and then the raise of the taxes. You didn't elaborate on this one. Thank you. 


Fact Check, Souri!

by Faramarz on



Unfortunately, one of the problems with the sanctions discussion is that people throw all kinds of things and ideas in there and come up with all kinds of conclusions. So let’s do it very slowly and methodically here.

The purpose of the oil sanctions and the corresponding central bank sanctions is to deprive the Regime of funds so that it stops its nuclear program and not be in a position to pose a threat to its neighbors and the international community. The purpose of the sanctions is NOT to cause a regime change or punish the Regime for human rights violations of the Iranian people. It would be great if it happens, but it is not the intent.

Tangible results of the sanctions so far have been a reduction of 1 million barrels of oil revenue to Regime on a daily basis (from 2.5 million down to 1.5 million). At $80 per barrel, that is $80 million /day or $30 billions per year. That is serious money.

Secondly, yes the Regime can buy anything it wants on the open markets at inflated prices, but how are they going to pay for that, with suitcases full of cash? Currently, their main oil buyers are India and China and they are getting paid in Rupee and Yuan which gets deposited in bank accounts in India and China. The Regime’s purchasing power has been greatly reduced because of this. The Regime can buy Indian and Chinese products, but its ability to buy products from other countries is greatly hampered because it cannot readily pay for it in Dollar or Euro.

The plan for the next several months is to bring India and China on board so that the Regime’s oil revenue is reduced dramatically. A regime with minimal oil revenue will face major problems both internally and externally and will have to decide whether it should spend its meager revenues on bread and meat subsidies for Iranians, nuclear and missile programs, or its adventures overseas.

I am very optimistic that the cutting of the oil revenues will ultimately result in the demise of the Regime.


open your arms widely and scream the words

by Thought on

I want my Shah back. Start from there and the rest will fall into its place.


Sorry guys but you are completely off-track

by Souri on

As much as I don't want to participate in these endless debates, but sometimes reading your comments makes me upset and I feel the need to speak up.
Sanction won't do any harm to the regime, this is the poor people of Iran who will pay for that.
When I was going to Tehran a few months ago, there was this businessman from Turkey who was sitting next to me in the plane. He was citizien of Europe, but doing business with Iran through Turkey and Malesia and Russia!
He explained me how all the European companies sell everything (he emphasized repeatedly : Everything) through a theird company in one of the allied country!
He said even sometimes they cheat on the contract and they don't mention the true name of the items. For exemple, instead of mentioning the true name of the items, they change it to some food suppIy!
No party will loose anything in this santion, but only the poorest layers of our people, those who need to work overtime to buy chicken and bread. The area of medicine and hospital, is the real domaine which suffers seriously from the sanction, because as you may already know, life and health of the people is the cheapest matter for the regime, right now.
The West, will also benefit from sanction because they will raise the price of oil and its derive products.

Soon, you all will be paying more taxes, because everybody must share the expenses of a military attack on Iran. You must pay for the Army to stay there as long as it's needed, the same as for Iraq and Afganistan.
I know, I know you have already heard all this many times, and I know you don't believe it, or maybe you don't care!
But believe me, you are wrong!


let the noose

by shushtari on

get tighther.....so that khayenei can't breath anymore.

unfortunately, it has come to this- yet again another disaster at the hands of the vile mullahs- who have mismanaged and destroyed our once enviable economy- which was ahead of south korea in 1979!

I hope that khayenei and his band of thieves are really pissing their abaas these days.....

what goes around comes around....and payback is a_____well you all know the rest 

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Great News

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

These sanctions should have been stronger and done earlier.  The money from the sales of oil goes DIRECTLY into the hands of Khamenei.  That is how Khamenie pays the salaries of IRGC terrorists, Basij thugs, and Ministry of Intelligence rapists and torturers.  That is how Khamanei can get other charlatans to help and enable the regime.

The money going to Khamanei and the fundamentalist terrorist regime should STOP.  The oil belongs to the Iranian people, and not to Khamanei.  The terrorist regime uses OUR oil money to oppress and repress us.  This has to stop.



Bavafa, the issue is that the enemy of the USA, the UK & France

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

are the Freedom and Justice seeking Iranians within Iran, the generation who are discontent with their parents stupidity of betraying the late Shah as a direct result instead of having a life filled with hope based on real reasons, they don't even have a life worth living or paying work to support themselves.  Year after year the umbers grow with no solution to the grievances and therefore it is of paramount importance for the Leaders of the Free world to ensure that anyone who opposes this policy has their bones broken and is tortured or murdered in a jail.  We all know the west tortures its prisonersas official policy now, and they do worse by supporting others who will do it for them in Iran.  Iranians have to at the very least, not as individuals, but as a society ask for forgiveness for slandering and participationg in the deadly deception against their previous government and the late shah, as one that tortured, acted as a dictatorship, was corrupt and excessively repressive.  The leaders of the West love extremism for Iran and others as it achieves their fundamental goals and they hate the memory of the late shah who essentially spent his entire working life struggling against them for the majority of the people of Iranians.  Without Iranians as a Mas Seeeking Forgiveness, we know iranian society will not honestly change and good compassionate leaders will not stand in line to serve and be betrayed, not even for a good cause like serving the national culture of Iran that has been developed by thousands of Irans top leaders, artists, poets, scientists and phllosophers over the last millenia. Life has become cold and painful for Iranians, yet standing on their own feet and with some help, Iranians can save themselves, but they have to honestly become aware of the faults in character that lead them to be decieved by mullahs and the west and not participate for the good of Iran, like the late shah was.

Dr. Mohandes

Shaytanate site haye Biganeh

by Dr. Mohandes on



That was How they accounted for that story in their nightly bullshit...oh i mean news:))) 


What a beautiful video

by Souri on

Both Marjan and Darya Dadvar are among my favorites. Both songs are  delightful. Thanks.


Then let me do my contribution to this and ....

by Bavafa on

Hope you all enjoy


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Souri Jaan and Soosan Khanoom

by Faramarz on



Both of you are very nice and have kind hearts. Here is a little song for you.




Souri khanom aziz: You are correct...

by Bavafa on

I have tried to refrain from such conversation specially with my cousin Faramarz, yet…..

I will try harder next time. 

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

with a handful of Iranian with dual citizenship

Iran is still a gold mine to make aplenty(accordingtothem).

And $ hitting2060 tooman

havale and phone transfer is at its peaks.

The poor avg. Iranians are the one who have to come up with money to buy daily needs close to a u.s dollar for just the basics.


Soosan Khanoom

IAgree souri but I am with Bavafa on this, 100 percent

by Soosan Khanoom on

And faramarz is just being stubborn here.  Faramarz,  een ghadar  Lajbazi Nakon. Bastanee bee bastanee.  : )


بازداشت موقت وزير امور خارجه ايران در پايتخت قبرس


آفتاب: علی اکبر صالحي، وزير امور خارجه کشورمان روز گذشته به منظور ديدار با مقامات قبرس به اين کشور سفر کرده بود و از آنجا به قزاقستان رفت. اما برخی رسانه های ترکيه ای مدعی شده اند صالحی برای مدت کوتاهی در قبرس بازداشت شده است.

به گزارش تابناک، روزنامه «تودی زمان» ترکيه امروز ضمن انتشار گزارشی مدعی شده علی اکبر صالحی هنگام ورود به فرودگاه بين‌المللی «نيکوزيا» (پايتخت قبرس) به مدت کوتاهی بازداشت شده است.

به نوشته اين روزنامه، منبع اين خبر، گزارشی است که توسط شبکه TRT ترکيه پخش شده و در آن ادعا شده صالحی به جرم اينکه نامش در ليست «اشخاص نامطلوب» اتحاديه اروپاست، در هنگام رسيدن به نيکوزيا توسط نيروهای امنيتی فرودگاه بازداشت شده است.

بر پايه اين گزارش، دفتر ضدتروريسم فرودگاه، پس از اينکه وزارت خارجه قبرس و شخص وزير خارجه اين کشور وارد ماجرا شده اند، صالحی را آزاد کرده است. اقدام نيروهای امنيتی فرودگاه سبب بروز تنش هايی شده، اما با مداخله «اراتو کوزاکو مارکولی»، وزير خارجه قبرس، مشکل برطرف شده است.

استدلال مقامات امنيتی اين بوده که صالحی در ليست سياه اتحاديه اروپا قرار دارد و تنها پس از صدور اجازه اختصاصی از سوی وزير خارجه قبرس می تواند وارد اين کشور شود. با اين حال، مارکولی برای آن ها توضيح داده که نام صالحی در سال ۲۰۱۰ و پس از انتصاب به عنوان وزير خارجه ايران، از ليست سياه خارج شده است.


Please guys, please........

by Souri on

Don't do that, Faramarz and bavafa.

we don't like to see you having such converstion together.

You were fun before, you are not anymore.

Remember you were cousins? What did happen to those days?

Stay calm and peaceful please.

This is really ugly. I'm heart broken. stop it.


فرامرز جان: حالا شما هم


یه بستنی اکبر مشتی‌ میل بفرمایید، زحمت کشیدید و دهان خودتون رو برای این ایرنیهی نا شکر خسته کردید

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



مهرداد، زیر سیبیلی در کن بره!



اصلا خونتو کثیف نکن و خودتو قاطی این مسائل نکن که نه به اسرائیل و فلسطین ربطی داره و نه جزئیات رو میفهمی!


Faramarz: You don’t live in Iran either…

by Bavafa on

Yet you never shy away from sharing your expert opinion about their lives and livelihood!


What gives?!?!?


Most if not all honorable Iranians do not expect US to feed them, only if they would stop looting and betraying them.

  Any action that would strengthen the hand of IRI at its own people is betraying the Iranian people.  Any action that would threaten Iran as a country is betraying Iranians.  



Now if your wish for the Iranian people is to be punished to become so weak to say “Goh Khordam”, the prescription that has been written and in practice for a few years in Gaza, then that shows your loyalty to the Iranian people.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 




by Faramarz on



I have no idea if the sanctions have hit the LA Iranians and what impact  it has had on them, since I don't live there. But what I can say with certainty is that the Regime-friendly Iranians are not happy with the sanctions.

But look it at this way, if the sanctions hurt the Iranians and you want the US to lift the sanctions and feed the Iranians, then instead of saying "Marg bar Amrika", say this, "Goh Khordam, Ghalat Kardam Amrika joon, Bizahmat bia o beh daad maa beres!" 

And the US will be there to help.


SK: It appears ….

by Bavafa on

Sanction must have hit LA Iranians a long time ago as they have been morally bankrupt for quite some time.  They sell their next kin for the Akbar mashtee and paloodeh, nevermind their country.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 
