
Nazanin Dayhimi: Prisoner of the day

Translator of children's books

yyyyy: Nazanin Dayhimi, a 24-year-old drama student at Tehran University, appeared at Evin Prison following summons to start her eight month prison term on October 2, 2012.

Nazanin Dayhimi was first arrested on 14 February and spent two months inside Evin Prison. She was tried for "disrupting public order" and "acting against national security," and sentenced to eight months in prison and four months' suspended prison. An appeals court upheld her sentence in full.

Nazanin Dayhimi is a children's books translator with several books to her credit. She is the daughter of accomplished Iranian translator, Khashayar Dayhimi. Dayhimi is serving her time inside Evin Prison's Women's Ward for political prisoners.


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ننگ بر آنانیکه از این زندانیان شجاع برای هدف شخصی خود سؤ استفاده میکنن

Iranians of all walks of life taking a stand for their freedom and just rights.  They are to be commanded and supported by all freedom loving folks.


  Iranians need to stand united in their support for these brave souls, support their goals and aspiration for a  free independent and prospers Iran. 

 Foreign nations which thru their apartheid policy practice the same insanity and unjust detentions cannot be a good example for the future of Iran and need not to apply. 


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



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 راهی روشن برای مبارزان راستین


چراایرانیان از آخوندها متنفر شده اند؟



Regime change for Nazanin's sake

by Fred on

Like leopards, the Messianic Islamist Rapists, “reformers” and all, never change their spots.

Gross violation of human rights is part and parcel of their ideology, regime change by Iranians for Iranians is the only way out of this 34 year nightmare.

Backbreaking airtight sanctions plus air/naval quarantine is a must.