Court Hearings on Crimes Against Humanity (Days 3, 4, 5)

Testimony from survivors of 1988 massacre

Economist: IN THE summer of 1988, when its revolution was nearly a decade old and the disastrous war with Iraq was winding down, the Iranian government killed around 5,000 political prisoners... A tribunal sitting in London... is attempting to fill in the gaps, hearing testimony from survivors of the purge and from the relatives of those who went missing >>>

>>> Day 1 and 2 videos here

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

گزارش ویدیویی شهرزادنیوز از دادگاه "ایران تریبونال" در لندن



به ياد عزيزان جانباخته


 ما در هفته گذشته در لندن ميزبان حدود صد نفر از عزيزانى بوديم كه از سراسر جهان به اينجا آمدند تا در يك دادگاه مردمى كه متهم اصلى آن غايب بود شهادت بدهند. اتهام يك يك اين عزيزان جنايت عليه بشريت مى بأشد. اين دادگاه به سبك دادگاه برتراند راسل عليه جنايات امريكا در ويتنام برگزار شد كه در آنجا نيز متهم اصلى غايب بود. در آنجا نيز متهمان عليه جناياتكاران جنگ شهادت دادند و افرادى همچون نيكسون و كيسينجر را محكوم كردند.

اما اگر اندكى تامل كنيم در ميابيم كه اكثريت غريب به اتفاق كسانى كه اعدام شدند از اعضا و هواداران سازمان مجاهدين بودند. در صد قابل توجهى از جريانات مختلف ماركسيستى و تعداد محدوى به ساير جريانات تعلق داشتند. اما عليرغم از جانگذشتگى اين عزيزان جان بر كف، امروز رهبران سازمان مجاهدين از منفورترين شخصيت هاى سياسى جامعه ما مى باشند. و سايرين نيز در بين مردم اعتبارى ندارند. بنا بر اين اگر نخواهيم كه اين فجايع دوباره تكرار شود بايد به اين سئوال اساسى پاسخ دهيم كه چرا چنين اتفاقى صورت گرفت. آيا مسعود رجوى از همان روز اول يك حيوان مالخوليايى بود و يا اينكه يك مجموعه مناسباتى او را به چنين حيوانى تبديل كرد.چرا اينهمه جوانان پر شور يك روز سنگ خمينى را به سينه مىزنند و پس از اينكه مايوس مى شوند به مسعود رجوى روى مى آورند و امروز اينچنين سرخورده به هر دوى اين شخصيت ها لعن مى كنند. پاسخ من به اين سئوال اساسى اين هست كه راس هرم هيچگاه به بدنه آن پاسخگو نبوده و مستقل از ايدئولوژى يك حزب و يا سازمان سياسى، تا زمانى كه ما برده وار از رهبران تبعيت كنيم بايد انتظار چنين فجايعى را داشته باشيم. عدم وجود مناسبات دموكراتيك در درون يك تشكل سياسى تكرار چنين فجايعى را اجتناب ناپذير ميكند. بنابراين من توصيه ميكنم در هر تشكلى كه هستيم از شخصيت پرستى و اعمال نفوذ افراد خود سر و خود خواه جلوگيرى كنيم و مناسبات دموكراتيك را جايگزين مناسبات بوروكراتيك كنيم. موفق و پيروز باشيد.

Believe in a democracy that leaders and representatives are controlled by members at all times.


Shah and his Savaka,

by عموجان on

military and family have been executed without any courts, they paid dearly with their life for their mistake in the way to provide a better life for modern Iran, they don’t need to be judge any more. 

Muslims didn’t make mistakes they knew what they wanted from the beginning, Blood for their Illiterate Imamas, Iranian happen to be in the way.


lets dig up the old regim from their  graves and put them on trial.



Not sure what is more Devastating?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

These testimonies by family are horrific and painful and yet we have some who support mousavi/khatami and the regimes continuity.

On the one hand it is also notably devastating that such cases DO NOT EXIST, for the late Shah of Iran or Savaks activities and yet human rights, torture and dictatorship were the BLATENT LIES used against the advancing Iranian system to thwart all Iran in 1979 and the progress most Iranians were benefitting from and learning to manage with the gradually improving human leadership being developed.

These Victims did not deserve this, despite the vastly more horrific hell their activities and those of their former buddies the mullahs have devastatingly unleashed on all Iranians. 

Anti-monarchists, some of whom are now the victims of the devastating IRI's crimes, used to psychotically put out lies about the late Savak and the late shah to achieve political goals, fully supported by the west which benefitted tremendously by thwarting Iran and still loves extremism for the region. 

The west acts based on plausiable deniability as it puts all of its resources behind supporting groups like the Muslim Brotherhood to achieve the most harm with the least attention to itself.  I over heard a former commie that participated in 79 in a star bucks crying to a friend about his regret in being fooled and used to harm Iranians. 

That 1 former patsy realized the mistakes of his youth and who was behind his actions of lying about the late shah (Dictator) and savak, means that there are many many others.  As a result I realized it is important to connect as many people like this together so they can heal and move on. If you and our family were active in 79 and realize how you were used.  Please reply to me and connect with others i your situation, you are not alone. 

Dr. Mohandes

An endorsment.

by Dr. Mohandes on

Please take the previous comment as an stamp of approval for a new slate of criminal acts by all the Religiously based regimes around the world. and yeah and of course ten! thumbs up to all the crimes that have ocurred so far.

Good job You IRI professional Water carriers! both Newbies and the Reesh sefids.

Here is a cookie/nookie for all your troubles!! cookieeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 

Immortal Guard

Franklin Roosevelt!

by Immortal Guard on

Mulsims are not as sophisticated as Jews when they practise their barabaric deeds. For instance the Jews know very well how to hide their crimes by creating smokescreens and other charlatan practices.


How can anybody listen to

by vildemose on

How can anybody listen to these women and still defend Mousavi and the reformists??

Are any of the pro-reformists watching this?? 


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


This Matters

by Faramarz on



The crimes of the Regime are being put on display, and it is just a matter of time until they are brought to justice.

All, in the Golden Age of Emam!

Once a Regime does this to its own men, women and children, it is definitely more than capable to do it to the others.


Great start

by sobh on

This is a great start, but need much more to be done. Thanks to all of the organizers.

To A.O., these are two different issues, please don't mix them.


Great done

by choghok on

Although this court does not hold any power, but it is important to document the atrocities no matter if victims were communists, royalists or even religious revolutionaries


Let's Praise Mousavi et

by vildemose on

Let's Praise Mousavi et al. Mohtarman va borzrgvaran sabz elash talb va mosalemt joo

alloh akabar...khomeini rahbar../end snark 



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir

Anonymous Observer

Now let's see if this thread get as much attention

by Anonymous Observer on

and as many comments as the thread about someone's inability to buy a stupid iPad.


Agee Amo JAN with You

by Azarbanoo on

YOU comments reminds me of Syrian kids mascare less than a month ago. Only moslems can do these type of crimes.


Why should I care who killed

by عموجان on

Hossein and Hassan two Arab illiterate? 

I want to know who did killing and jailing of these Iranian? And why. 

Muslims are animals, sorry I meant barbaric (didn’t want to be disrespectful to animals)


Islamist Rapists

by Fred on

What the Messianic Islamist Rapists, "reformers" and all have done to Iranians will never be forgotten.

Once this regime is overthrown, it is on Iranians to remember these crimes against humanity to make sure NEVER AGAIN. 

What brave people these Iranians are, particularly these women, they will never ever be forgotten.