Police Chief Warning on Chaharshanbeh Soori

Forces will be present in neighborhoods to deal with troublemakers


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آی‌ پده سوخته


آی‌ پده سوخته ایصفوهنی. خدا بگم چیکارت کونه.. زیلیل بشی


isn't he

by rtayebi1 on

the same animal that said  BREAK AS MANY LEGS AS YOU CAN  IT IS HALAL?

Siamak Asadian

کرمانشاه, چهارشنبه سوری ۹۰ - شعارمرگ بر دیکتاتور

Siamak Asadian

Iran Kermanshah 12.03.2012 People chanting death to dictator


Mohammad Ala

Let us be reminded....

by Mohammad Ala on

Chaharshanbeh Soori is part of Iranian, or the majority of Iranians’ heritage and no one can take it away from them.  Once this is understood, I agree that there have been abuses.  For example, after the event day, one can see burned walls and doors which are not acceptable.  If Police has such a force, they should respond to people’s needs and pleas not just during Chaharshanbeh Soori.  There have been cases that police has ignored people’s plea or shown up one hour later than an incident. 


How much you care about people wish!

by Azarbanoo on

Oh, Dadash.