Iranians Flash Mob Apple Store in New York

To protest discrimination against Iranian customers

Join Havaar (The New York-based Iranian Initiative against War, Sanctions and State Repression) as we 'flash mob' against APPLE's discriminatory, undemocratic and unethical policy of not selling products to Iranian people because their country is under economic sanctions by the U.S. Apple has decided that internet freedom, equal rights and free communication are not company policy >>>


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Good, but I have an objection yet

by Souri on

It is right to protest Apple, and I support it heartedly.

But I would rather to see a kind of protest which is less noisy!

They made too much noise, which might give an image of "violence" to the crowd. People in NY are not so much used to that.

I think they could have just stand inside of the  the store, with their "pancard" in their hands and eventually giving "elamieh" to the people, instead of screaming "I'm Iranian, I'm Iranian" like this.

They have been kicked out of the store very quickly, so they might not even have time to explain the case, to many curious people.

Of course, this is just an opinion. I was not there and can't judge the efficiency of the protest.


چقدرزشت چقدر


چقدرزشت چقدر خجالت آور-این کولی بازیها چیه وسط فروشگاه؟؟؟ا

میدونستم پلیس میاد سراغشون -شانس آوردن دستگیر نشدن.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

I think it's good and right to protest Apple for not selling products because a customer spoke farsi. I'm just saying there are much greater wrongs committed by the Iranian government which needs to be addressed with the same enthusiasm by the expatriate community.

Mohammad Ala

Proud of . . .

by Mohammad Ala on

I am proud of young Iranians who participated in this demonstration.