From Budapest to Buddhapest

Photo essay: Leaving the cave

by Jahanshah Javid
I have to pack my bags and clean the apartment soon. My flight to Mexico is only a day away. I'm getting together with my daughter and sister's family in Cancun for the holidays. I've taken some yadegari pictures before handing the apartment over to the landlord. This place was very good to me. Cleared my head a lot.

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:)Merry Christmass Boss

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I like the picture #19 since you are good at aiming right & shooting left to make a mess of everything & u dont even clean up afterward, just pack up & leave. Now in the same post-messy tradition how about  ;:)). no worries, i,m just messing with you. 



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Jahanshah truly you've made the world your home, your own!

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India, wow, great journey and Godspeed Mr. J!

PS, love the #19, that's where the most important decisions in life are made ;o))