
Ali Akbar Mohammadzadeh: Prisoner of the day

Student sentenced to six years

Kaleme: In September 2011, Branch 15 of Tehran Revolutionary Court, under Judge Salavati, sentenced Ali Akbar Mohammadzadeh, Secretary of Sharif University's Islamic Students Association, to six years in prison on charges of "propagating against the state," "assembly and collusion against the state," and "disrupting public order." In November 2011, his sentence was upheld by a Tehran appeals court.

Ali Akbar Mohammadzadeh was arrested in February 2011 and spent 54 days in solitary confinement. Mohammadzadeh is a high ranking Mechanical Engineering student at Sharif University. Ali Akbar Mohammadzadeh's mother told reporters that he was severely tortured during his solitary confinement.

On approval from Tehran Prosecutor and prior arrangement with Sharif authorities, Ali Akbar Mohammadzadeh was transferred from Evin Prison to Sharif University today to participate in his final examination. However, Sharif University Security Unit refused to allow him to take the exam, citing Sharif University Chancellor's disapproval of the decision.

After spending hours inside the security kiosk at the gate of Sharif University, Ali Akbar Mohammadzadeh was returned to Evin prison.

* Free Ali Akbar Mohammadzadeh Facebook page


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درود بر تمام ایرانیان مبارز


Iranians of all walks of life taking a stand for their freedom and just rights.  They are to be commanded and supported by all freedom loving folks.


  Iranians need to stand united in their support for these brave souls, support their goals and aspiration for a  free independent and prospers Iran. 

 Foreign nations which thru their apartheid policy practice the same insanity and unjust detentions cannot be a good example for the future of Iran and need not to apply. 


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Islamist Rapists

by Fred on

Regime change is the only way to end the 34 year nightmare of messianic Islamist Rapists.

Condemning Islamist Rapists’ innate barbarisms while a good and necessary action, however, if it stops without offering a way out is to play into the hands of the Islamist rapist, their lobbies and gofers who like the reaction to be feel-good verbal condemnation only.

Airtight sanctions plus air/naval inspection in addition to logistically helping Iranians to overthrow the messianic Islamist Rapists, “reformers” and all is a must.

These messianic nuts are getting nuke; if not stopped, the sane world will soon experience that which Iranians have been suffering from for the past 34 years.