Khamenei warns against public political clashes

Jab at Ahmadinejad

AP: Iran's supreme leader warned government officials and politicians Wednesday against turning their disputes into a public discussion, calling it "treason" against the state. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's comments were a direct jab at embattled President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who publicly lambasted Iran's judiciary chief last week for rejecting his request to visit Evin prison. Khamenei, who has the final say on all state matters in Iran, said that provoking political differences ahead of presidential elections, scheduled for June 14, is "treason." >>>

Larijani brothers praise Khamenei


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As IR prepares to put on a "Nationalist, Miltaristic" face,

by Zendanian on

As a desperate tactic to over come its crisis, the despised, isolated, abhorant monarchist of course once again side with their fascist "cousins" to participate in another blood bath of Iranian people.


Darius Kadivar

I'm voting for Ahmadinejad in the next elections ! ...

by Darius Kadivar on


بحرانی که از کنترل سران حکومت خارج می شود!


 اولين نکته درتبيين وضعيت کنونی درميان بالائی ها،
يک شکست فراگير و برآمده از سياست های تاکنونی است که با گذشت هرروز بيش از
پيش خود را نمايان می سازد.

دومين نکته آنست که در اين شکست همه جانبه همه باندها و جناح های اصلی و
حاضر در ساختار قدرت سهيم اند و هيچ کسی نمی تواند خود را تبرئه نمايد

سومين نکته آنست که رهبری و لولای اتصال بخش های مختلف نظام، که سهم
اصلی قدرت و بالاترين مسئوليت را داشته است بيش از همه دراين شکست سهيم

چهارمين نکته فرارو فراافکنی و انداختن تمامی کاسه و کوزه های شکست به
گردن رقيب بخت برگشته ای است که ستاره اقبالش رو به افول است. در حقيقت
تبرئه خود از زيربار مسئوليت يکی از شروط مهم حفظ موقعيت ممتاز کنونی در
ساختار قدرت توسط خامنه ای و يا سودای تصاحب قوه مجريه توسط جناح اصول
گرايان بشمارمی رود. و همين مسأله است که معرکه جنگ قدرت و "کی بود کی
بود من نبودم" را داغ ترکرده است


Shazde Asdola Mirza

Burn this house of Shiite ... BURN

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

IRI does not deserve to live and survive.

Its political and military arms must be razed to the ground.


2 Predator missiles

by nozarmahallati on

Is all you need to drop on this assemblage of filth

Darius Kadivar

Depends who throws them ... Give me the stone I'll make it rock

by Darius Kadivar on


فرو پاشی رژیم


Sanctions ('Sang-Shen' in Farsi) do not rock anything but they are like rocks throwing aimlessly by idiots at a solid wall to bring it down! And when was it last time such rocked anything?

Darius Kadivar

Sanctions don't rock cause they don't aim at regime change

by Darius Kadivar on

Obama doesn't intend to topple the regime but at worst to bring it to the table of negotiations from a position of strength ...

He can count on his European Partners to play the intermediaries:

Ex French socialist PM "private" Tehran visit Embarrasses Newly Elected Hollande 

The Iranians know this and they will play the good cop bad cop with Ahmadinejad until a political crisis of some sort emerges as a pretext after which Ahmadinejad will simply be replaced by Larijani or another smiling face prior or after the next Presidential elections which will then pave the way for the Reformists to come back like the loyal lapdogs they always have been.


Unfortunately Obama will never seek regime change because it is not in it's interest particularly since he is a "Nobel Peace Prize" Laureate so he will seek to deserve that title during his second term in office through some sort of bargain with the Mullahs.


FACT CHECK: Sarkozy Honored Our Shahbanou … Obama Apologizes for 1953 calling it a «coup»

I wouldn't even be surprised if he organized some sort of Camp David between Netanyahu and the next IRI President to be ...


This is what Larijani said about Obama back in 2009:

Obama's words welcome but new policy needed, Larijani says  

And this is what he is saying today :


Larijani: Iran prefers Obama | 

If you don't see what is in preparation then I'm sorry to say that you are just blind or partners in the highjacking which is about to take place in a not so distant future ...


MILANI’s U-TURN: Abbas Milani’s evolution from Pro Bush to Pro Obama 


فرو پاشی رژیم




Sanctions Rock!


چنین گفت رهبر به آقای ا.ن


چنین گفت رهبر به آقای ا.ن

برو خائن بی شعور زر نزن

تو را من به دست سه تا شر دهم

بدست سه جانى برادر دهم

به دستان دو قاتل حرفه اى

دو پایت به حیدرسرت اژه ای

بدو گفت آن احمدی ننر  

برو رهبر بى حيا گه نخور

برو اى فقيه قبيح الاغ

وگر نه كنم هر دو دستت چلاق 


Believe in a democracy that leaders and representatives are controlled by members at all times.


A case of

by MRX on

olagh warning another olagh.