
Soroush Sabet: Prisoner of the day

In Evin prison to serve 2-year sentence

Committee of Human Rights Reporters: Soroush Sabet, an elite left-wing university student whose charges stemmed from taking part in left-wing protests in 2007, had been handed a 2-year prison sentence. On Sunday September 2nd this student was transferred to ward 350 at Evin prison to serve his sentence.

Judge Moghiseh notified Soursh’s attorney Mahnaz Parakand of the 2-year sentence on November 2, 2009 and Branch 16 of the Tehran Appellate Court upheld the ruling.

Soroush Sabet, bronze winner of the Computer Olympiad in 2002, came in second at the Mathematics Olympiad the same year. In 2009 he scored the highest ranking, coming in first in his year’s qualification examinations.

This left-wing student has now started serving his 2-year sentence stemming from the charges of endangering national security, and gathering and collusion to disrupt public security.


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Support Soroush Sabet NOW! Don't wait for "Regime change."

by Zendanian on

Dear friends, contrary to war mongers on this site, Political Prisoners in Iran need our support in their defense NOW, without any delay,and can not wait for a "regime change" or sanctions to come to free them from their prison cell.



Certainly Iranian Students' Movement is opposed to Sanctions and War and has expressed this same exact opposition on every single 16th of Azar and May 1st demos and every other opportunity. 

Also, please recall, there have been many cases of Iranian Political Prisoners being freed from jail due to public pressure put on officials of IR. With all the resources at our disposal, it would take only a moment to write a letter of protest in support of Political Prisoners in Iran. But such small actions will go a long way for our most brave Political Prisoners in Iran. Lets not leave them alone in their hour of need. 

Please do take a minute out of your schedule and send this protest letter below, or you own version. Many thanks in advance 


I (we) are writing to protest the continued persecution of student activists and the gross violation of Human Rights in Iran. We continue to witness many student activists brutally persecuted and unjustly imprisoned in Iran.

In particular, this letter is written to express my (our) serious concern about the health and well being of Mr. Soroush Sabet who has been unjustly chareged by a baseless, sham two years sentence. 

I (we) condemn the continuous gross attacks on  student activists in Iran. I (we) demand the immediate and unconditional freedom of Mr. Soroush Sabet and all other jailed students activists and call on the Islamic Republic of Iran to respect the right of  all activists  to organize, assemble and freedom of association and expression.  




Please send your protests letters to:,,;;,,,;;;;;


درود بی پایان بر همه زندانیان سیاسی



یار دَربَندم،  دلم همراه توست

ملک ایران زنده از فریاد توست



چرا ایرانیان از آخوندها متنفر شده اند؟




Utter disgrace

by Reality-Bites on

Young, bright Iranians like Soroush being incarcerated by the brain dead goons of the Islamic Republic. How long before this nightmare comes to an end?


درود بر تمام زندانیان سیاسی


ننگ بر آنانیکه از این زندانیان شجاع برای هدف شخصی خود سؤ استفاده میکنند

Iranians of all walks of life taking a stand for their freedom and just rights.  They are to be commanded and supported by all freedom loving folks.


  Iranians need to stand united in their support for these brave souls, support their goals and aspiration for a  free independent and prospers Iran. 

 Foreign nations which thru their apartheid policy practice the same insanity and unjust detentions cannot be a good example for the future of Iran and need not to apply. 


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Regime change for Soroush's sake

by Fred on

Regime change by Iranians for Iranians is the only way out of the uninterrupted gross violation of human right nightmare during the past 34 years by the Messianic Islamist Rapists, “reformers” and all.

Backbreaking airtight sanctions plus air/naval quarantine is a must.