Another attack

Photos: Bahai cemetery desecrated in Ghaemshahr

by ebi amirhosseini

در حالي که کمتر از يک ماه از تخريب قبرستان بهاييان در اصفهان گذشته است، در بامداد دوم آبان ماه در اقدامي مشابه قبرستان (گلستان جاويد) جامعه بهايي در شهر قائم شهر واقع در استان مازندران تخريب شد. با اين تفاوت که اين بار اين هتک حرمت بي شرمانه تر و وقيح تر از پيش بوده است و قريب 80 درصد از قبرها به وسيله لودر تخريب شده و تنها تعداد محدودي از قبور سالم مانده اند. شواهد حاکي از اين مطلب است که در حدود نيمه شب اين واقعه رخ داده چرا که صبح پنجشنبه هنگامي که تعدادي از بهاييان به قبرستان مراجعه مي کنند با قبرهاي تخريب شده مواجه مي شوند و هنگامي که مراتب را به مسئولين گزارش مي دهند چند تن از مسئولين سپاه و نماينده مجلس شوراي اسلامي شهرستان قائم شهر آقاي "عزت الله اکبري" به محل فوق مراجعه مي کنند و بدون هيچ توجهي محل را ترک نمودند و تا اين لحظه هيچ اقدامي در جهت پيگيري موضوع صورت نپذيرفته است>>>


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more from ebi amirhosseini

Not surprised a bit

by Iva (not verified) on

Moslem doing what moslems are great at ... destruction of everything that doesn't conform to thier evil philosophy.


To: Jamshid

by Reza K. (not verified) on

You released another one, ha?

What ? Where? Time,

What house of worship?
What the ^%$# are you talking about?

Put out or shut up!

Ali P.

Unleash the ignorance!

by Ali P. on

Ignorance is everywhere.

They just get an opportunity to blossom under certain regimes.


Mona 19


by Mona 19 on

آفرین به این افراد دلیر که در تاریکی‌ شب به جنگ "رفتگان" می‌‌روند!!!...و با قطع درختان و زیر و رو کردن آرامگاه اموات شجاعت و بی‌ باکی خود را نشان می‌‌دهند.!!!

خداوند به شما پهلوانان ؛ عقل، انصاف و عرفان عطا کند.

"از سرشک ديده يتيمان ستمديدگان حذر لازم زيرا سيل خيز است و از دود آه مظلومان پرهيز بايد زيرا شررانگيز است"


My hunch

by Dr. Abol Danesh, Teacher (not verified) on

...My hunch is that Bin Laden has found safe heaven amongst Iranian muslim extremist (ahmadinejad ;) and from this safe heaven they are lunching their assault on these cemeteries...either that or the the day of judgement has come to life with the sign of the resurrection of dead that begins first with their break up of their graves in rumbles and thunders...

The final hunch is that the world war III is about to take place right inside the land of Ayrians ...

Thanks everyone a whole bunch for listening to my three hunches...

"Ye sango ke ye deevoneh meendaazeh tah-e chah hazaartaa aaghel meekhad ke az tah-e chah daresh beeyaarreh...taazeh onam maloom neest ke betoonand ya natoonand"


The ugly face of intolerance reminds me of the Pahlavi Regime

by Jamshid Niavarani (not verified) on

During the Pahlavi regime a house of worship of the Bahai faith was destroyed by thugs. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi permitted the destruction of the Bahai house of worship. That is why the Pahlavi dynasty came to an end. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. The evil deed done against the Bahais during the Pahlavi regime led to the end of the monarchy in Iran.



by Hajminator on

These barbarians are not muslims, they are fanatics like KKK, nazis, ... as they exist all around the world. Intolerence is their definition of existence that's nothing surprising. What is surprising is that people don't mind to condemn these acts.

However, I think that it's really a matter of time. With this globalization and the fast move of the planet, this archaic way of thinking can no longer be imposed.


Persecuting the dead...

by alborz on

....leaves me speechless with awe and sadness as to the decrepid state in which the people of this land now find themselves, all in the name of religiousity.

If you do watch this video, listen to the words.  It likens the feebleness of the 'ulama' to that of 'fly'. 


Thanks Ebi Jaan for bringing attention to this new attack, as we occupy ourselves with the prideful thoughts of culture and tradition.


ebi amirhosseini

Majid jaan,

by ebi amirhosseini on

well said!!.



When will this all end... I

by Ali Najafi (not verified) on

When will this all end... I am tired of seeing and hearing all of the evils of the mullahs and the people they inspire... It depresses my spirit...


جاش یه امام زاده جدید بسازید


حالا گیرم که همه قبور بها یی ها رو هم از میون برداشتید، زرتشتی ها، کلیمی ها، مجاهدین، توده یی ها، فدایی ها ...اصلا" همگی‌ رو......قبرستون‌ها رو تبدیل به "قبرستون" کردید،  درخت‌ها رو هم ذبح اسلامی کردید، پرنده‌ها رو هم از اونجا کیش کردید، کرمتون میخوابه؟

 من میگم زمینش رو هم  به یه جا دیگه منتقل کنید، آسمونش رو هم همینطور، اصلا" جاش یه امام زاده جدید بسازید ! منبع درامد نیست که هست، متولی نمیخواد که میخواد، نذورات تولید نمی‌کنه که می‌کنه، اوقاف هم که داره، کرامت هم که از تو آستینتون براش در میارید، سر مردم رو هم که گرم میکنه، چه خدمتی از این بهتر؟ دیگه مرگ میخواین برین کرمون!

فقط یادتون باشه ، چون من این پیشنهاد رو کردم در صد ما محفوظ بمونه !

یه حساب ۱۰۱ به این منظور واز می‌کنم.



The New Iranian National Anthem...

by Saman on

This is where I love for someone to get cute and brag about “our 2500 years of civilization” and the crap written on the walls of UN from “Cyrus the Great”!!! If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck … it’s a freakn’ duck. Iran’s always been a duck … I have not yet heard a joke that’s not offensive towards other Iranian tribes/groups or worse than anything, our neighboring countries. Racist/hateful idiots have always been part of our culture and always will be. You can usually mark them by their “Islamic” views or the fake, cheesy “Ahoora-Mazda, now I’m Zartoshti” garbage they hang around themselves. Iran’s only flipped from one type of extremism to another in the last 2500 years. Every dictator has only paved the way for someone worse to come along and take over by force. That is sad and nothing to be proud of for 2500 years! Accept it and teach your kids to be better. Or better yet, don’t have kids at all.

The link below should be our National Anthem:



When will the INTOLERANCE stops?

by Ali Pournourbakhsh (not verified) on

It is sad and a shame to see this level of hate in my beloved Iran.