US 'key player in cyber-attacks'

On Iran's nuclear program

The Guardian: The disclosures about Obama's role in the cyberwar against Iran appear to show beyond doubt that the US, with the help of Israel, was behind the Stuxnet virus, which sent some of Iran's centrifuge machines – used to enrich uranium – spinning out of control. The revelation will raise questions about whether Washington was also behind the Flamer virus discovered by experts last week >>>



Consider the fact that defense sectary considers….

by Bavafa on

Any major cyber attack on US as an act of war, should Iran consider this an act of war and perhaps retaliate or  is it like terrorism, when they kill, they are terrorist, when we kill, khob khob kardim noshe joneshon

I guess the term "warmongering" has a  different meaning to different people based on their allegiance and not based on the act itself. 'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Immortal Guard

So mousa67...

by Immortal Guard on

So mousa67 how are things at


ویروس توی قرآنه


استاکس نت و همۀ ویروسهای دیگر در قرآن هستند. همۀ علمهای دنیا توی قرآنه ولی ما قرآن رو نمی فهمیم. اگر نه ما قبل از آنها این ویروسها را می ساختیم و به امریکا و اسرائیل با آن حمله می کردیم. حیف که آنها قرآن را بهتر می فهمند و حق ما را ضایع کرده اند.


god bless the USA & israel.

by mousa67 on

two firm allies in the fight against islamist terrorism. be it of sunni or of shia type. it is a shame though that the shia terrorists would only dare to fight in cyber space, hiding behind their keyboards. unlike their sunni brothers who at least  had the balls to fight like real men, in real world.


More & more

by Fred on

To avoid the hot war the warmongering, nuke acquiring messianic Islamist Rapists want to impose on all , speed up the cyber attacks NOW & at the same time Airtight the sanctions including air/naval inspections.