حضرت آیتالله خامنهای، حجاب را موجب شخصیت زن و عاملی برای وقار و متانت او دانستند و تصریح کردند: عفاف بانوان باعث افتخا، ارزش گذاری و سنگین شدن آبرو و احترام زن در جامعه می شود... رهبر انقلاب اسلامي به تلاش دشمن براي استفاده از نقاط ضعف اشاره كردند و افزودند: انسان در معرض آسيب قرار دارد و همه بايد مراقب رفتار خود باشيم و بدانيم برخي مظاهرِ خودنمايي، بي تقوايي و رعايت نكردن حجاب و عفاف آثار مخرب و ماندگاري بر اخلاق و سياست جامعه دارد و در اين زمينه بايد خود زنان، بيشتر مواظبت كنند >>>
Recently by mehrdadm | Comments | Date |
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by Mehrban on Sun May 13, 2012 07:11 PM PDTBrilliant! Hejaab is the physical sign of the power of the Islamist State.
That is why it is so vital to them. Piety is irrelevant.
simorgh5555 I know you are wounded and I know
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Sun May 13, 2012 04:09 PM PDTthe manipulation that did this to you and iranians is decetfully hidden from view. So while we come up with an achievable path, please try and allow the good lion that lives within you a chance to speak and regain control over the dark lion within you.
Excuse me God, who made Khameneii your spokes person, really?
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Sun May 13, 2012 12:50 PM PDTWhat does he know and can prove that he knows more about you, than one of the serial child rapists that work on his payroll?
Piety, LOL,
What the USA, the UK and France have shown through their actions (not their words) is that what they wish to establish for Iranians
dictatorship, barbarity, tyranny, backwardness, poverty, corruption, inhumanity.
through a process of colonialism or africanization of Iran. Who is really at fault????? A single leader who was betrayed in the process of delivering progress or could it be in reality everyone but him??????
The pity is the deadly deceit used to achieve this goal worked, so many commenting here, fell for presenting the late shah as a 1) dictator 2) corrupt 3) torturer 4) unreasonable repression, in short many people here are just as much at fault for the state of Iran today as the USA, the UK, & France, which has relied on using you as dispensable tools
If your real concern is democracy, then pursue the democratic ideal for Iran in harmony with her culture.
If you are an anti-monarchist, then promote republicanism which you know is far less democratic a system than the monarchies of the world today.
ولی وفقیح درست می فرمایند:
aynakSun May 13, 2012 11:06 AM PDT
"خودنمایی و جلوه فروشی یک لحظه است و آٽار سوء آن برای کشور برا ی جامعه برای اخلاق وسیاست آٽار ان ماندگار." خودنما تر، جلوه فروش تر از کسی که بالاتر از همه نشسته و بدترین اثرات را در اخلاق و سیاست و جامعه گذاشته از صفات خود مقام معظم است که انگار آینه در اختیار ندارد.
The fig leaf!
by Arj on Sun May 13, 2012 08:05 AM PDTMisogynous connotations aside, hejab is the last of IRI's mainstays that also doubles as its fig leaf, without which, its very existence would no longer be definable!
Khamenei is not talking about a Cloth Hejab
by bahmani on Sun May 13, 2012 07:03 AM PDTHe is talking about the greater, broader CONCEPT of Hejab, or Piety, Purity, and Chastity.
This is the third pillar of the Islamic Revolution (Stand against US, Stand against Israel and institution of Hejab).
In order to keep the sexes separate, so he can control society (divide and conquer) and put out a seemingly guiding beneficial advice to the masses.
Kind of like the complexity that Christian preachers and priests use when trying to define what "FAITH" is.
These priests selling god to you, make it sound complicated, so that you try harder to understand what they mean. But it is just a sales technique and a ploy to make you think that they know something broader and deeper than you do, since you don't get what they mean, and affected by the microphone, his seat being higher up than yours, the all around pageant, you defer to the seeming expertise.
In the face of personal responsibility, Hejab is total bullshit of course. But the pageantry and the quiet with which the audience seen here listening obediently, shows that the presentation works under the right staged conditions. Just like the pomp and circumstances of a Mass by the Pope in the Vatican.
Same Shit Different Deity.
To read more bahmani posts visit: //
The only purpose/reason
by Parsy on Sun May 13, 2012 05:46 AM PDTThe only purpose/reason Rahbar lectures about Hijab is that he knows since the beginning and still is: The Ultimate Manifestation of Men’s Power over Women…..As long as we as Iranian nation accept what gov./religious leaders dictate telling women what they can and cannot wear, we are going to have the current regime for another 30+ years….
Please answer honestly
by Simorgh5555 on Sun May 13, 2012 04:11 AM PDTWould you honestly give a hoot if those supporters of the IRSpiritual Leader Ayatollah Khamenei in the room were to become "collateral damage" if hypothetically speaking the US carried out an airstrike on a namaz jomyeh?
Every last person sitting there are biological plasticine to me. They are play doh. If they were to dying on the floor I wouldn't even call Accidents and Emergencies to send an ambulance.
آی گفتی شراب میرزا آی گفتی
anglophileSun May 13, 2012 01:29 AM PDT
by Red Wine on Sun May 13, 2012 01:20 AM PDTکارها در مملکتِ ما همیشه بدین گونه است،لااَقل این چند ده ساله اخیر بدین مِنوال است،اِفراط و تَفریط... یا با زورِ کتک و بی ناموسی و بی غیرتی مأمورِ مَواجب بگیر..شال و چادر را از روی سَرَت بر میدارند و یا به مانندِ اِسلامیونِ کَپر مأب و نوکرانِ شیطان صفّتِشان روسری و مَقنعه را با بی حرمتی تمام به تو تحمیل میکنند،اینها ربطی به سیاست ندارد،کار از پایه خراب است،ایرانی جماعت چند ده سال است که در فقرِ آموزش (فرهنگی) و تربیت (بافتِ اجتماعی و دیگر زیر مجموعه ها) دست و پا زند و همچنان راه امیدی برای خروج از این باتلاق یافت نشود.
حال دلمان میخواهد یک روشنفکر (از آن دسته پدر سوخته هایَشْ) پیدا شود و خطبهٔ برایمان بخواند [و بدبختی جامعهٔ ما را] همه چیز را تقصیرِ اِسلام و اِسلام کار اندازد،غافل از اینکه خودمان مسئولِ آنچه هستیم که امروزه (یا به خصوص این ۱۰۰ سالِ اخیر) به سَرمان میآید.
بیچاره زنِ ایرانی،بیچاره تر مردِ ایرانی.
این بانوان آدم بشو نیستن
Jahanshah JavidSat May 12, 2012 11:48 PM PDT
۳۳ سال اسلام باهاشون کلنجار رفته هنوز زورشون میاد روسری سرشون کنن :)